Renema, W.; Hohenegger, J. (2005). On the identity of Calcarina Spengleri (Gmelin, 1791). Journal of Foraminferal Research. 35: 15-21., available online at ( page(s): p. 16, pl. 2, fig. 1-10. 1, 2 proposed neotype of Nautilus spengleri Gmelin, 1791 (NHMW Inv. Mi.541); 3 Bali (from sample Bal22-05), dorsal side; 4, 5 Spermonde Archipelago (Southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia, RGM 214626); 4 dorsal side; 5 axial section; 6–10 Bali (Indonesia, from sample Bal22-05); 6 detail of spine; 7 transition of spine into test; 8 detail of ornamentation on last chambers; 9 umbilical side; 10 detail of structure on the central part of the umbilical side. Scale bars of figure 1–4, 9 represent 0.5 mm, scale bars of figure 5–8, 10 represent 0.1mm.