
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Opogona arizonensis

ADULT (Figure 3).—Moderately small, with slender, predominantly stramineous forewings bearing a single small, triangular, fuscous spot midway along hind margin.

Wing Expanse: , 11.5–16 mm; , 12.5–15 mm.

Head: Vestiture generally uniformly yellowish white and smooth; posterior portion of vertex smooth to occiput; scales between antennal sockets raised into a low, rounded ridge that slightly overhangs upper portion of frons; scales of frons smooth, closely appressed. Antennae approximately 0.65–0.7 the length of forewing, 64–67 segmented; scape slightly flattened and concave on ventral surface, vestiture tawny, heavily suffused with fuscous; flagellum uniformly stramineous except for slight fuscous suffusion occasionally present over basal 2–3 segments; one row of relatively narrow, appressed scales per segment. Maxillary palpi whitish, densely pubescent ventrally. Labial palpi whitish above, heavily suffused with fuscous ventrally and over apical segment.

Thorax: Pronotum stramineous; meso- and metanota mostly naked; tegulae stramineous above, fuscous below. Venter whitish. Pro- and mesothoracic legs predominantly white ventrally, heavily suffused with fuscous above; metathoracic legs entirely white to stramineous. Forewings entirely stramineous except for fuscous suffusion along base of costal margin and a prominent, triangular fuscous spot near middle of hind margin; fringe stramineous; ventral surface brownish fuscous. Hind wings pale gray above and below, more thinly scaled than forewings.

Abdomen: Stramineous to grayish fuscous above; usually paler beneath, stramineous to whitish; seventh segment of female with a dense encirclement of elongate stramineous hair.

Male Genitalia (Figures 111–114): Uncus deeply divided into two large, widely separated lobes bearing numerous, stout, elongate spinose setae on their mesal surfaces. Tegumen reduced to a relatively narrow, dorsal ring. Vinculum expanded posteriorly as well as anteriorly into a quadrate plate; saccus very slender, rod shaped, approximately 0.7 the length of valva. Valvae essentially undivided but with a prominent, rounded subapical lobe from costa bearing a dense cluster of elongate spinose setae mesally. Anellus relatively weak, more sclerotized ventrally than dorsally. Aedeagus simple, straight, moderately slender, without cornuti.

Female Genitalia (Figure 127): Tertiary apophyses faintly present. Genital plates deeply lobed with ostium bursae situated ventrad to lobes. Corpus bursae with a relatively large pair of thornlike signa.

HOLOTYPE.—, 24 July 1959, coll. R. W. Hodges, Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mts, 4880 ft [1488 m], Arizona, USNM 72095; in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.

PARATYPES.—UNITED STATES. ARIZONA: Cochise Co: Carr Canyon, 5000 ft [1524 m], Huachuca Mts: 2 , 21 May 1977, coll. R. Wielgus (USNM). Guadelupe Canyon, Peloncille Mts: 2 , 8 Nov 1975, coll. R. Wielgus (USNM). Palmerlee: 1 , 2 , genitalia slide USNM 18424, leg slide USNM 20742 (USNM). Paradise [Chiricahua Mts]: 1 , 3 , May-Aug (USNM). Pima Co: Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mts, 4400 ft [1341 m]: 3 , 12 Oct 1959, coll. R. Hodges (USNM); 1 , 18 Oct 1959 (UCB); 4880 ft. [1488 m]: 1 , 12 Oct 1959 (BMNH); 5 , 4 , 7 Jul-25 Oct 1959, genitalia slide USNM 16547; genitalia slides USNM 16548, 18421 (USNM); 1 , 4 Aug 1959 (UCB); 5600 ft [1707 m]: 1 , 1 Aug 1959 (USNM). TEXAS: Brewster Co: K Bar Ranch, Chisos Mts: 1 , 2 Jun 1973, coll. R. Hodges, genitalia slide USNM 20254 (USNM). Described from a total of 9 males and 25 females.


FLIGHT PERIOD.—May to October; apparently multivoltine.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 1).—Presently known only from southeastern Arizona and extreme southern Texas but undoubtedly ranging farther south into Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Davis, Donald R. 1978. "The North American Moths of the General Phaeoses, Opogona, and Oinophila, with a Discussion of their Supergeneric Affinities (Lepidoptera: Tineidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-39. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.282