José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 8.Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n., female, holotype. Habitus lateral.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 22.Oviposition of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. 1 After alighting and folding its wings, the wasp begins to lean backwards (the red arrow points to the space between the apex of the wasp’s metasoma and the ant’s metasoma) 2 before reaching the vertical, the apex of the wasp metasoma moves down, presumably inserting the ovipositor 3 at the vertical position, the apex of the wasp’s metasoma is completely attached to the ant’s metasoma 4 and 5 the wasp continues leaning backwards 6 the wasp flies off backwards.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 23. 1 Detail of the moment of oviposition of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. showing the location of the ventral spine (red arrow) 2 stereomicroscopic image showing the ventral spine (red arrow) and the exserted ovipositor (yellow arrow).
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figures 9–14.Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n., female, holotype. 9 head lateral 10 profile of posterior half of mesosoma 11 base of antenna lateral 12 fore leg lateral inner side 13 hind tarsus and tibial spurs lateral 14 apex of metasoma lateral. Scale-line = 1.0×, but of 11 1.5×.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 15.Baits were used to keep the ants quiet 1 Messor barbarus cadavers (red arrow) tied with a thread and fixed to the ground 2 honey (red arrow). Females of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. are indicated with a yellow arrow.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 16. Workers of Cataglyphis ibericus hitting females of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. (red arrow) with its legs (yellow arrow). 1 at the nest entrance 2 and 3 at the baits.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 17. Horizontal alighting. 1 female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. approaches an ant with the metasoma in horizontal position 2 extends the fore legs (yellow arrow) and grasps the metasoma with the tarsi 3 jumps over the metasoma placing the rest of its legs on it, and folds its wings.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 18.Vertical alighting. 1 female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. (blue arrow) grasps the ant’s metasoma with its fore tarsi 2 starts a 180° rotation around its longitudinal axis 3 at the same time initiates a second rotation, moving vertically towards the ant’s metasoma 4 alights downwards on the ant’s metasoma.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 19. Stereomicroscopic image showing the fore legs of a female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 20.Arrangement of the fore legs a female Kollasmosoma sentumsp. n. for the rotation movement. 1 The wasp (the red arrow points the apex of its metasoma) approaches the ant’s metasoma (blue arrow) and extends its fore legs (yellow arrow) 2 the right tarsus is placed over the left one 3 the wasp starts its counter clockwise rotation (yellow arrow points to separation between the fore legs) 4 the wasp alights downwards; at that moment the hind and middle legs (yellow arrow) grasp the ant’s metasoma, and the fore legs move forwards.
José-María Gómez Durán, Cornelis van Achterberg
Figure 21.Arrangement of the fore legs of the female of Kollasmosoma sentum sp. n. for the rotation movement. 1 the wasp (the red arrow points the apex of the metasoma) approaches the ant’s metasoma and extends its fore legs 2 the right tarsus (yellow arrow) is placed over the left one 3 and 4 the wasp starts its counter clockwise rotation around its longitudinal axis 5 the wasp is in profile and the right fore leg hides the left one 6 the wasp alights downwards on the ant’s metasoma.