

provided by Zookeys
Female. Body length 6.1 mm. Fore wing length 3.3–3.8 mm. Antenna with 34–35 flagellomeres. Color. Head black. Scape and pedicel blackish brown. Mandible yellow, apically brown; labial and maxillary palps pale yellow. Antenna blackish brown. Mesosoma black. Tegula brown. Fore leg yellow; mid leg yellowish brown; hind coxa black, trochanter dark brown, femur and tibia brown, tarsus blackish brown. Metasoma black. Thyridium reddish brown. 5th to 7th metasomal segments reddish brown. Ovipositor yellowish brown. Morphology. Head: Head finely and densely punctate. Occiput flat and polished. Temple broad and convex, finely punctate. Mandible very short, upper tooth longer than lower tooth (Fig. 1D). Ocelli slightly large; diameter of median ocellus 1.1 times as long as distance between ocellus and eye; lateral ocellus separated from eye by 0.9 times lateral ocellus diameter. Mesosoma: Pronotum covered with transverse striae (Fig. 1E); epomia distinct. Mesoscutum finely and densely punctate; notaulus absent (Fig. 1G). Mesopleuron roughly punctate, reticulate; postpectal carina complete; epicnemial carina short; sternaulus absent; speculum convex, impunctate, polished (Fig. 1F); scutellum finely granulate. Propodeum with numerous transverse rugae and reticulate; basal area and areola separated by anterior transverse carina (Fig. 1H); areola and petiolar area not separated, impressed medially; costula complete (Fig. 5A); spiracle very small, round, connected to pleural carina; distance between spiracle and pleural carina 1.7 times as diameter of spiracle (Fig. 1I). Hind tibia with short spines; ratios between hind tarsal segments 4.5: 2.2: 1.6: 0.8: 0.9. Fore wing with areolet; basal vein opposite nervulus (Fig. 1L); nervellus not intercepted; discoidella absent. Metasoma: Thyridium small, oval; separated from base of 2nd tergite by more than 3.0 times its diameter; distance between base of 2nd tergite and thyridium 0.6 times distance between base of 2nd tergite and spiracle (Fig. 1K). 6th and 7th tergites deeply emarginate apically (Fig. 1M). Ovipositor (Fig. 1N) shorter than metasoma, 1.4 times as long as hind tibia. Male. Unknown.
Jin-Kyung Choi, Janko Kolarov, Jong-Wook Lee
bibliographic citation
Choi J, Kolarov J, Lee J (2013) Three new species of the genus Cymodusa Holmgren (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae) from Korea ZooKeys 311: 69–82
Jin-Kyung Choi
Janko Kolarov
Jong-Wook Lee
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Korea (new record), Japan, Russia (Khabarovsk, Primor’ye Kray).
Jin-Kyung Choi, Janko Kolarov, Jong-Wook Lee
bibliographic citation
Choi J, Kolarov J, Lee J (2013) Three new species of the genus Cymodusa Holmgren (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae) from Korea ZooKeys 311: 69–82
Jin-Kyung Choi
Janko Kolarov
Jong-Wook Lee
visit source
partner site