

provided by Zookeys
Male. Measurements. Holotype TL = 18.1 mm, GW = 8.9 mm, PW = 5.70 mm, PL = 4.25 mm, TL/GW = 2.03, PL/PW = 0.75. EW = 0.50 mm; OW = 0.50 mm. No notable difference in size among paratypes. Head. Two ocelli large, ovoid and protruding (0.40 × 0.30 mm); vertex dark brown with small ridges in rays around upper apices of eyes and extending onto ocellar tubercles; pale midline; interocellar space concave, medium brown, lighter anteriorly with three indentations at points of an equilateral triangle, top one round, bottom two eyebrow-shaped. Frons waxy white with brown edges near ocelli; posterior concave; anterior frons bulbous and waxy white; waxy white smooth anteclypeus. See Fig. 105d. Pronotum. Pronotum translucent waxy beige; dorsal surface of pronotum with short orange-brown setae that are thicker and longer laterally; pronotal pattern dark orange-brown “panther face” with considerable detail discernible; lateral and anterior aura. See Fig. 105c. Body. Wing brace present. Two tarsal claws present. Legs and body light brown; subgenital plate light brown; asymmetrical with rounded apices. See Fig. 105b. Forewings. Wings extended well beyond abdominal apex (~35% of wing length); blotchy medium to dark brown; surface matte and opaque. See Fig. 105a. Genitalia. Right dorsal phallomere composed of lightly sclerotized, unusually curved, bulbous hook-shaped lobe, articulated with right ventral phallomere on lateral side; medial side of lobe deeply emarginated from medial edge of remainder of phallomere; central field deep, cupped, lightly sclerotized; medial margin wide, more heavily sclerotized, smooth, with long ventrally projecting spine and one dorsally projecting spine located midway along margin. Small central sclerite concave, punctate, with large shagreened medially projecting wide upside-down-V-shape on anterior edge; right ventral phallomere extends from articulation to form shagreened rounded structure, with prominent medially projecting two-prong spine located posteriorly; attached anteriorly is flanged punctate concave arm that extends slightly beyond depth of rest of phallomere, edge shagreened. Folded anterior portion of left phallomere dramatically modified with sclerotized punctate anterior wall and posteriorly projecting smooth spine located ventrally. Genital hook with moderate extension to pointed head with moderate hook; curve of arm reduced. See Fig. 106.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
This species is known only from the type locality. See Fig. 107.
Heidi Hopkins
bibliographic citation
Hopkins H (2014) A revision of the genus Arenivaga (Rehn) (Blattodea, Corydiidae), with descriptions of new species and key to the males of the genus ZooKeys 384: 1–256
Heidi Hopkins
visit source
partner site