NDDB EO#8; plants this occurrence have variable veination in phyllaries - both 1 and 3 veined plans evident this site; phyllaries are indurate-stramineous; plants entirely glabrous - the one veined character state typical of O. alpigeum var. andersonii
NDDB EO#8; plants this occurrence have variable veination in phyllaries - both 1 and 3 veined plans evident this site; phyllaries not indurate-stramineous; plants entirely glabrous - the former two characters are states typical of O. alpigeum var. andersonii
NDDB EO#8; plants this occurrence have variable veination in phyllaries - both 1 and 3 veined plans evident this site; phyllaries not indurate-stramineous; plants entirely glabrous - the former two characters are states typical of O. alpigeum var. andersonii
NDDB EO#8; plants this occurrence have variable veination in phyllaries - both 1 and 3 veined plans evident this site; phyllaries not indurate-stramineous; plants entirely glabrous - the former two characters are states typical of O. alpigeum var. andersonii
plants in this occurrence have been reported as Oreostemma elatum; they have pubescent and one veined phyllaries (features of O. alpigenus var. andersonii), and partially developed stramineous bases (an elatum feature)