Craigieburn, Canterbury, New Zealand
2010.05.28 Vienna XXII. (heath 155 m AMSL).Hieracium genus is a tough one, and even though everything points towards H. pilosella here (following my field guide, Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora, 2008, 3rd ed.) it might still be a hybrid - but if so then with H. pilosella as one parent.German name: Klein-Mausohrhabichtskraut
2010.05.28 Vienna XXII. (heath 155 m AMSL).Hieracium genus is a tough one, and even though everything points towards H. pilosella here (following my field guide, Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora, 2008, 3rd ed.) it might still be a hybrid - but if so then with H. pilosella as one parent.German name: Klein-Mausohrhabichtskraut
Craigieburn, Canterbury, New Zealand
Castle Hill, Canterbury, New Zealand
2010.05.28 Vienna XXII. (heath 155 m AMSL).Hieracium genus is a tough one, and even though everything points towards H. pilosella here (following my field guide, Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora, 2008, 3rd ed.) it might still be a hybrid - but if so then with H. pilosella as one parent.German name: Klein-Mausohrhabichtskraut
Rothenbuerg, Bavaria, Germany
Rothenbuerg, Bavaria, Germany