Cotesia vestalis is a parasitoid wasp that appears to be able to detect volatile organic compounds emitted by the plant Brassica oleracea in response to herbivore damage, such as would be caused (for example) by heavy infestation with the wasp's host caterpillar Plutella xylostella.[2]
C. vestalis suffers from a polydnavirus, Cotesia vestalis bracovirus.[3]
Cotesia vestalis is a parasitoid wasp that appears to be able to detect volatile organic compounds emitted by the plant Brassica oleracea in response to herbivore damage, such as would be caused (for example) by heavy infestation with the wasp's host caterpillar Plutella xylostella.
Cotesia vestalis is een insect dat behoort tot de orde vliesvleugeligen (Hymenoptera) en de familie van de schildwespen (Braconidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Haliday in 1834.