Hungry Herring Gull looking for food on frozen Capitol reflecting pool. 12 December 2009.
2002 California Academy of Sciences
Ring-billed Gulls on frozen Capitol reflecting pool. There are also some Herring Gulls in the background. 12 December 2009.
An adult male S. clarkii.
Brown-headed Cowbirds. Young males in late summer molt. 6 August 2010
Great Blue Heron catching a fish in the artifical wetland at the National Museum of the American Indian. 1 September 2009.
Great Blue Heron preening. 15 August 2009.
White-throated Sparrows foraging on the ground and in an elm tree. 17 March 2012.
Canada goose family swimming down a river. 1 May 2010.
Couble-crested cormorant drying feathers. 29 September 2010. Seen during the TDWG TechnoBioblitz.
Pileated Woodpecker. 8 May 2011.
Blue Jay. 21 April 2011.
Caroline Wren calling. 17 March 2012.
Cooper's hawk eating a bird, with mockingbirds scolding in the background. 14 July 2008.
A fledgling Red-winged Blackbird clings to cattails as its mother forages and then returns to feed its siblings in the nest. At the artificial wetland of the National Museum of the American Indian. 5 June 2010.
Red-winged Blackbird female after a downpour at the artificial wetland of the National Museum of the American Indian. 14 May 2010.
Several sequences of a Red-winged Blackbird female heading out to forage, then returning to her nest to feed hatchlings. Clips filmed within a 5 minute timespan at the artificial wetland of the National Museum of the American Indian. 26 May 2010.
Red-winged Blackbird male calling at the artificial wetland of the National Museum of the American Indian. 26 May 2010.
Red-winged Blackbird female sitting in a tree grooming feathers, then returning to her nest to incubate eggs. At the artificial wetland of the National Museum of the American Indian. 21 May 2010.
A female Northern Cardinal forages in a garden, then is dispaced by a Mourning Dove. 29 April 2010.
Northern Cardinal male singing. 25 March 2009.
Male cardinal feeding offspring. June 2010.
Eastern Towhee calling softly. 1 May 2010.