Image of Scutozetes clavatosensillus Ermilov, Martens & Tolstikov
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Scutozetes clavatosensillus Ermilov, Martens & Tolstikov


provided by Zookeys
Measurements. Body length 431 (holotype: female), 415–448 (five paratypes: three females and two males); body width 265 (holotype), 265–273 (five paratypes). Integument. Body color light brown. Body surface microfoveolate (diameter of foveolae up to 1), but visible only under high magnification (× 1000) in dissected specimens. Dorsal sides of lamellae with longitudinal striae. Prodorsum. Rostrum broadly rounded. Lamellae of medium size, not covering rostrum and lateral sides of prodorsum. Anterior margin of lamellae weakly concave medially. Rostral setae (57–65) setiform, ciliate, directed anterio-mediad, inserted laterally on prodorsum; their basal parts covered by the tutoria. Lamellar setae (41–49) straight, slightly barbed, directed forward, inserted dorso-anteriorly on lamellae. Interlamellar setae (73–82) setiform, slightly barbed, directed upwards and forwards, inserted on posterior part of lamellae; basal parts of these setae covered by the anterior margin of notogaster. Sensilli (45–53) clavate, with long stalk and oval head rounded or weakly truncated distally. Tutoria long, of medium width, triangular distally, with two to five small teeth anteriorly. Exobothridial setae (24) setiform, thin, slightly barbed, inserted dorso-posteriorly to tutoria. Notogaster. Pteromorphs concave laterally. Anterior margins of pteromorphs triangular, longer than length of sensilli. Dorsophragmata located close to each other. Postero-median part of hinges distinct, anterior part unvisible. Lenticulus indistinctive. Four pairs of sacculli (Sa, S1, S2, S3) developed. Ten pairs of notogastral setae weakly thickened, barbed: setae c and la (both 28–32) longer than other setae (16–24). Lyrifissures ia, im, ip, ih and ips and opisthonotal gland openings located typically for the genus. Gnathosoma. Subcapitulum longer than wide (110–114 × 86–90). Subcapitular setae h (16–20) thickened, straight, barbed; a (12–16) and m (24–28) little thinner, slightly barbed. Two pairs of adoral setae (10–12) setiform, hook-like distally, barbed. Palps (length 69–77) with setation 0–2–1–3–9(+ω). Solenidion weakly thickened, straight, blunt-ended, attached with eupathidium. Chelicerae (length 114) with two barbed setae; cha (36) longer than chb (24). Trägårdh’s organ long, conical. Lateral podosomal and epimeral regions. Genal teeth broadly triangular. Pedotecta I of medium size, rounded anteriorly. Pedotecta II small, scale-like. Apodemes 1, 2, 3 and sejugal distinctly developed, not fused medially. Epimeral setal formula 3–1–3–3; setae (10–12) setiform, slightly barbed. Custodia with thin, free, blunted tips, directed anteriorly to the pedotecta II. Discidia pointed. Circumpedal carinae distinct. Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (8–12), one pair of aggenital (8–12), two pairs of anal (8–12) and three pairs of adanal (ad1, ad2, 14–16; ad3, 10–12) setae setiform, barbed. Lyrifissures iad located in paraanal position. Legs. Similar to Lepidozetes acutirostrum sp. n.
Sergey G. Ermilov, Jochen Martens, Andrei V. Tolstikov
bibliographic citation
Ermilov S, Martens J, Tolstikov A (2013) New species of oribatid mites of the genera Lepidozetes and Scutozetes (Acari, Oribatida, Tegoribatidae) from Nepal ZooKeys 339: 55–65
Sergey G. Ermilov
Jochen Martens
Andrei V. Tolstikov
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