Figure 1.Meteorus restionis sp. n., lateral view. A Detail of head and anterior mesosoma B Detail of mesosoma showing mesopleuron and sternaulus sculpture C Middle and hind coxa sculpture D Apex of antennal flagellum E Hind tarsal claw with basal lobe; part of ovipositor sheath on left.
Figures 7–10.Contrasting differences between males and females. 7 female head and mesonotum dorsal view 8 male head and mesonotum dorsal view 9 female propodeum dorsal view 10 male propodeum dorsal view.
Figures 1–6.Meteorus orocrambivorus sp. n. 1 Female lateral habitus 2 Female head and mesonotum dorsal view. The arrow indicates the reduced wing 3 Female head frontal view 4 Female propodeum and first metasomal tergite dorsal view 5 Male lateral habitus 6 Male frontal view.