Figure 1.Liturgusa habitus of live specimens: A Liturgusa cursor Rehn, 1935, female from Nicaragua B Liturgusa kirtlandi sp. n., female from Bolivia C Liturgusa nubeculosa Gerstaecker, 1889, female from Bolivia D ootheca of unknown species of Liturgusa.
Figure 3.Types (scale bars = 1 cm). Amorphoscelis pantherina Roy, 1966 holotype male (USNM ENT 00873999): A dorsal habitus B ventral habitus C labels and genitalic slide mount D genital complex and terminal abdominal segments E genital complex. Galapagia solitaria Scudder, 1893 lectotype female (USNM ENT 00873977): F dorsal habitus and labels in Riker mount.
Figure 2.A–D, F holotype; E, G paratype. A Head, frontal view B Pronotum, dorsal view C Shape of the left mesothoracic wings, dorsal view D Supranal plate and cercus, dorsal view E Last cercomerum F Subgenital plate, ventral view G Distal margin of the subgenital plate, ventral view.
Figure 16.Liturgusa tessae sp. n., dorsal habitus: A holotype male from San Miguel, Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000263) B allotype female from Tambopata, Peru (CLEV GSMC000265).