Jan Klimaszewski, Reginald P. Webster, David W. Langor, Caroline Bourdon, H.E. James Hammond, Greg R. Pohl, Benoit Godin
Figure 4.Gnathusa alfacaribou Klimaszewski and Langor: 4a habitus 4b median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view, partially reconstructed below broken line in Fig. 4b, and above broken line in Fig. 4c, 4d; based on the holotype 4c male tergite VIII partially reconstructed above broken line, based on the holotype 4d male sternite VIII partially reconstructed above broken line, based on the holotype 4e spermatheca in lateral view 4f female tergite VIII 4g female sternite VIII 4h left mandible 4i right mandible 4j labrum 4k maxilla 4l menthum, labial palpi and ligula. Habitus scale bar = 1.0 mm; other scale bars = 0.2 mm.