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Male. Measurements. Holotype TL = 19.0 mm, GW = 8.6 mm, PW = 6.3 mm, PL = 4.2 mm, TL/GW = 2.21, PL/PW = 0.67. Dimensions are average for the genus, approximating those of Arenivaga erratica. EW = 0.5 mm; OW = 0.4 mm. In paratypes, no notable variations in dimensions from those of holotype. Head. Two ocelli, large, ovoid and protruding (0.4 × 0.3 mm); vertex dark brown, interocellar space deeply concave, dark brown. Frons concave, cream with pale brown edges and strongly demarcated from interocellar space; anterior frons cream, bulbous; anteclypeus cream and smooth. See Fig. 76d. Pronotum. Pronotum light brown; dorsal surface of pronotum covered in setae which are longer and denser anteriorly; pronotal pattern dark brown “panther face”; with scattered fine dark brown maculae; slight aural lines laterally and slight anterior aura. See Fig. 76c. Body. Wing brace present. Two tarsal claws present. Legs and body pale brown subgenital plate asymmetrical, with rounded apices. See Fig. 76b. Forewings. Wings extended well beyond abdominal apex (~ 50% of wing length); wings in most specimens light brown and opaque with long dark brown lines running apically from humeral angle; with scattered brown maculations. See Fig. 76a. Genitalia. Right dorsal phallomere composed of large bulbous lightly sclerotized hook-shaped lobe, articulated with right ventral phallomere on lateral side. Posterior margin with strongly sclerotized ridge that extends towards posterior abdominal opening and ends in two hooks set at approximately right angles to each other. Small central sclerite with U-shaped structure positioned horizontally and intersecting with ridge of other phallomere. Dorsal arm of U-shaped structure longer than ventral arm, each with pointed apices. Right ventral phallomere extending from articulation to form structure rounded at posterior apex but with corrugations at anterior apical end, with rounded concave arm extending beyond depth of rest of phallomere. Left phallomere unmodified. Genital hook with moderate extension to pointed head and short hook; arm with bend. See Fig. 77.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
This species is distributed from Ft. Stockton, Pecos County, Texas in the north, to Pedricena, Durango, Mexico and Linares, Nuevo Leon, Mexico in the south. The western limit is Presidio, Presidio County, Texas and the eastern is Falcon State Recreation Area, Zapata County, Texas. See Fig. 77.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site