Figures 1–3.Cordyla australica sp. n. 1 male habitus 2 head with antennae and maxillary palpi, closer view 3 three apical segments of maxillary palpus. Scale bar = 1 mm (1), 0.2 mm (2) and 0.1 mm (3).
Figure 15.Collecting localities of Cordyla australica sp. n. in the continental Australia and Tasmania. A Tasmania, Warra long-term ecological research site B Tasmania, Southwest National Park C Tasmania, Central Plateau D Tasmania, King William Creek E Tasmania, Ewart creek F Tasmania, Cradle Mountain G Victoria, Coopracambra National Park H New South Wales, Werrikimbe National Park I New South Wales, Carrai State Forest J Queensland, Brisbane Forest Park.
Figures 10–11.Cordyla australica sp. n., gonostylus. 10 internal view 11 lobes of medial branch of gonostylus. Scale bar = 0.1 mm (10) and 0.05 mm (11).