Napoleonaea is a genus of woody plant in the family Lecythidaceae first described as a genus in 1804, the same year its namesake (Napoleon Bonaparte) crowned himself Emperor of the French.[2][3] The genus is native to Africa.[1][4][5]
Napoleonaea is a genus of woody plant in the family Lecythidaceae first described as a genus in 1804, the same year its namesake (Napoleon Bonaparte) crowned himself Emperor of the French. The genus is native to Africa.
Accepted species Napoleonaea egertonii Baker f. - Nigeria, Gabon Napoleonaea gabonensis Liben - Cameroon, Gabon Napoleonaea gossweileri Baker f. - Republic of the Congo, Angola, Zambia Napoleonaea heudelotii A.Juss. - Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Burkina Faso Napoleonaea imperialis P.Beauv. - from Benin to Angola Napoleonaea lutea Baker f. ex Hutch. & Dalziel - Nigeria Napoleonaea reptans Baker f. ex Hutch. & Dalziel - Nigeria Napoleonaea septentrionalis Liben - Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon Napoleonaea talbotii Baker f. - Nigeria, Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo Napoleonaea vogelii Hook. & Planch. - from Guinea to Angola