Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
Deuterodon iguape Eigenmann (Type).
Gasteropelecus stellatus Kner, an Extremely Swell Characin. This is connected by many intermediate forms with normal-shaped species.
Chalceus macrolepidotus.
Erythrinus. Rubellio; Pagellus Erythrinus
Rooseveltiella altus (Gill). No. 21432 U. S. N. M., presumably the type. 155 mm. long. Napo, on Marathon River. Collected by Orton.
Premaxillary and mandibular teeth of Rooseveltiella notatus (Lutken).
Myletes pacu, Native of the Essequibo, Guiana.
Myletes pacu; Native of the Essequibo, Guiana.
Schizodon borelli Boulenter.
Schizodon fasciatus.
Chalceus angulatus, Spix.
Dentition of Serrasalmo brandii Reinhardt.
Spintherobolus and Glandulocauda.
Curimatus brevipes.
Probolodus and Psalidodon.
Prochilodus Rubro-Leniatus.
Tetragonopterus alleni Eigenmann and McAtee.
Brycon dentex Gunther. Family Characidae. Nicaragua.
Hydrocyon armatus.
Dentition of a large specimen of Myleus pacu Humboldt.
Piaractus nigripinn is (Cope). C.M. No.5635. 192 mm. Santarem.
Serrasalmo brandti Reinhardt. 1. C.M. No.5766. 59 mm. Pirafora. 2. C.M. No.5766. 85mm. Pirafora. 3. C.M. No.5762. 123 mm. Joazeiro. 4. C.M. 5762. 170b mm. Joazeiro..
Prochilodus beani.