Image of Euponera Forel

Euponera Forel

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Resembling Bothroponera but smaller and much more finely sculptured.

Worker monomorphic, with subtriangular mandibles the apical margins of which are dentate. Cheeks not carinate. Frontal carinae closely approximated, expanded and lobular in front and concealing the insertions of the ant antennae. Eyes placed near or in front of the anterior third of the head, sometimes vestigial or even absent. Clypeus rounded and obtusely pointed in front, usually carinate. Antenna1 slender, 12-jointed, the scapes slightly thickened apically but notclavate. Thorax shaped somewhat as in Bothroponera but with distinct mesoepinotal suture and usually with distinct, mesoepinotal constriction. Petiole surmounted by a thick transverse scale. Middle and hind tibia; with two spurs; claws simple.

Female winged; in some of the subgenera scarcely larger, in one ( Brachyponera ) considerably larger than the worker; in other respects similar.

Male much like the males of Pachycondyla and Bothroponera but differing somewhat, in the various subgenera.

Emery has divided this genus into four subgenera: Euponera , sensu stricto; Mesoponera ; Brachyponera ; and Trachymesopus . Euponera , with a single species, is confined to Madagascar, the other subgenera have a wide distribution over the tropical and subtropical portions of both hemispheres (Map 12). The species live in the ground, either in crater nests or under stones, logs, etc. Eu. (Mesoponera) castanea (Mayr) of New Zealand lives, as a rule, in rotten logs and stumps. The colonies of Brachyponera are rather large and populous, those of the other subgenera much smaller. In the subgenus Trachymesopus there is a pronounced tendency to hypogaeic habits and also, therefore, to a degeneration of the eyes in the worker.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Wheeler, W. M., 1922, The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition., Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, pp. 39-269, vol. 45
Wheeler, W. M.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Un certain nombre de males indeterminables sans les ouvrieres.

Afrique orientale anglaise: mont Kenya: riviere Amboni (1.800 m., st. n° 51, fevrier 1912); - Kisumu, sur les bords du Victoria-Nyanza (nov. 1903).

Afrique orientale allemande: Kilimandjaro: Neu-Moschi, (800 m., st. n° 72, avril 1912), 5 [[male]]; - zone des forets au-dessus de Marangu (st. n° 69, avril 1912), 1 [[male]].

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Santschi, F., 1914, Formicidae., Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Résultats scientifiques. Hyménoptères, pp. 41-148, vol. 2
Santschi, F.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)