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Medium-sized for genus (SBL range 1.68–1.90 mm, mean 1.77±0.110 mm, n=4), specimens from Bell County slightly larger (SBL range 1.81–1.93 mm, n=2).
Habitus. Body form (Fig. 5C) subdepressed, subparallel, slightly elongate (WE/SBL 0.36±0.010), head normally proportioned for genus (WH/WPm 0.76±0.015), pronotum moderately wide in comparison to elytra (WPm/WE 0.82±0.012).
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Distinct over all dorsal surfaces of head, pronotum and elytra, with slightly transverse polygonal meshes of more or less scaly appearance on elytra.
Prothorax. Pronotum (Fig. 2D) of normal length (LP/LE 0.39±0.017) and of normal proportions for genus (WPm/LP 1.28±0.032), lateral margins almost rectilinear and moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.29±0.025). Anterior angles indistinct, posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Width between anterior and posterior angles of equal length (WPa/WPp 1.01±0.028). Basal margin almost straight.
Elytra (Fig. 2G). Widely depressed along suture, of normal length (LE/SBL 0.58±0.007) and rather narrow for genus (WE/LE 0.61±0.013), but specimens from Bell County with slightly wider elytra (WE/LE 0.64±0.004), traces of 4-5 striae evident. Humeri distinct, rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins subparallel, slightly divergent at basal fourth, evenly rounded to apex in apical third, without subapical sinuation. Vestiture of elytra short (less than one-third length of discal setae). Apex of elytron rounded.
Legs. Male protarsomere 1 markedly dilated apico-lateraly with rows of adhesive setae ventrally. Male hind legs modified: metafemora triangularly dilated along posteroventral margin (Fig. 4E), and metatibiae with granulated posterior margin.
Abdomen. Ventrite 5 of male unmodified.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 6G) with short basal lobe, almost rectangularly bent long shaft, and strongly enlarged apex, characteristically angulate ventrally and narrowly rounded at tip. Dorsal margin strongly sclerotized along almost all its length, with large protuberance directed backwards and situated before apical orifice. Ventral margin enlarged along all length, but most widely in apical half and then gradually tapered to basal orifice. Numerous poriferous canals on the ventral margin and medial walls of the shaft. Dorsal sclerite in form of a curved blade-like structure with characteristic basal prolongations. Without distinct ventral sclerites or spines. Enlarged apical area of median lobe with a dark spine-like structure. Specimens from Bell County demonstrate slightly different shape of dorsal protuberance and basal prolongations of dorsal sclerite (Fig. 6J). Right paramere enlarged, long and wide with numerous (>8) long setae (Fig. 6I) approximately equal in length to length of paramere. Left paramere wide, markedly enlarged in basal area, where it forms a translucent wide keel (Fig. 6H), without long setae.
Female genitalia. Spermatheca with distal part of cornu markedly dilated. Nodulus short, ramus undifferentiated (Fig. 7D).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Igor M. Sokolov, James R. Reddell, David H. Kavanaugh
- bibliographic citation
- Sokolov I, Reddell J, Kavanaugh D (2014) Life beneath the surface of the central Texan Balcones Escarpment: genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini): new species, a key to the Texas species, and notes about their way of life and evolution ZooKeys 417: 71–101
- author
- Igor M. Sokolov
- author
- James R. Reddell
- author
- David H. Kavanaugh
provided by Zookeys
This species is known from two widely separated localities in Bell (Lampasas Cut Plain) and Hays (Balcones Fault Zone) Counties, Texas (Fig. 8, white triangles). In addition to the type series, we have examined two male specimens, both dissected, labeled: TX: Bell Co., Talking Crows Cave, Fort Hood, 19.VI.2003, J. Reddell, M. Reyes Texas Memorial Museum Invertebrate Zool Coll #55.559 [These specimens correspond to the new species in all respects, except in their being of slightly larger size, in having slightly wider elytra and in the degree of development of some features of the median lobe structure].
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Igor M. Sokolov, James R. Reddell, David H. Kavanaugh
- bibliographic citation
- Sokolov I, Reddell J, Kavanaugh D (2014) Life beneath the surface of the central Texan Balcones Escarpment: genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini): new species, a key to the Texas species, and notes about their way of life and evolution ZooKeys 417: 71–101
- author
- Igor M. Sokolov
- author
- James R. Reddell
- author
- David H. Kavanaugh