Description: Less moths but still ticking. Last week I ran the trap on both the 25th and 26th, and as I haven't had time to blog, I have conjoined the catches. Not a huge amount of moths by recent standards but some lovely new ones. The weather has been quite unsettled as of late with quite a few showers towards the evening cooling the evening temperatures and thus decreasing the catch somewhat. It was nice to record the pretty Tortrix Pammene regiana again, a Sycamore feeder for which we have loads! Cydia pomonella was a new one for the garden. Hopefully trapping again in the garden tonight after a nice break. Catch Report - 25-26/06/14 - Back Garden Stevenage - 1x 160w MBT Robinson Trap Macro Moths 1x Smoky Wainscot [NFY] 1x Barred Straw [NFY] 2x Lesser Yellow Underwing [NFY] 1x July Highflyer [NFY] 1x Dun-bar [NFY] 2x Swallow-tailed Moth 6x Common Footman 1x Setaceous Hebrew Character 12x Mottled Rustic 2x Green Pug 2x Dwarf Cream Wave 1x Buff-tip 3x Bright-line Brown-eye 1x Common Wainscot 4x Large Yellow Underwing 2x Riband Wave 1x Common Emerald 3x Dot Moth 5x Mottled Beauty 45x Heart & Dart 3x Heart & Club 1x Privet Hawk-moth 2x Double Square-spot 1x Cabbage Moth 17x Uncertain 5x Dark Arches 1x Common White Wave 2x Buff Arches 1x Brown Rustic 1x Light Arches 1x Clouded Border 1x Clouded Brindle 1x Elephant Hawk-moth 1x Turnip Moth 1x Dwarf Cream Wave 1x Small Emerald 2x Buff Ermine 1x Double-striped Pug 1x Grey Pug Micro Moths 1x Cydia pomonella [NFG] 2x Pammene regiana [NFY] 5x Dipleurina lacustrata 1x Blastobasis lacticolella 2x Epiblema uddmanniana 1x Batia lunaris 2x Celypha lacunana 3x Celypha striana 1x Ditula angustiorana 1x Aphomia sociella 3x Scoparia ambigualis 7x Chrysoteuchia culmella 1x Hedya nubiferana 2x Eudonia mercurella. Date: 27 June 2014, 08:03. Source: [1274] [1275] Dichrorampha alpinana/flavidorsana. Author: Ben Sale from UK.
Description: Well I won't top this anytime soon..19 NFY in one night On Monday night I set the trap up as usual and switched the light on at around 9.30pm, Summer solstice was nearly upon us and the weather lately has improved with warm days but most importantly warm evenings and Monday evening was no different. The morning came in a blink of an eye and seeing moths on our french door I knew there was going to be a good catch awaiting me with 19, yes 19! New for year moths. I can't remember the last time I had that many new ones in one sitting. Best moth of the night was a single Lychnis, only my second garden record, the first was in 2013 and not a common moth from my records in 10 years. Catch Report - 20/06/16 - Back Garden - Stevenage - 1x 125w MV Robinson Trap Macro Moths Clouded Silver 1 [NFY] Common Carpet 1 [NFY] Fan-foot 1 [NFY] Green Silver-lines 1 [NFY] Heart & Club 1 [NFY] Lychnis 1 [NFY] Small Dusty Wave 1 [NFY] Small Fan-foot 1 [NFY] Small Square-spot 1 [NFY] Smoky Wainscot 1 [NFY] Snout 1 [NFY] Angle Shades 1 Clouded Border 2 Common Pug 2 Common Swift 3 Common Wainscot 1 Dark Arches 2 Double-striped Pug 1 Flame 1 Garden Carpet 2 Green Pug 6 Grey Pug 1 Heart & Dart 16 Ingrailed Clay 1 Large Nutmeg 1 Marbled Minor 2 Mottled Rustic 2 Poplar Hawk-moth 1 Rustic Shoulder-knot 1 Silver-Y 2 Spectacle 1 Straw Dot 1 Treble Brown Spot 1 Willow Beauty 1 Yellow Shell 2 Micro Moths Aleimma loeflingiana 1 [NFY] Aphelia paleana 1 [NFY] Coleophora sp 1 [NFY] Dichrorampha alpinana 1 [NFY] Eulia ministrana 1 [NFY] Gypsonoma dealbana 1 [NFY] Hedya nubiferana 1 [NFY] Pandemis cerasana 1 [NFY] Amblyptilia acanthadactyla 1 Celypha striana 2 Chrysoteuchia culmella 6 Epiphyas postvittana 3 Eurrhypara hortulata 1 Mompha epilobiella 1 Parornix sp 1 Plutella xylostella 1 Scoparia ambigualis 3 Tortrix viridana 7. Date: 18 June 2016, 18:10. Source: [1274] Dichrorampha alpinana. Author: Ben Sale from UK.
Description: Some daytime finds from 04/06/18 and 08/06/18 A couple of hours wander around some verge grassland with mixed trees and shrubs and a plethora of wildflowers including Ox-eye Daisies yielded some great moths for me. On both days it was very warm and humid, and the sunnier day on the 4th yielded better results but I found the sunshine made the moths incredibly hard to pot up from the net, usually going skywards instantly and beyong my control. The little grass patch of approximately 1 acre was extremely abundant in life of all kinds, and I noted many species which unfortunately i've mislaid the piece of paper that I wrote them down on! Nevertheless, I potted many specimens of Dichrorampha for dissection. Many will probably be new to me. So far i've got 5 new species for my UK moth records. They are Commophila aeneana Dichrorampha sequana Elachista triatomea Endothenia oblongana Grapholita tenebrosana Pretty good going for 3hrs of sweeping and netting moths disturbed from Apple, Cherry, Dog-rose, Oak, Bramble and Blackthorn to name but a few native species of trees and bushes present on the site. Other species of note and ones I took photographs of include. 6x Dichrorampha sp (for dissection) Aproaerema anthyllidella Cauchas fibulella Cnephasia sp (for dissection) Cydia nigricana (lots) 2x Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana (for dissection) Dichrorampha petiverella Dichrorampha plumbagana Epiblema cirsiana/stictiana/scutulana (for dissection) Eucosma hohenwartiana Grapholita compositella Here are some photos, first of the habitat and then the moths. Date: 5 June 2018, 11:26. Source: [1275] Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana. Author: Ben Sale from Stevenage, UK.
Description: This file has no description, and may be lacking other information. Please provide a meaningful description of this file. Date: 5 June 2015, 17:29. Source: Dichrorampha alpinana. Author: Ben Sale from UK.
Description: Some daytime finds from 04/06/18 and 08/06/18 A couple of hours wander around some verge grassland with mixed trees and shrubs and a plethora of wildflowers including Ox-eye Daisies yielded some great moths for me. On both days it was very warm and humid, and the sunnier day on the 4th yielded better results but I found the sunshine made the moths incredibly hard to pot up from the net, usually going skywards instantly and beyong my control. The little grass patch of approximately 1 acre was extremely abundant in life of all kinds, and I noted many species which unfortunately i've mislaid the piece of paper that I wrote them down on! Nevertheless, I potted many specimens of Dichrorampha for dissection. Many will probably be new to me. So far i've got 5 new species for my UK moth records. They are Commophila aeneana Dichrorampha sequana Elachista triatomea Endothenia oblongana Grapholita tenebrosana Pretty good going for 3hrs of sweeping and netting moths disturbed from Apple, Cherry, Dog-rose, Oak, Bramble and Blackthorn to name but a few native species of trees and bushes present on the site. Other species of note and ones I took photographs of include. 6x Dichrorampha sp (for dissection) Aproaerema anthyllidella Cauchas fibulella Cnephasia sp (for dissection) Cydia nigricana (lots) 2x Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana (for dissection) Dichrorampha petiverella Dichrorampha plumbagana Epiblema cirsiana/stictiana/scutulana (for dissection) Eucosma hohenwartiana Grapholita compositella Here are some photos, first of the habitat and then the moths. Date: 2 June 2018, 10:32. Source: [1275] Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana. Author: Ben Sale from Stevenage, UK.
Description: Some daytime finds from 04/06/18 and 08/06/18 A couple of hours wander around some verge grassland with mixed trees and shrubs and a plethora of wildflowers including Ox-eye Daisies yielded some great moths for me. On both days it was very warm and humid, and the sunnier day on the 4th yielded better results but I found the sunshine made the moths incredibly hard to pot up from the net, usually going skywards instantly and beyong my control. The little grass patch of approximately 1 acre was extremely abundant in life of all kinds, and I noted many species which unfortunately i've mislaid the piece of paper that I wrote them down on! Nevertheless, I potted many specimens of Dichrorampha for dissection. Many will probably be new to me. So far i've got 5 new species for my UK moth records. They are Commophila aeneana Dichrorampha sequana Elachista triatomea Endothenia oblongana Grapholita tenebrosana Pretty good going for 3hrs of sweeping and netting moths disturbed from Apple, Cherry, Dog-rose, Oak, Bramble and Blackthorn to name but a few native species of trees and bushes present on the site. Other species of note and ones I took photographs of include. 6x Dichrorampha sp (for dissection) Aproaerema anthyllidella Cauchas fibulella Cnephasia sp (for dissection) Cydia nigricana (lots) 2x Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana (for dissection) Dichrorampha petiverella Dichrorampha plumbagana Epiblema cirsiana/stictiana/scutulana (for dissection) Eucosma hohenwartiana Grapholita compositella Here are some photos, first of the habitat and then the moths. Date: 5 June 2018, 11:25. Source: [1275] Dichrorampha alpinana flavidorsana. Author: Ben Sale from Stevenage, UK.