provided by Zookeys
BL: 5.4–7.1 mm.
Body dark brown with antennal segments I–VI and tarsi lighter. Antennal club (Fig. 140) blackish with terminal segment slightly lighter in apical 1/3. Each elytron with two yellowish fasciae: dumbbell-shaped subhumeral fascia and round subapical fascia.
Frons coarsely and densely punctate, punctures on vertex coarser and denser than those on remaining surface, puncture intervals of vertex mostly smaller than half puncture diameter.
Pronotum slightly raised above elytra. Antebasal puncture row impressed, more or less interrupted at middle, with punctures coarse and regular; discal punctation coarser than that of vertex, puncture intervals as broad as 0.5 to 1.5 puncture diameters.
Elytra with disc slightly impressed apically, basal and sutural stria rows impressed, without discal puncture row; discal punctation similar to that of pronotum except on slightly denser punctuated apical impression; basal stria row with punctures slightly coarser than those forming pronotal antebasal row, sutural stria puncture row very fine.
Prohypomera moderately uneven, with relatively coarse, sparse and shallow punctures.
Mesepisterna sparsely and distinctly punctate.
Abdominal tergites and sternites with relatively coarse and dense punctures. and dense microsculpture consisting of micropunctures.
Legs moderately long, mesotibiae and metatibiae moderately curved.
Male. Metaventrite (Fig. 57) impressed at middle, with long and suberect pubescence. Profemur (Fig. 141) with ventral side roundly expanded in basal 1/5 to basal 3/5, forming two ridges. Protibia (Fig. 141) gradually wider starting from basal 1/3, without distinct protuberance at widest point, slightly narrowed toward apex. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 138) with sclerotized internal sac (Fig. 139) consisting of apical and basal complex of sclerites.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Wen-Jia He
- bibliographic citation
- Tang L, Li L, He W (2014) The genus Scaphidium Olivier in East China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) ZooKeys 403: 47–96
- author
- Liang Tang
- author
- Li-Zhen Li
- author
- Wen-Jia He
provided by Zookeys
China (Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Liang Tang, Li-Zhen Li, Wen-Jia He
- bibliographic citation
- Tang L, Li L, He W (2014) The genus Scaphidium Olivier in East China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) ZooKeys 403: 47–96
- author
- Liang Tang
- author
- Li-Zhen Li
- author
- Wen-Jia He