

provided by Batrachospermales LifeDesk

Type Locality: Seychelles Archipelago (Indian Ocean).

Distribution: South America: Brazil, French Guiana; Africa: Seychelles.

Information about Kumanoa capensis on Algaebase.

Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily


provided by Batrachospermales LifeDesk

"Plants moderately to abundantly mucilaginous, delicate to slightly rigid; branching irregular and abundant; apices straight, apical cells protruding from the tips; 3.0-8.0 cm high, 300-1,000 µm in diameter. Whorls reduced to well developed, usually distinct and separated, obconic, but becoming indistinct and confluent in older parts. Internode 300-800 µm long. Pericentral cells ovoid with 2-3 primary fascicles; rhizoidal filaments well developed, forming 1-2 layers of cylindrical cells. Primary fascicles straight, 4-12(-15) cell-storeys, proximal cells fusiform, elliptical or elongate-cylindrical, L/D 4-10; distal cells fusiform or elongate-elliptical, L/D 2-6; branching di- or trichotomous. Secondary fascicles abundant, covering the entire internode and as long as primary fascicles.

Monoecious or dioecious. Spermatangia obovoid or spherical, terminal or sub-terminal on primary or secondary fascicles, 5.5-7.5 µm in diameter. Carpogonial branches, helically twisted, arising from pericentral or proximal fascicle cells, composed of 5-9 disc- or barrel-shaped cells; involucral filaments short, 1-5 cell-storeys; carpogonia 40-85 µm long; trichogynes cylindrical, club-shaped or elongate-elliptical, unstalked or stalked, 7.0-9.0 µm in diameter. Carposporophytes1 per whorl, loose, semi-spherical, higher or lower than the whorl radius, 350-850 µm in diameter, 190-400 µm high; gonimoblast filaments 5-10 cell-storeys; cells cylindrical to elongate-elliptical; carposporangia obovoid or sub-spherical, small 10.5-16.0 µm long, 8.0-12.0 µm in diameter."

Necchi, O. Jr. & Vis, M.L. 2012. Monograph of the genus Kumanoa (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales). Bibliotheca Phycologica 116. J. Cramer. Pp. 78. ISBN 978-3-443-60043-3.

Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.

Necchi, O. Jr. & Kumano, S. 1984. Studies on the freshwater Rhodophyta of Brazil. 1.

Starmach, K. Algae from montane streams on the island of Mahe, in the Seychelles. Acta Hydrobiol. 17:201-209.

Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily


provided by EOL authors
Plants dioecious, moderately mucilaginous, 3-8 cm high, 450-1000 μm in diameter, irregularly branched. Whorls well-developed, dense or lax, obconical or compressed, contiguous. Fascicles 2 or 3, primary fascicles straight, di-, rarely tri-chotomously branched, 8-15 cell-storeys, proximal cells ellipsoidal or fusiform, 4.5-8 μm in diameter, 17-35 μm long, distal cells ellipsoidal or fusiform, 3.5-6 μm in diameter, 5-10 μm long; cortical filaments well-developed. Secondary fascicles numerous, on all internodes, reaching the length of primary ones. Spermatangia spherical or obovoidal, 6-7 μm in diameter, terminal or subterminal on fascicles. Carpogonium-bearing branches spirally coiled, consisting of 6-9 barrel-shaped cells, arising from periaxial cells. Involucral filaments numerous, short. Carpogonia 5-7 μm in diameter at the base, 7-9 μm in diameter at the apex, 60-80 μm long, trichogyne cylindrical, club-shaped, sessile. Carposporophytes sessile, single, hemispherical, lax, higher than radius of whorls, 150-400 μm in diameter, 350-660 μm high. Carposporangia obovoidal or hemispherical, 8-11 μm in diameter, 10.5-16 μm long.