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Long-beaked echidnas are largely nocturnal and solitary (4). Echindas are sometimes known as spiny anteaters, although the long-beaked echidna feeds mainly on earthworms (3). The tongue has a series of spikes at the front, which are used to 'hook' and reel-in worms and other prey items (4). During the day, individuals seek refuge in burrows, hollow logs and cavities in the ground (4). The long-beaked echidna usually lays one egg into its pouch, which hatches after ten days (4); the infant then remains in the pouch until the spines develop (2). There are no teats; instead milk is lapped from 'milk patches' inside the pouch (2). When threatened, echidnas can erect their spines, and when on soft ground they can burrow down into the substrate so that the spine-free underside is protected. If on a hard surface they roll up into a ball, in a similar way to hedgehogs (2).
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provided by Arkive
Long-beaked echidnas are largely nocturnal and solitary (4). Echindas are sometimes known as spiny anteaters, although the long-beaked echidna feeds mainly on earthworms (3). The tongue has a series of spikes at the front, which are used to 'hook' and reel-in worms and other prey items (4). During the day, individuals seek refuge in burrows, hollow logs and cavities in the ground (4). The long-beaked echidna usually lays one egg into its pouch, which hatches after ten days (4); the infant then remains in the pouch until the spines develop (2). There are no teats; instead milk is lapped from 'milk patches' inside the pouch (2). When threatened, echidnas can erect their spines, and when on soft ground they can burrow down into the substrate so that the spine-free underside is protected. If on a hard surface they roll up into a ball, in a similar way to hedgehogs (2).
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This echidna is fully protected in Irian Jaya; it is protected in Papua New Guinea but not from the traditional forms of hunting which continue there (3). The Australasian Marsupial and Monotreme Specialist Group of the IUCN (World Conservation Union) has recommended that priorities for the conservation of this species should include a public education programme, protection of all known populations and the initiation of research into captive breeding programmes (3). At present, captive individuals are only kept at Taronga Zoo, Sydney and a breeding programme is being attempted (6). The recent reclassification of the genus is particularly important for conservation efforts (6). The fossil evidence suggests that monotremes have changed very little during the last 100 million years (2), and urgent action is needed to protect this ancient and intriguing mammal from extinction.
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provided by Arkive
This echidna is fully protected in Irian Jaya; it is protected in Papua New Guinea but not from the traditional forms of hunting which continue there (3). The Australasian Marsupial and Monotreme Specialist Group of the IUCN (World Conservation Union) has recommended that priorities for the conservation of this species should include a public education programme, protection of all known populations and the initiation of research into captive breeding programmes (3). At present, captive individuals are only kept at Taronga Zoo, Sydney and a breeding programme is being attempted (6). The recent reclassification of the genus is particularly important for conservation efforts (6). The fossil evidence suggests that monotremes have changed very little during the last 100 million years (2), and urgent action is needed to protect this ancient and intriguing mammal from extinction.
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provided by Arkive
Long-beaked echidnas are egg-laying mammals, known as monotremes, a group that also includes the duck-billed platypus and the short-beaked echidna (4). The taxonomy of long-beaked echidnas has been contentious but currently three species are recognised: Zaglossus bruijnii, Z. bartoni (composed of 4 distinct subspecies) and Z. attenboroughi (6). Until recently only one species was acknowledged (Z. bruijnii) and as only small morphological differences distinguish this species from Z. bartoni it is difficult to tell individuals apart. In general, Zaglossus spp. have long, downward curving narrow snouts (2). The small mouth and large nostrils are located at the end of the snout and the tongue is long and agile (2). The limbs are powerful, with strong claws that are important in digging for food (5). Males can be distinguished from females by their larger size and the possession of a horny spur on the ankles of the hind limbs (2). The species within this genus range in size from the largest living monotremes at almost a metre long, to the small Zaglossus attenboroughi (6). There is a wide variety of colour and density of fur even within each species, ranging from black individuals in which the spines are barely noticeable, to sparsely haired paler echidnas (6). In general, Z. bruijnii is distinguished by the possession of three claws on the fore and hindfeet, whereas there are five on the forefeet of Z. bartoni and Z. attenboroughi (6). Z. attenboroughi is much smaller than the other species, possessing a shorter beak and shorter fur (6).
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provided by Arkive
Long-beaked echidnas are egg-laying mammals, known as monotremes, a group that also includes the duck-billed platypus and the short-beaked echidna (4). The taxonomy of long-beaked echidnas has been contentious but currently three species are recognised: Zaglossus bruijnii, Z. bartoni (composed of 4 distinct subspecies) and Z. attenboroughi (6). Until recently only one species was acknowledged (Z. bruijnii) and as only small morphological differences distinguish this species from Z. bartoni it is difficult to tell individuals apart. In general, Zaglossus spp. have long, downward curving narrow snouts (2). The small mouth and large nostrils are located at the end of the snout and the tongue is long and agile (2). The limbs are powerful, with strong claws that are important in digging for food (5). Males can be distinguished from females by their larger size and the possession of a horny spur on the ankles of the hind limbs (2). The species within this genus range in size from the largest living monotremes at almost a metre long, to the small Zaglossus attenboroughi (6). There is a wide variety of colour and density of fur even within each species, ranging from black individuals in which the spines are barely noticeable, to sparsely haired paler echidnas (6). In general, Z. bruijnii is distinguished by the possession of three claws on the fore and hindfeet, whereas there are five on the forefeet of Z. bartoni and Z. attenboroughi (6). Z. attenboroughi is much smaller than the other species, possessing a shorter beak and shorter fur (6).
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Found in a great variety of altitudes, long-beaked echidnas have been recorded in both rainforest and alpine meadows (4).
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Found in a great variety of altitudes, long-beaked echidnas have been recorded in both rainforest and alpine meadows (4).
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Found only in mountainous regions of the island of New Guinea, in both Papua New Guinea in the west and Irian Jaya on the Indonesian side (2). The three species have distinct ranges; Z. bruijnii is found in the far west of New Guinea, Z. attenboroughi is known from a single mountain peak in the Cyclops Mountains, and Z. bartoni is principally found in a swathe along the centre of the island, where each of the 4 subspecies have separate ranges (6).
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provided by Arkive
Found only in mountainous regions of the island of New Guinea, in both Papua New Guinea in the west and Irian Jaya on the Indonesian side (2). The three species have distinct ranges; Z. bruijnii is found in the far west of New Guinea, Z. attenboroughi is known from a single mountain peak in the Cyclops Mountains, and Z. bartoni is principally found in a swathe along the centre of the island, where each of the 4 subspecies have separate ranges (6).
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Classified as Endangered (EN-A1ac) by the IUCN Red List 2002 (1), and listed under Appendix II of CITES (7).
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Classified as Endangered (EN-A1ac) by the IUCN Red List 2002 (1), and listed under Appendix II of CITES (7).
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provided by Arkive
The decline of these echidnas is probably due mainly to hunting, which continues today with trained dogs (3). Other threats include habitat loss through logging, farming and mining (3). It may be that Z. attenboroughi is already extinct as the only known specimen was collected in 1961 and the species is presumed to be restricted to a single mountain summit with only 50km² of habitat (6).
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provided by Arkive
The decline of these echidnas is probably due mainly to hunting, which continues today with trained dogs (3). Other threats include habitat loss through logging, farming and mining (3). It may be that Z. attenboroughi is already extinct as the only known specimen was collected in 1961 and the species is presumed to be restricted to a single mountain summit with only 50km² of habitat (6).
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Zaglossus ( Breton )

provided by wikipedia BR

Zaglossus a zo ur genad e rummatadur ar bronneged. Unan eus an daou c'henad ekidneed eo.

An holl ekidneed eus ar genad-mañ a zo en arvar bras da vont da get.


3 spesad a zo c'hoazh hiziv an deiz:

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Breton )

provided by wikipedia BR

Zaglossus a zo ur genad e rummatadur ar bronneged. Unan eus an daou c'henad ekidneed eo.

An holl ekidneed eus ar genad-mañ a zo en arvar bras da vont da get.

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Equidna de musell llarg ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Els equidnes de musell llarg (Zaglossus) són un dels dos gèneres d'equidnes, monotremes amb espines que viuen a Nova Guinea. Contré tres espècies vivents i dues d'extintes. Els equidnes són un dels dos grups de mamífers que ponen ous.

Les tres espècies d'equidnes de musell llarg són classificades com a «en perill greu» per la UICN.[1][2][3]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Equidna de musell llarg Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C.. Equidna de musell llarg. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el .
  2. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C.. Equidna de musell llarg. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el .
  3. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C.. Equidna de musell llarg. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el .
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Equidna de musell llarg: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Els equidnes de musell llarg (Zaglossus) són un dels dos gèneres d'equidnes, monotremes amb espines que viuen a Nova Guinea. Contré tres espècies vivents i dues d'extintes. Els equidnes són un dels dos grups de mamífers que ponen ous.

Les tres espècies d'equidnes de musell llarg són classificades com a «en perill greu» per la UICN.

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Paježura ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Paježura (Zaglossus) je český rodový název pro skupinu ptakořitných savců, kteří žijí na Nové Guineji. Vzhled je poněkud zavádějící, protože jejich tělo pokrývá řídká a hrubá srst a středně dlouhé a úzké bodláky. Také čenich zabírá dvě třetiny délky hlavy. Tento rod je zvláštní i tím, že se jedná o savce, kteří ale rodí vejce, podobné druhy se proto řadí do speciální podtřídy vejcorodí. Paježury jsou noční zvířata žijící v podzemních norách, která se živí hmyzem.


Stále existující druhy jsou pouze tři, dříve jich bylo celkem pět, ty ale vyhynuly. Ani ty druhy, která stále existují ale nejsou příliš rozšířené, naopak, všechny tři jsou kriticky ohrožené. Populace těchto druhů se snižuje s kácením lesů a zmenšováním pro ně vhodného území. Nejvýznamnějším druhem je zde ježura Bruijnova, která je v současné době největším ptakořitným savcem vůbec. Blízkými příbuznými paježur jsou ježury, které žijí většinou na území Austrálie. Na rozdíl od ježur ale mají paježury méně ostnů a jejich tělo pokrývá hrubá srst.


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Paježura: Brief Summary ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Paježura (Zaglossus) je český rodový název pro skupinu ptakořitných savců, kteří žijí na Nové Guineji. Vzhled je poněkud zavádějící, protože jejich tělo pokrývá řídká a hrubá srst a středně dlouhé a úzké bodláky. Také čenich zabírá dvě třetiny délky hlavy. Tento rod je zvláštní i tím, že se jedná o savce, kteří ale rodí vejce, podobné druhy se proto řadí do speciální podtřídy vejcorodí. Paježury jsou noční zvířata žijící v podzemních norách, která se živí hmyzem.

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Zaglossus ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Zaglossus (de langnæbbede myrepindsvin) er en slægt af myrepindsvin. De langnæbede myrepindsvin findes kun på Ny Guinea. Deres vægt ligger på 5 – 10 kg og den totale længde: 45 – 90 cm.


Slægten har 3 nulevende medlemmer:[1]

Eksterne henvisninger

  1. ^ Zaglossus (Don E. Wilson, DeeAnn M. Reeder: Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2005, ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.)
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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Danish )

provided by wikipedia DA

Zaglossus (de langnæbbede myrepindsvin) er en slægt af myrepindsvin. De langnæbede myrepindsvin findes kun på Ny Guinea. Deres vægt ligger på 5 – 10 kg og den totale længde: 45 – 90 cm.

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Langschnabeligel ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Langschnabeligel, auch Langschnabel-Ameisenigel (Zaglossus), sind eine Gattung eierlegender Säugetiere aus der Familie der Ameisenigel (Tachyglossidae). Über die Anzahl der Arten herrscht Unklarheit, man geht heute meist von drei rezenten Arten aus.


Kurzschnabeligel (Tachyglossus aculeatus)
Barton-Langschnabeligel (Zaglossus bartoni)

Langschnabeligel erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 45 bis 77 Zentimeter und ein Gewicht von 5 bis 16 Kilogramm. Die Schulterhöhe beträgt 40 cm. Teilweise sind die vierte und fünfte Kralle an Vorder- und Hinterfüßen zurückgebildet, ein charakteristisches Merkmal, durch das sich die drei Arten leicht unterscheiden lassen. Im Gegensatz zum Kurzschnabeligel sind ihre Stacheln kürzer, spärlicher vorhanden und teilweise im Fell verborgen. Zudem sind Langschnabeligel hochbeiniger. Auch ist die röhrenförmige Schnauze länger und deutlich nach unten gebogen; sie verfügt über einen exzellent ausgebildeten Geruchssinn. Die Ohrmuscheln sind klein. Das Fell ist braun oder schwarz.

Verbreitung und Lebensweise

Langschnabeligel sind auf Neuguinea endemisch, wo sie vor allem Waldgebiete bewohnen, aber auch in Hochgebirgslagen bis 4000 Meter Seehöhe vorkommen können. Diese Tiere sind dämmerungs- oder nachtaktiv und leben außerhalb der Paarungszeit einzelgängerisch. Ihre Nahrung besteht in erster Linie aus Regenwürmern, die sie mit ihrer langen, klebrigen Zunge aufnehmen, wobei ihnen kleine Widerhaken an der Zunge helfen. Etwa einen Monat nach der Paarung wird ein 17 mm großes Ei in den Brutbeutel gelegt. Circa eine Woche später schlüpft das Jungtier und bleibt ungefähr zehn Tage im Beutel. Nach weiteren zehn Tagen verlässt das Junge den Beutel und befindet sich die nächsten Wochen über in einem Nest; die Mutter sorgt während dieser Zeit weiterhin für ihren Nachwuchs. Das höchste je erreichte Alter eines Langschnabeligels in Gefangenschaft betrug 31 Jahre, für die freie Wildbahn liegen keine Zahlen vor.


Durch Waldrodungen wird ihr Lebensraum immer weiter eingeschränkt. Hinzu kommt, dass das Fleisch der Langschnabeligel als Delikatesse gilt. Speziell trainierte Hunde jagen die Tiere und bringen sie zur Strecke. Die International Union for Conservation of Nature listet sie als bedroht (endangered).


Die Langschnabeligel bilden zusammen mit dem in Australien lebenden Kurzschnabeligel die Familie der Ameisenigel. Über die Anzahl der Arten der Langschnabeligel herrscht Unklarheit. Früher ging man von mehreren Arten aus, später fasste man alle zu einer Art, dem Langschnabeligel (Zaglossus bruijni) zusammen. Heute werden drei rezente und eine nur fossil bekannte Art unterschieden:

Für detaillierte Informationen siehe Ameisenigel.


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 6. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1999, ISBN 0801857899
  • Tim F. Flannery und Colin P. Groves: A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia 62 (3): 367–396, 1998, Online-Version (Memento vom 15. Mai 2013 im Internet Archive) (PDF, engl.; 1,8 MB)


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Langschnabeligel: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Langschnabeligel, auch Langschnabel-Ameisenigel (Zaglossus), sind eine Gattung eierlegender Säugetiere aus der Familie der Ameisenigel (Tachyglossidae). Über die Anzahl der Arten herrscht Unklarheit, man geht heute meist von drei rezenten Arten aus.

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Long-beaked echidna

provided by wikipedia EN

The long-beaked echidnas (genus Zaglossus) make up one of the two extant genera of echidnas, spiny monotremes that live in New Guinea; the other being the short-beaked echidna. There are three living species and one extinct species in this genus. The extinct species were present in Australia. Echidnas are one of the two types of mammals that lay eggs, the other being the platypus. The echidnas retain reptilian features such as egg-laying but display mammalian features such as fur and lactation.[2]

The Eastern species is listed as vulnerable, while Sir David's and western long-beaked echidna species are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.[3][4][5]


Zaglossus attenboroughi

Zaglossus bartoni

Zaglossus bruijni

Zaglossus robustus

  • Habitat: New South Wales
  • Time: Miocene
  • Fossil
  • This species is known from a fossil skull about 65 cm long.
  • It had many spikes along its back to protect it from its predators and used them as a weapon.

General information

The long-beaked echidna is larger than the short-beaked and has fewer, shorter spines scattered among its coarse hairs. The snout is two-thirds of the head length and curves slightly downward. There are five digits on both hind and forefeet, but on the former, only the three middle toes are equipped with claws. Males have a spur on each of the hind legs. This echidna is primarily a nocturnal animal that forages for its insect food on the forest floor. The animals are not usually found foraging in the daylight. The long-beaked echidna lives in dens and they are commonly found to be in burrows.[6] The breeding female has a temporary abdominal brood patch, in which her egg is incubated and in which the newborn young remains in safety, feeding and developing. Since they reproduce by laying eggs and are incubated outside of the mother’s body it is accompanied by the prototherian lactation process show that they are early mammals. The long-beaked echidna has a short weaning period. During this time milk is their only source of nutrition and protection for the hatchlings; they are altricial and immunologically naive.[7] Like the other species of echidna, long-beaked echidnas have vestigial spurs on their hind legs. These spurs are part of a repressed venom system. Male spurs are nonfunctional and females usually lose their spurs as they age.[8] Little is known about the life of this rarely seen animal, but it is believed to have habits similar to those of the short-beaked echidna; unlike them, however, the long-beaked echidnas feed primarily on earthworms rather than ants. The population of echidnas in New Guinea is declining because of forest clearing and overhunting, and the animal is much in need of protection.

In a study published in 2015 it has been shown that Zaglossus spp. in captivity exhibited "handedness" when performing certain behaviors related to foraging, locomotion, and male-female interactions. The results of this study suggest that handedness in mammals is a basal trait rather than one derived several times in extant mammals.[9]

Evolutionary history

The long-beaked echidna's posture is similar to a lizard with its limbs in a sprawling stance. Although the stances are similar, the way the limbs move are very different. The echidna has a 45 degree swing while a lizards is more horizontal. They also walk with two legs on one side of the body moving together. [10]

See also


  1. ^ Groves, C.P. (2005). "Order Monotremata". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 1–2. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Werneburg, I.; Sánchez-Villagra, M. R. (January 2011). "The early development of the echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Mammalia: Monotremata), and patterns of mammalian development". Acta Zoologica. 92: 75–88. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6395.2009.00447.x.
  3. ^ a b Leary, T.; Seri, L.; Flannery, T.; Wright, D.; Hamilton, S.; Helgen, K.; Singadan, R.; Menzies, J.; Allison, A.; James, R.; Aplin, K.; Salas, L.; Dickman, C. (2016). "Zaglossus attenboroughi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T136322A21964353. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T136322A21964353.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered.
  4. ^ a b Leary, T.; Seri, L.; Flannery, T.; Wright, D.; Hamilton, S.; Helgen, K.; Singadan, R.; Menzies, J.; Allison, A.; James, R.; Aplin, K.; Salas, L.; Dickman, C. (2016). "Zaglossus bartoni". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T136552A21964496. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T136552A21964496.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered.
  5. ^ a b Leary, T.; Seri, L.; Flannery, T.; Wright, D.; Hamilton, S.; Helgen, K.; Singadan, R.; Menzies, J.; Allison, A.; James, R.; Aplin, K.; Salas, L.; Dickman, C. (2016). "Zaglossus bruijnii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T23179A21964204. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T23179A21964204.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered
  6. ^ Opiang, M. D. (April 2009). "Home ranges, movement, and den use in long-beaked echidnas, Zaglossus bartoni, from Papua New Guinea". Journal of Mammalogy. 90 (2): 340–346. doi:10.1644/08-MAMM-A-108.1.
  7. ^ Bisana, S.; Kumar, S.; Rismiller, P.; Nicol, S. C.; Lefèvre, C.; Nicholas, K. R.; Sharp, J. A. (2013-01-09). "Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel Monotreme- Specific Antibacterial Protein Expressed during Lactation". PLOS ONE. 8 (1): e53686. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...853686B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053686. PMC 3541144. PMID 23326486.
  8. ^ Whittington, Camilla; Belov, Katherine; Whittington, Camilla M.; Belov, Katherine (2014). "Tracing Monotreme Venom Evolution in the Genomics Era". Toxins. 6 (4): 1260–1273. doi:10.3390/toxins6041260. PMC 4014732. PMID 24699339.
  9. ^ Giljov, Andrey (30 October 2015). "First record of limb preferences in monotremes (Zaglossus spp.)". Australian Journal of Zoology. 63 (5): 320–323. doi:10.1071/ZO15043. S2CID 85780231.
  10. ^ Gambaryan, P. P.; Kuznetsov, A. N. (2013). "An evolutionary perspective on the walking gait of the long-beaked echidna". Journal of Zoology. 290 (1): 58–67. doi:10.1111/jzo.12014. ISSN 1469-7998.

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Long-beaked echidna: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

The long-beaked echidnas (genus Zaglossus) make up one of the two extant genera of echidnas, spiny monotremes that live in New Guinea; the other being the short-beaked echidna. There are three living species and one extinct species in this genus. The extinct species were present in Australia. Echidnas are one of the two types of mammals that lay eggs, the other being the platypus. The echidnas retain reptilian features such as egg-laying but display mammalian features such as fur and lactation.

The Eastern species is listed as vulnerable, while Sir David's and western long-beaked echidna species are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.

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Zaglossus ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Zaglossus es un géneros de mamíferos monotremas de la familia Tachyglossidae, conocidos vulgarmente como zaglosos o equidnas de hocico largo. Habitan en Nueva Guinea. Hay tres especies vivientes, y cuatro extintas, aunque la filiación de algunas de ellas no está demasiado concreta. Estos equidnas son de mayor tamaño que sus parientes los equidnas comunes, llegando hasta los 80 centímetros. Posee más pelo y menos espinas que sus parientes. Estos animales caminan bamboleándose por la vegetación en busca de termitas, hormigas y lombrices.


Las tres especies vivas de zaglosos habitan en la isla de Nueva Guinea, aunque los restos fósiles incluidos en el género proceden en su totalidad de Australia.


Véase también


  • Brands, S.J. (comp.) 1989-2005. Systema Naturae 2000. The Taxonomicon. Universal Taxonomic Services, Ámsterdam, Holanda.
  • Flannery, T.F. y Groves, C.P. 1998 A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia, 62(3): 367-396
  • Grzimek, B., Schlager, N. y Olendorf, D. (2003), Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, Thomson Gale. Detroit.
  • IUCN (2007). Red List of Threatened Species.
  • McKenna, M.C., y Bell, S.K. (1997), Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level., Columbia University Press, New York. 0-231-11013-8.

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Zaglossus es un géneros de mamíferos monotremas de la familia Tachyglossidae, conocidos vulgarmente como zaglosos o equidnas de hocico largo. Habitan en Nueva Guinea. Hay tres especies vivientes, y cuatro extintas, aunque la filiación de algunas de ellas no está demasiado concreta. Estos equidnas son de mayor tamaño que sus parientes los equidnas comunes, llegando hasta los 80 centímetros. Posee más pelo y menos espinas que sus parientes. Estos animales caminan bamboleándose por la vegetación en busca de termitas, hormigas y lombrices.

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Zaglossus ( Basque )

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Zaglossus ekidnen familian geratzen diren bi generoetako bat da. Australian iraungitako espezieak zituen eta, egun geratzen direnak, Ginea Berrian bizi dira.


Egun, hiru espezie besterik ez ditu:[1]


  1. Wilson, D. E., & D. M. Reeder (eds) (2005) Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3. argitaraldia) Johns Hopkins University Press.

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Zaglossus ekidnen familian geratzen diren bi generoetako bat da. Australian iraungitako espezieak zituen eta, egun geratzen direnak, Ginea Berrian bizi dira.

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Zaglossus ( French )

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Le genre Zaglossus regroupe les échidnés à bec courbe[1].


Il comporte trois espèces actuelles[2] d'échidnés :

Le site Mikko's Phylogeny Archive[3], cite d'autres espèces du genre Zaglossus.


Le régime alimentaire des Zaglossus se compose presque exclusivement de vers de terre, mais ils peuvent également se nourrir de termites, d’autres larves d’insectes et de fourmis.

Notes et références

  1. Annexes au Journal officiel des Communautés européennes du 18 décembre 2000. Lire en ligne.
  2. Wilson, D. E., and D. M. Reeder (eds). 2005. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed). Johns Hopkins University Press
  3. Prototheria, sur Mikko's Phylogeny Archive

Voir aussi

Références taxonomiques

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( French )

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Le genre Zaglossus regroupe les échidnés à bec courbe.

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Equidna de fociño longo ( Galician )

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O Equidna de fociño longo é un dos dous xéneros (xénero Zaglossus) de equidnas, monotremas espiñosos que viven en Nova Guinea. O equidna de fociño longo tamén habita en Australia.[1] Hai tres especie existentes e dúas extintas neste xénero. O equidna é un dos dous tipos de mamíferos que poñen ovos, sendo o outro o ornitorrinco. Os equidnas son os sobreviventes dos mamíferos máis antigos e foron uns dos primeiros en amosar sinais de evolución.[2] O equidna de fociño longo aparece na lista de especies ameazadas pola World Conservation Union.[3]


Zaglossus attenboroughi

  • Hábitat: rexións de Nova Guinea a grande altura, como os bosques de montaña
  • Era: Actualidade
  • Perigo crítico[4]

Zaglossus bartoni

  • Hábitat: Cordilleira central entre os Lagos Paniai e o Nanneau Range, así como na Península Huon
  • Era: Acutalidade
  • Perigo crítico[5]

Zaglossus bruijni

  • Hábitat: Selvas de montaña de Nova Guinea
  • Era: Actualidade
  • Perigo crítico[6]

Zaglossus hacketti

Artigo principal: Zaglossus hacketti.
  • Hábitat: Australia Occidental
  • Era: Plistoceno superior
  • Fósil
  • Esta especies é coñecida só por resto óseos. Dun metro de lonxitude, era enorme en comparación cos equidnas ou monotremas actuais.

Zaglossus robustus

Artigo principal: Zaglossus robustus.
  • Hábitat: Tasmania
  • Era: Plistoceno
  • Fósil
  • Esta especie é coñecida por unha caveira fósil de 65 cm de longo.
  • Tiña moitas puntas ó longo das costas para protexerse de depredadores e máis usábano como arma.


  1. Bisana S, Kumar S, Rismiller P, Nicol SC, Lefe`vre C, et al. (2013) Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel Monotreme- Specific Antibacterial Protein Expressed during Lactation. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53686. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053686
  2. Werneburg, Ingmar, and Marcelo R. Sanchez-Villagra. "The Early Development of the Echidna, Tachyglossus." Acta Zoologica 92 (2011.): 75-88. EBSCOhost. Web. Apr.-May 2013.
  3. Oplang, Muse D. "HOME RANGES, MOVEMENT, AND DEN USE IN LONG-BEAKED ECHIDNAS, ZAGLOSSUS BARTONI, FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Full Text Available." Journal Of Mammology 90 (2009): 340-46. EBSCOhost. Web. 18 Apr. 2013
  4. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C. (2008). "Zaglossus attenboroughi". Lista Vermella da IUCN de Especies en Perigo (en inglés). IUCN 2008. Consultado o 28 de r 2008. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered.
  5. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C. (2008). "Zaglossus bartoni". Lista Vermella da IUCN de Especies en Perigo (en inglés). IUCN 2008. Consultado o 28 December 2008. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered.
  6. Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C. (2008). "Zaglossus bruijnii". Lista Vermella da IUCN de Especies en Perigo (en inglés). IUCN 2008. Consultado o 28 December 2008. Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered
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Equidna de fociño longo: Brief Summary ( Galician )

provided by wikipedia gl Galician

O Equidna de fociño longo é un dos dous xéneros (xénero Zaglossus) de equidnas, monotremas espiñosos que viven en Nova Guinea. O equidna de fociño longo tamén habita en Australia. Hai tres especie existentes e dúas extintas neste xénero. O equidna é un dos dous tipos de mamíferos que poñen ovos, sendo o outro o ornitorrinco. Os equidnas son os sobreviventes dos mamíferos máis antigos e foron uns dos primeiros en amosar sinais de evolución. O equidna de fociño longo aparece na lista de especies ameazadas pola World Conservation Union.

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Ekidna moncong panjang ( Indonesian )

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Ekidna moncong panjang adalah salah satu dari dua genera (genus Zaglossus) ekidna, monotremata berduri yang tinggal di Pulau Irian. Ada tiga spesies yang masih hidup dan dua spesies sudah punah.


Zaglossus attenboroughi

  • Habitat: wilayah Papua pada elevasi yang lebih tinggi daripada hutan dataran tinggi.
  • Era: sekarang
  • Status: terancam punah

Lihat Ekidna moncong panjang Sir David

Zaglossus bartoni

  • Habitat: wilayah pegunungan tinggi (cordillera) di antara Danau Paniai dan Pegunungan Nanneau, juga Huon Peninsula.
  • Era: sekarang
  • Status: terancam punah

Lihat Ekidna moncong panjang timur

Zaglossus bruijni

  • Habitat: hutan tanah tinggi di Papua
  • Era: sekarang
  • Status: terancam punah

Lihat Ekidna moncong panjang barat

Zaglossus hacketti

  • Habitat: Australia Barat
  • Era: Upper Pleistocene
  • Status: fosil
  • Catatan: Spesies ini hanya dikenal melalui beberapa tulang. Untuk ukuran echidna, spesies ini sungguh besar tetapi umum untuk ukuran monotremata.

Zaglossus robustus

  • Habitat: Tasmania
  • Era: Pleistocene
  • Status: fosil.
  • Catatan: Spesies ini hanya dikenal melalui sebuah fosil tengkorak sepanjang 65 cm.


  1. ^ Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., ed. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (edisi ke-3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. hlm. 1–2. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Leary, T., Seri, L., Flannery, T., Wright, D., Hamilton, S., Helgen, K., Singadan, R., Menzies, J., Allison, A., James, R., Aplin, K., Salas, L. & Dickman, C. (2008). "Zaglossus attenboroughi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal 28 December 2008.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link) Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as critically endangered
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Ekidna moncong panjang: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Ekidna moncong panjang adalah salah satu dari dua genera (genus Zaglossus) ekidna, monotremata berduri yang tinggal di Pulau Irian. Ada tiga spesies yang masih hidup dan dua spesies sudah punah.

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Zaglossus ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Zaglossus Gill, 1877 è un genere di mammiferi monotremi appartenente alla famiglia dei Tachiglossidi, endemico della Nuova Guinea. Le specie del genere sono anche conosciute con i nomi comuni di "Echidna dal becco lungo", "Echidna dal becco ricurvo" o "Zaoglosso".


La lunghezza è compresa tra 55 e 77 cm, il peso tra 5 e 16 kg. I maschi sono più grandi delle femmine. Il becco rappresenta i due terzi dell'intera lunghezza della testa. Le zampe sono muscolose e gli arti hanno 5 dita, di cui però solo 3, site negli arti anteriori, sono dotate di unghie adatte allo scavo. I maschi sono inoltre dotati di uno sperone su ciascun tallone.

Distribuzione e habitat

Le tre specie del genere sono diffuse in Nuova Guinea.

Vivono in un range di habitat forestali, dal livello del mare fino a 2.500 metri s.l.m..


Si sa molto poco dei costumi riproduttivi di queste specie. La femmina depone da una a tre uova nella tasca cutanea ventrale (cosiddetto incubatorio), che si sviluppa al momento della riproduzione.


Comprende tre specie viventi e due estinte:


  • Augee, M and Gooden, B. Echidnas of Australia and New Guinea. Australian National History Press 1993. ISBN 978-0-86840-046-4
  • Flannery, T.F. and Groves, C.P. A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia, 1998; 62(3): 367-396

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Zaglossus Gill, 1877 è un genere di mammiferi monotremi appartenente alla famiglia dei Tachiglossidi, endemico della Nuova Guinea. Le specie del genere sono anche conosciute con i nomi comuni di "Echidna dal becco lungo", "Echidna dal becco ricurvo" o "Zaoglosso".

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Zaglossus ( Latin )

provided by wikipedia LA
Taxinomia et Latinitas huius stipulae dubiae sunt
Taxinomiam e fontibus fidelibus verifica, in textum seu capsam converte, citationes adde si potes.

Zaglossus (nomen a Gill anno 1877 factum; Anglice: long-nosed echidna) est genus Monotremata Australiana.




  • Nowak, R.M. 1991. Vol. I. Walker's Mammals of the World, Fifth Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London: vii-xlv, 1-642, xlix-lxiii.
  • Corbet, G.B. & Hill, J.E. 1991. A World List of Mammalian Species, Third edition. Natural History Museum Publications & Oxford University Press, London and Oxford.: v-viii, 1-243.
  • McKenna, M.C. & Bell, S.K. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York.: i-xii, 1-631.
  • Storer, T.I., Usinger, R.L., Stebbins, R.C. & Nybakken, J.W. 1979. General Zoology, Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.: i-ix, 1-902.
  • DeBlase, A.F. 1982. Mammalia. In Parker, S.P., Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms, vol. 2. McGraw-Hill, New York: 1015-1061.
  • Groves, C.P. 1993. Order Monotremata. In Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.) Mammal Species of the World, Second Edition. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London.: 13.
  • Groves, C.P. 2005. Order Monotremata. In Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.) Mammal Species of the World, Third Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.: 1-2.

Nexus externi

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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Taxinomia Taxinomia et Latinitas huius stipulae dubiae sunt
Taxinomiam e fontibus fidelibus verifica, in textum seu capsam converte, citationes adde si potes.  src= Zaglossus bruijni

Zaglossus (nomen a Gill anno 1877 factum; Anglice: long-nosed echidna) est genus Monotremata Australiana.

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Vachtegels ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De vachtegels (Zaglossus) vormen een geslacht van mierenegels. Er zijn drie nog levende soorten, die alleen op Nieuw-Guinea voorkomen. Fossiele resten van vachtegels uit het Pleistoceen zijn gevonden in Australië en Tasmanië. Samen met de gewone mierenegel (Tachyglossus aculeatus) en het vogelbekdier vormen zij de enige eierleggende zoogdieren.


Vachtegels hebben minder en kortere stekels dan de mierenegel en een dikkere, ruwe vacht. De stekels liggen meestal verborgen in de vacht, behalve op de flanken. De poten zijn langer, met kleinere graafklauwen. Zowel de voor- als de achterpoten hebben vijf tenen. Bij de achterpoten hebben enkel de middelste drie tenen klauwen.

De bek is zeer lang (het beslaat twee derde van de totale lengte van de kop) en is licht naar beneden gebogen. Deze bek bevat een lange, kleverige tong. In een groeve aan de bovenzijde van de tong ligt een veld met hoornige stekels. Dit veld loopt van de punt tot ongeveer op een derde van de tong en dient om regenwormen te vangen. Deze worden vervolgens fijngemalen tegen het verhemelte, dat eveneens met hoornige stekels is bedekt. Mannetjesvachtegels hebben een spoor op de enkels.

Vachtegels zijn over het algemeen groter dan de mierenegel, tot 90 centimeter lang en 17 kilogram zwaar. Zaglossus attenboroughi is echter vrij klein, net zo groot als een kleine mierenegel.


Verspreidingsgebied van de vachtegels. Rood = Z. bruijni, blauw = Z. bartoni, geel = Z. attenboroughi

Vachtegels leven enkel in de bergregenwouden van Nieuw-Guinea en Salawati, tot op 4150 meter hoogte. Ze komen mogelijk ook voor op de eilanden Waigeo en Supiori. Vroeger kwamen ze ook in de laaglanden voor, maar hier zijn zij inmiddels uitgestorven. De vachtegels behoren tot de grootste landdieren van Nieuw-Guinea.

Fossiele soorten zijn bekend uit Australië en Tasmanië. Sommige van deze soorten waren vrij groot, tot de grootte van een schaap. De grotere vachtegels zijn waarschijnlijk door klimaatveranderingen in Australië uitgestorven.

In 2012 werd vastgesteld dat een in 1901 in Kimberley, West-Australië gedode mierenegel een gewone vachtegel (Zaglossus bruijni) was, een aanwijzing dat de soort nog tot het begin van de twintigste eeuw in Australië voorkwam.[1] Dit exemplaar is tegenwoordig onderdeel van de collectie van het Natural History Museum te Londen. Expedities moeten uitwijzen of de soort hier nog steeds voorkomt.


De vachtegels leven voornamelijk van wormen. De wormen worden met de kop of de staart eerst opgegeten. Indien nodig houdt hij de wormen met zijn voorpoten vast, terwijl hij zijn bek goed positioneert. Soms voedt hij zich met andere ongewervelden die hij op de bosbodem vindt.

Het zijn nachtdieren, die zich overdag schuilhouden in een hol. Net als andere cloacadieren leggen vachtegels eieren. De een of meer eieren dragen zij bij zich in een tijdelijke buidel aan het achterlijf. Na het uitkomen van de eieren blijven de jongen in de buidel. De melkvelden bevinden zich eveneens in de buidel. De levensverwachting voor wilde dieren is niet bekend. In gevangenschap kunnen ze tot 30 jaar oud worden.


Er zijn drie nog levende soorten en verscheidene uitgestorven soorten. De oudst bekende fossiele soorten stammen uit het Mioceen van Australië en Tasmanië.

Relatie met de mens

Rotstekening in Arnhemland. Vachtegels zijn inmiddels uitgestorven in Australië.

Vachtegels behoren tot de grotere landdieren van Nieuw-Guinea. Zij zijn een belangrijk voedseldier voor de inheemse bevolking van Nieuw-Guinea. De dieren worden dan ook gericht bejaagd voor het vlees. Alle drie de soorten worden tegenwoordig ernstig bedreigd door de intensieve jacht en de boskap.

De Papoea's kennen verscheidene verhalen over de vachtegels. Een stam in het Arfakgebergte geloofde dat de vachtegel ontstond toen hij uit het ei van een paradijsvogel kwam en op de grond viel. Volgens de Etoro van de Southern Highlands veranderen oude boomkangoeroes in vachtegels als zij uit bomen afdalen. De staart van de boomkangoeroe verandert dan in de snuit van de vachtegel. De eerste Australische Aboriginals waren mogelijk ook bekend met de vachtegels. In Arnhemland zijn rotstekeningen gevonden van aboriginals, die dieren tonen die grote gelijkenis hebben met vachtegels.

Zaglossus attenboroughi is de laatst ontdekte soort. In 1998 werd het dier beschreven. Z. attenboroughi is slechts bekend van één exemplaar, dat in 1961 was gedood in het Cyclops-gebergte in het noorden van Nieuw-Guinea. Op het moment van beschrijven lag het al 37 jaar in de collectie van Naturalis opgeborgen. De soort is vernoemd naar de Britse natuurdocumentairemaker Sir David Attenborough. Sinds het ene exemplaar uit 1961 is het niet meer door wetenschappers waargenomen, maar bij een expeditie in 2007 werden sporen gevonden die mogelijk tot deze soort behoorden.


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Vachtegels: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De vachtegels (Zaglossus) vormen een geslacht van mierenegels. Er zijn drie nog levende soorten, die alleen op Nieuw-Guinea voorkomen. Fossiele resten van vachtegels uit het Pleistoceen zijn gevonden in Australië en Tasmanië. Samen met de gewone mierenegel (Tachyglossus aculeatus) en het vogelbekdier vormen zij de enige eierleggende zoogdieren.

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Prakolczatka ( Polish )

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Prakolczatka[7] (Zaglossus) – rodzaj ssaka z podrodziny kolczatkowatych (Tachyglossidae).


Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące na Nowej Gwinei[8].


Długość ciała 30–63,7 cm; masa ciała 4,2–9 kg[8].



  • Zaglossus: gr. ζα- za- „bardzo”; γλωσσα glōssa „język”[9].
  • Acanthoglossus: gr. ακανθα akantha „kolec”; γλωσσα glōssa „język”[10]. Gatunek typowy: Tachyglossus bruijni Peters & Doria, 1876.
  • Proechidna: gr. προ pro „przed”; rodzaj Echidna G. Cuvier, 1797 (kolczatka)[11]. Nowa nazwa dla Acanthoglossus Gervais, 1877.
  • Bruynia: kpt. Antonie Augustus Bruijn (1842–1890), holenderski marynarz, przyrodnik, przedsiębiorca na Molukach, zajmujący się handlem piórami z Nowej Gwinei[12]. Nowa nazwa dla Acanthoglossus Gervais, 1877.
  • Prozaglossus: gr. προ pro „przed”; rodzaj Zaglossus Gill, 1877[6]. Gatunek typowy: Tachyglossus bruijni Peters & Doria, 1876.

Podział systematyczny

Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[7][13][8]:


  1. Zaglossus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. T.N. Gill. Vertebrate Zoology. „Annual record of science and industry”. 1876, s. clxxi, 1877 (ang.).
  3. P. Gervais. Anatomie Comparée. — L’Échidné de la Nouvelle-Guinée. „Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences”. 85, s. 838, 1877 (fr.).
  4. P. Gervais: Ostéographie des monotrèmes vivants et fossiles comprenant la description et l’iconographie du squelette et du système dentaire de ces animaux ainsi que des documents relatifs à leur histoire naturelle. Paris: A. Bertrand, 1884, s. 43. (fr.)
  5. A.J.C. Dubois. Remarques sur L’Acanthoglossus bruynii. „Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France”. 6, s. 267, 1881 (fr.).
  6. a b C. Kerbert. Über Zaglossus. „Zoologischer Anzeiger”. 42, s. 167, 1913 (niem.).
  7. a b W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński & W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 1. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9. (pol.ang.)
  8. a b c S. Nicol: Family Tachyglossidae (Echidnas). W: D.E. Wilson & R.A. Mittermeier: Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Cz. 5: Monotremes and Marsupials. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2015, s. 55. ISBN 978-84-96553-99-6. (ang.)
  9. Palmer 1904 ↓, s. 713.
  10. Palmer 1904 ↓, s. 72.
  11. Palmer 1904 ↓, s. 569.
  12. Palmer 1904 ↓, s. 146.
  13. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Zaglossus. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2015-06-20]


  1. T.S. Palmer. Index Generum Mammalium: a List of the Genera and Families of Mammals. „North American Fauna”. 23, s. 1–984, 1904 (ang.).
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Prakolczatka: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Prakolczatka (Zaglossus) – rodzaj ssaka z podrodziny kolczatkowatych (Tachyglossidae).

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Zaglossus ( Portuguese )

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Zaglossus, conhecido popularmente como equidnas-de-bico-longo, ou zaglossos, é um gênero animal da família Tachyglossidae endêmico das ilhas de Nova Guiné e Salawati. Existe um registro fóssil na Austrália, do Pleistoceno Superior, referente à espécie Zaglossus hacketti. Recentemente, taxonomistas elevaram o táxon Megalibgwilia a gênero próprio.



a. ^ - Espécie que pode não ser válida, apenas um registro na Tasmânia do Pleistoceno Superior. Possível sinônimo de Megalibgwilia ramsayi.


  • GROVES, C. P. Order Monotremata. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 1-2.
  • FLANNERY, T. F.; GROVES, C. P. (1998). A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia 62 (3): 367-396.
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Zaglossus: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Zaglossus, conhecido popularmente como equidnas-de-bico-longo, ou zaglossos, é um gênero animal da família Tachyglossidae endêmico das ilhas de Nova Guiné e Salawati. Existe um registro fóssil na Austrália, do Pleistoceno Superior, referente à espécie Zaglossus hacketti. Recentemente, taxonomistas elevaram o táxon Megalibgwilia a gênero próprio.

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Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin (Zaglossus) är ett släkte i familjen myrpiggsvin med tre eller fler arter.


Dessa myrpiggsvin når en kroppslängd mellan 45 och 70 centimeter och en vikt mellan 5 och 16 kilogram. I motsats till arten kortnäbbat myrpiggsvin är taggarna kortare, glesare och mera gömd i pälsen. Den rörformiga nosen är tydlig längre och mera nedåtböjd än hos kortnäbbat myrpiggsvin. Pälsens färg är brun eller svart.

Utbredning och levnadssätt

Arterna i släktet är endemiskaNya Guinea där de främst lever i skogar. De finns även i bergsregioner upp till 4 000 meter över havet. Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin är aktiva i gryningen och på natten. Utanför parningstiden lever varje individ ensam. Födan utgörs främst av daggmaskar. De äter maskarna med hjälp av sin klibbiga tunga som även har små hullingar. Det är nästan ingenting känt om arternas sätt att fortplanta sig. Det antas att de har samma parningsbeteende som kortnäbbat myrpiggsvin.


Deras utbredningsområde minskar allt mer på grund av skogsskövling. Dessutom jagas de för köttets skull som betraktas som välsmakande. Under jakten används speciella hundar som är tränade för att döda myrpiggsvin. IUCN listar alla arter som starkt hotade eller akut hotade.


Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin och kortnäbbat myrpiggsvin bildar tillsammans familjen myrpiggsvin som i sin tur tillhör ordningen kloakdjur. Antalet arter i släktet är omstritt. Tidigare räknades ett flertal arter. Sedan sammanfattades alla populationer i arten Zaglossus bruijni. Idag skiljs vanligen mellan tre recenta (levande) arter och två utdöda arter.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 23 augusti 2008.
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 6. Auflage. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1999, ISBN 0801857899
  • Tim F. Flannery und Colin P. Groves: A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia 62 (3): 367-396, 1998 (online-version PDF, engelska)
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Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Långnäbbiga myrpiggsvin (Zaglossus) är ett släkte i familjen myrpiggsvin med tre eller fler arter.

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Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyen ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyen (Zaglossus) dikenli karıncayiyengiller (Tachyglossidae) familyasına ait bir tek delikli cinsi. Cinse ait türlerin sayısı hakkında bilimciler bir fikir değildir. Çoğu bilimciler cinse 3 tür ait olduğunu kabul eder.

Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyenler sırf Yeni Gine de bulunan bir endemik cinsdir. Yeni gine'nin ormanlık bölgelerinde ve bazen 4000 metre yükseklerde bulunan ormalara kadar yaygındır.


Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyenler 45–77 cm uzunluğa ve 5-16 kilo ağırlığa ulaşabilirler. Dikenleri kısa gagalı dikenli karıncayiyen de olduğundan daha kısa ve daha azdır. Bazı türlerde dikenler tüylerden bile kısadır ve tüylerin arasında zor görünür. Ağızlarının yapısı gagayı andirir ve boru şeklindedir. Kahverengi veya siyah renk olurlar.

Akşam ve gece saatlerinde ava çıkarlar. Çiftlesme zamanının dışında yalnız yaşarlar. Neredeyse sırf solucan ile beslenirler. Çiftleşme yöntemleri hakkında pek bilgi mevcut değildir. Çiftleşmeleri kısa gagalı dikenli karıncayiyenlerin çiftleşmesi ile aynı olduğu tahmin edilir.

Ormanların yakılması ve lezzetli eti yüzünden avlandıkları için sayıları azalmıştır. Sırf bu hayvanları avlamak için özel eğitilmiş av köpekleri vardır. International Union for Conservation of Nature bu hayvanları soyu tükenme tehlikesi altında olanların listesine koymuştur.


Bu cinse ait olan türlerin sayısı hakkında bilimciler bir fikir değildir. Eskiden birçok türleri olduğu kabul edilmiş ama sonradan sırf Zaglossus bruijni adlı tek bir türün varolduğu kabul edilmiştir.

Daha eski çağlarda batı Avustralya'da da türleri varolmuşdur. Örneğin uzunluğu 1 metreye kadar varmış olan Z. hacketti 15.000 yıl önce batı Avustralya'da yaşamıştır.

Daha ayrıntılı bilgiler için Dikenli karıncayiyengiller maddesine bakınız.

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Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyen: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR

Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyen (Zaglossus) dikenli karıncayiyengiller (Tachyglossidae) familyasına ait bir tek delikli cinsi. Cinse ait türlerin sayısı hakkında bilimciler bir fikir değildir. Çoğu bilimciler cinse 3 tür ait olduğunu kabul eder.

Uzun gagalı dikenli karıncayiyenler sırf Yeni Gine de bulunan bir endemik cinsdir. Yeni gine'nin ormanlık bölgelerinde ve bazen 4000 metre yükseklerde bulunan ormalara kadar yaygındır.

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Проєхидна ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK


Морфометрія. Довжина голови й тіла: 450—775 мм, зовнішній хвіст ледь вгадується, вага: 5—10 кг, окремі екземпляри до 16 кг.

Опис. Волосся коричнювате чи чорне, але приховане на спині голками, низ тіла зазвичай без голок. Голки можуть мати колір від білого й світло-сірого до чорного. Голова має блідіше забарвлення ніж тулуб. Писок довжиною 2/3 довжини голови і викривлений вниз. Три середні пальці кожної з чотирьох кінцівок, зазвичай мають кігті, а пальці 1 і 5 вкриті мозолями. На передніх лапах, пальці 1 і 5 є лише випуклостями в зовнішньому аспекті, але на задніх лапах ці пальці помітні. Zaglossus більший від Tachyglossus, має голки коротші, менш численні, тупіші і з меншими центральними порожнинами, язик довший. Як і в Tachyglossus в Zaglossus молочні залози відкриваються в черевну кишеню самиці. Ця кишеня не те ж саме, що сумка в сумчастих, ця структура виникає тільки тимчасово під час розмноження.[1]


Веде нічний спосіб життя. Температура тіла близько 30 градусів. Раціон відрізняється від раціону роду Tachyglossus(єхидни) і хробаки займають більшу долю в ньому. Один екземпляр жив у зоопарку 30 років і 8 місяців.



  1. Ronald M. Nowak. Walker's mammals of the world. — JHU Press, 1999. — Т. 2. — С. 11,12. — ISBN 0801857899.


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Thú lông nhím mỏ dài ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Thú lông nhím mỏ dài, tên khoa học Zaglossus, là một chi thú lông nhím, động vật đơn huyệt gai sống ở New Guinea. Chi này hiện nay chỉ còn 3 loài tồn tại trong tổng số 5 loài (2 loài đã tuyệt chủng). Chúng là loài động vật có vú đẻ trứng như loài thú mỏ vịt.

Các loài

Đặc điểm

Thú lông nhím mỏ dài có cái mỏ ngắn và có kích thước lớn hơn các loài thú lông nhím khác. Chúng có gai ngắn hơn, nằm rải rác xen giữa các sợi lông thô. Mõm của chúng dài chiếm hai phần ba phần đầu và hơi cong xuống dưới. Các chi của chúng có năm móng vuốt, nhưng trước đây chỉ có ba ngón chân ở giữa là có móng vuốt. Thú lông nhím mỏ dài sống chủ yếu về đêm. Thức ăn của chúng bao gồm côn trùng ở trên đất trên đất bap gồm cả kiến và mối nên chúng còn được gọi là thú ăn kiến khổng lồ. Con non khi được sinh ra bám vào bụng của mẹ chúng, và chúng sẽ được an toàn cho đến khi trưởng thành. Ít có thông tin về cuộc sống của chúng nhưng người ta cho rằng cuộc sống của chúng cũng giống với thú lông nhím mỏ ngắn. Số lượng của thú lông nhím ở New Guinea đang giảm dần vì mất môi trường sống khiến chúng đang là loài động vật cần được bảo vệ khẩn cấp.

Xem thêm

Chú thích

  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). “Order Monotremata”. Trong Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. Mammal Species of the World (ấn bản 3). Johns Hopkins University Press. tr. 1–2. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Thú lông nhím mỏ dài
  • Flannery, T.F. and Groves, C.P. 1998. A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia, 62(3): 367–396

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Thú lông nhím mỏ dài: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Thú lông nhím mỏ dài, tên khoa học Zaglossus, là một chi thú lông nhím, động vật đơn huyệt gai sống ở New Guinea. Chi này hiện nay chỉ còn 3 loài tồn tại trong tổng số 5 loài (2 loài đã tuyệt chủng). Chúng là loài động vật có vú đẻ trứng như loài thú mỏ vịt.

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Проехидны ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Первозвери
Семейство: Ехидновые
Род: Проехидны
Международное научное название

Zaglossus Gill, 1877

  • Acanthoglossus Gervais, 1877
  • Bruynia Dubois, 1882
  • Proechidna Dubois, 1884
  • Prozaglossus Kerbert, 1913[1]


на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 552382NCBI 33542EOL 34738FW 39744

Проехи́дны[2] (лат. Zaglossus) — род яйцекладущих млекопитающих семейства ехидновых.


Длина тела современных видов от 45 до 77 см, вес от 5 до 16 кг. Высота в холке составляет 40 см. Четвёртый и пятый когти на передних и задних конечностях редуцированы. В отличие от ехидн их иглы короче, в меньшем количестве и частично скрыты в шерсти. Кроме того, конечности проехидн более длинные, а трубчатая морда длиннее и отчётливо изогнута вниз. У проехидн превосходное обоняние. Ушные раковины малы. Шерсть коричневая или чёрная.


Проехидны — эндемики Новой Гвинеи, где они населяют, прежде всего, лесистые области, а также высокогорья до высоты 4 000 м над уровнем моря. Эти животные активны в сумерки или ночью, вне периода размножения ведут одиночный образ жизни.


Рацион питания состоит в первую очередь из дождевых червей, которых они ловят своим длинным, липким, покрытым маленькими крючками языком, во вторую очередь из жуков.


Примерно через месяц после спаривания самка помещает в сумку одно яйцо размером 17 мм. Приблизительно через неделю появляется детёныш. который остается в сумке примерно 10 дней. Через следующие 10 дней детёныш покидает сумку и находится следующие недели в гнезде. Мать и дальше заботится в течение этого времени о своём подрастающем поколении. Продолжительность жизни проехидн в неволе составляет 31 год.


Сегодня выделяют три живущих и два ископаемых вида проехидн[3]:


  1. Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (eds). Mammal Species of the World. — 3rd ed. — Johns Hopkins University Press[en], 2005. — Vol. 1. — P. 743. — ISBN 0-8018-8221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 9. — 10 000 экз.
  3. Названия по книге Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 2 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 434. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
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Проехидны: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Проехи́дны (лат. Zaglossus) — род яйцекладущих млекопитающих семейства ехидновых.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

原针鼹属 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科



  • 阿滕伯勒長喙針鼴鼠Z. attenboroughi):生活於新畿內亞西部的山脈中,是瀕危的物種。
  • 大長吻針鼴Z. bartoni):生活在新畿內亞中央位於Paniai湖及Nanneau Range之間的山脈,是瀕危的物種。
  • 長吻针鼴Z. bruijnii):生活於新畿內亞山脈森林,是瀕危的物種。
  • Z. hacketti:曾生活在澳大利亚西部,已经绝灭。从化石上看出它有一米左右,是特大的針鼴。
  • Z. robustus:曾生活在塔斯马尼亚岛,已经绝灭。从头部化石上看出它有65厘米左右长。



 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:原针鼹属  src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:原针鼹属 小作品圖示这是一篇與哺乳动物相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。

原针鼹属: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科



긴코가시두더지 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

긴코가시두더지뉴기니섬에 사는 긴코가시두더지속(Zaglossus) 가시 단공류의 총칭이다.[1] 긴코가시두더지속은 가시두더지과에 속하는 2개 속 중의 하나이다. 긴코가시두더지는 오스트레일리아에서도 발견된다.[2] 이 속은 현존하는 3종과 멸종한 2종을 포함하고 있다.[3]

하위 종


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). 〈Order Monotremata〉 [단공목]. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 1–2쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Bisana S, Kumar S, Rismiller P, Nicol SC, Lefe`vre C, et al. (2013) Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel Monotreme- Specific Antibacterial Protein Expressed during Lactation. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53686. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053686
  3. Flannery, T.F. and Groves, C.P. 1998. A revision of the genus Zaglossus (Monotremata, Tachyglossidae), with description of new species and subspecies. Mammalia, 62(3): 367–396
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