Figure 3.Unixenus barrabaensis sp. n., adult female A Head, dorsal view showing arrangement of ocelli, position of trichobothria and trichome insertions B Details of sensilla on antennal article VI, sensillum type indicated as follows: coeloconic (c), setiform (s), thick basiconic (T) C Collum and tergite 2 showing pattern of trichome insertions D Clypeo-labrum E Left leg 3 showing chaetotaxy on leg segments F Details of seta on coxa, prefemur and femur G Details of seta on tarsus 2 H Detail of coxa and vulva of left leg 2 I Anterior view of left telotarsus showing anterior spinous projection (s), claw (c) with anterior (a) process and lamella (l). Scale bars: A and C (shared bar), E and H = 50 µm; D = 10 µm B Fand G (shared bar) and I = 5 µm.