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Measurements (in mm) and ratios: BL 5.89–6.43, FL 3.34–3.45, HL 0.80–0.84, HW 1.05–1.15, AnL 1.94–2.08, PL 0.93–0.98, PW 0.78–0.83, EL 1.11–1.19, AL 0.89–0.93, HL/HW 0.73–0.76, HW/PW 1.35–1.39, HL/PL 0.85–0.86, PL/PW 1.16–1.19, EL/PL 1.19–1.23, diameter of eye: 0.50–0.54. Habitus as in Fig. 1A. Body entirely black, glossy, devoid of microsculpture; labial palpi and segments I, II, IV of maxillary palpi brownish yellow, segment III of maxillary palpi infuscate; antennae blackish brown at base, gradually becoming paler towards the reddish brown apices; basal halves of femora brownish yellow, distal halves gradually infuscate; tibia and tarsi infuscate. Head transverse, eyes very large and prominent, temples convergent posteriorly in almost straight line, posterior angles inconspicuous; punctation moderately coarse and dense, sparser in median dorsal portion. All antennomeres oblong. Pronotum with strongly convex lateral margins in dorsal view; punctation shallow, sparser than that of head; impunctate midline broad. Elytra with coarse simple punctation arranged in longitudinal series in anterior seven tenths, becoming finer and shallower posteriorly; pubescence golden, erect, conspicuous. Hind wings fully developed. Abdomen strongly dilated from segments III to apex of segment VI, segment VII convexly tapering posteriorly; segments III–VII with strongly reflexed paratergites; punctation sparse and fine; pubescence fine and pale, with interspersed longer, darker pubescence, especially posteriorly. Protarsi very strongly, slightly asymmetrically dilated in both sexes; profemora with bases slender, very strongly, symmetrically incrassate to apical third; outer surfaces of tibiae with pale pubescence. First metatarsomere longer than second, subequal to or slightly shorter than fifth; fourth tarsomere simple. Male. Posterior margin of tergite VIII (Fig. 2D) broadly convex; sternites III–VI unmodified; posterior margin of sternite VII broadly concave; sternite VIII (Fig. 2E) symmetric and strongly tapering posteriorly, with moderately deep, subtriangular posterior emargination; aedeagus as in Figs 2F, G, ventral process moderately stout and apically acute; internal sac with simple membranous structures and an apically rounded, weakly sclerotized structure. Female. Posterior margin of tergite VIII (Fig. 2A) asymmetrically and broadly convex; sternite VIII (Fig. 2B) longer than that of male, posterior margin broadly convex; tergite IX (Fig. 2C) with short antero-median portion and moderately long postero-lateral processes; tergite × 5.0 times as long as antero-median portion of tergite IX (Fig. 2C).
Zhong Peng, Volker Assing, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
bibliographic citation
Peng Z, Assing V, Li L, Zhao M (2014) A new species of Dysanabatium Bernhauer and additional records of D. jacobsoni Bernhauer (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) ZooKeys 409: 93–102
Zhong Peng
Volker Assing
Li-Zhen Li
Mei-Jun Zhao
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