Colias fieldii , the dark clouded yellow, is a butterfly in the family Pieridae. It is found in southern Iran, India, southern China, Indochina, and Ussuri.[1][2]
The larvae feed on Leguminosae species.
Accepted as a species by Josef Grieshuber & Gerardo Lamas [3]
Charles Thomas Bingham (1907) gives a detailed description:
Race fieldi, Ménétriés
♂.Upperside deep cadmium orange-yellow.Fore wing : a patch of greenish-black scales at extreme base, a pear-shaped black spot on the discocellulars and a broad terminal black border ; the last occupies about a fourth of the wing and has its inner margin curved slightly and irregularly crenulate, broader at apex and the tornus than in the middle ; the end portions of veins 6, 7, 9 and 10 subterminally pale and conspicuous on the black of the apex. Hind wing : a thin covering of long soft hairs at base,beneath which is a dusting of black scales that is continued outwards along the posterior half of the wing ; dorsum broadly pale yellow; terminal border broadly black, broadest in the middle,its inner margin crenulate ; discocellular spot large, consisting of a small patch on which the ground-colour is paler and brighter and that encloses two somewhat obscure dusky rings, the upper one minute. Cilia of both fore and hind wings broadly salmon-pink. Underside : light orange-yellow, the costal margin narrowly,terminal fourth of the fore wing and the whole surface of the hind wing overlaid with pale dull green ; the costa, termen and dorsum, with the cilia of both fore and hind wings, salmon-pink.Fore wing : discocellular spot as on the upperside but centred with silvery white ; a postdiscal transverse Aeries of black spots,obsolescent and curved inwards anteriorly, conspicuous and increasing in size posteriorly. Hind wing : a discocellular double spot conspicuous silvery and circled by a diffuse salmon-pink ring, followed by a very obscure, almost obsolete, transverse, post-discal series of pinkish spots. Antennae, head and thorax anteriorly salmon-pink, club of antennae darkening to brown ;thorax and abdomen dusky greenish black ; beneath : palpi, thorax and abdomen yellow. Sex-mark, a patch of thickly set light yellow scales at base of interspace 7 on the upperside of the hind wing. ♀ . Differs from the ♂ as follows : ♀ Upperside: the irroration of black scales at the base of the wings more extensive, especially on the hind wing ; the black on the subterminal margins broader, its inner edge on both fore and hind wings more irregular and somewhat diffuse ; on the fore wing the black is transversely traversed by a series of bright yellow spots, the anterior four small, obliquely placed, the posterior one large; on the hind wing the discocellular patch is without the central dark rings con-spicuous in the ♂ , and there is an obscure postdiscal curved transverse series of yellow spots bordering the black on the terminal margin. Underside : precisely similar to that of the ♂ .Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen on the upperside iis in the ♂ ; beneath : the palpi and thorax more or less salmon-pink.
Exp. ♂,♀ 50-64 mm. (1.98-2.5").
Hab. The Himalayas from Chitral to Sikhim and Bhutan, from 2500 to 14,000 feet; extending to Assam, Upper Burma and
Colias fieldii , the dark clouded yellow, is a butterfly in the family Pieridae. It is found in southern Iran, India, southern China, Indochina, and Ussuri.
Colias fieldii is een vlindersoort uit de familie van de Pieridae (witjes), onderfamilie Coliadinae.
Colias fieldii werd in 1855 beschreven door Ménétriés.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Colias fieldii é uma borboleta da família Pieridae. É encontrada no sul do Irão, Índia, sul da China, Indochina, e no rio Ussuri.[2]
Foi aceite como uma espécie por Josef Grieshuber & Gerardo Lamas[3]
Colias fieldii é uma borboleta da família Pieridae. É encontrada no sul do Irão, Índia, sul da China, Indochina, e no rio Ussuri.
Colias fieldii Ménétriés, 1855
Желтушка Фильда[1][2] (лат. Colias fieldii) — дневная бабочка рода Colias из семейства белянки. Видовое название дано в честь русского энтомолога Генриха Андреевича Фильда (1822—1875) — одного из авторов первого каталога чешуекрылых Российской Империи.
Длина переднего крыла 21—26 мм. Размах крыльев 50—64 мм. Внешний край крыльев округлый. Крылья снаружи с чёрной каймой. Половой диморфизм выражается в окраске основного фона у самок. Сверху передние крылья со сплошной каймой, часто прорезанной жилками, окрашенными в фоновый цвет. Сверху задние крылья с тёмной каймой, переходящей на передний край[1].
Южное Приморье (залетные экземпляры), Центральная Монголия (залетные экземпляры), Китай, Тибет, Южный Узбекистан (залетные экземпляры), Памир (залетные экземпляры), Афганистан (залетные экземпляры), Пакистан, Индия[1].
Желтушка Фильда (лат. Colias fieldii) — дневная бабочка рода Colias из семейства белянки. Видовое название дано в честь русского энтомолога Генриха Андреевича Фильда (1822—1875) — одного из авторов первого каталога чешуекрылых Российской Империи.