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Male. Measurements. Holotype TL = 16.2 mm, GW = 9.8 mm, PW = 7.25 mm, PL = 4.45 mm, TL/GW = 1.65, PL/PW = 0.61. EW = 0.6 mm; OW = 0.5 mm. Among paratypes range in TL 13.1–17.3 mm; range in GW 8.6–10.9 mm; range in PW 5.55–7.67 mm; range in PL 3.5–4.45 mm. Head. Two ocelli large and ovoid (0.40 × 0.30 mm); vertex golden; interocellar space concave, golden fading to white towards frons. Frons concave; clypeus bulbous, golden with no notable sculpturing or setae, ends in broad flat anteclypeus. See Fig. 36d. Pronotum. Pronotum unusually broad relative to length, pale, waxy beige-gold; anterior half of dorsal surface of pronotum covered in fine pale setae; posterior half sparsely setose; pronotal pattern ranges in color from same waxy beige-gold of background, to white and orange-brown depending on specimen; pattern is foreshortened “koala face”, indiscernible detail; no aura. See Fig. 36c. Body. Wing brace present. One tarsal claw present. Legs and body golden with white deposits of uric acid particularly visible on outer margins of forewings. Abdominal sternites end in conspicuous points on lateral edges. Subgenital plate dramatically asymmetrical with pointed apices. See Fig. 36b. Forewings. Wings extend beyond abdominal apex (~25% of wing length); forewings shorter than hindwings; color pale iridescent gold and translucent to transparent. Long golden setae on lateral edges. See Fig. 36a. Genitalia. Right dorsal phallomere composed of large bulbous lightly sclerotized pointed lobe, articulated with right ventral phallomere on lateral side; unmodified, covered in fine punctations. Small central sclerite consists solely of thin half circle of sclerotized material beginning midlaterally on right dorsal phallomere and sweeping around to rear of same phallomere; interior tissue of ring finely punctate. Right ventral phallomere extends from articulation to form structure rounded at posterior apex and expanding to shagreened and more sclerotized area dorsally; attached anteriorly is an L-shaped shagreened lobe bordered by rolled shagreened lip. Left phallomere unmodified. Genital hook with long extension to pointed head with slight indentation on short hook; arm with distinct bend. See Fig. 37.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
This species is distributed in and around Yuma, AZ and vicinity and down the eastern coast of the Sea of Cortez. See Figure 38.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site