Image of Paederus jianyueae Peng, Zhong & Li-Zhen Li 2014
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Paederus jianyueae Peng, Zhong & Li-Zhen Li 2014


provided by Zookeys
Measurements (in mm) and ratios: BL 9.23–10.34, FL 4.56–4.78, HL 1.30–1.41, HW 1.52–1.61, AnL 2.78–2.95, PL 1.59–1.67, PW 1.54–1.66, EL 1.02–1.13, EW 1.52–1.61, AW 1.70–1.85, AL 1.04–1.09, HL/HW 0.85–0.89, HW/PW 0.95–0.98, HL/PL 0.81–0.85, PL/PW 0.98–1.03, EL/PL 0.64–0.68, diameter of eye: 0.37–0.44. Habitus as in Fig. 7. Coloration: head, pronotum and abdomen black; elytra black with faint blueish hue; legs and antennae dark-yellowish, apices of femora and tibiae not infuscate. Head transverse; shape without apparent sexual dimorphism; widest across eyes; punctation moderately coarse and very sparse; interstices glossy. Eyes distinctly convex, 0.6–0.8 times as long as postocular region in dorsal view. All antennomeres oblong. Pronotum nearly globulous, strongly convex in cross-section; punctation similar to that of head, very sparse. Elytra trapeziform; punctation coarse, moderately defined, and dense. Hind wings completely reduced. Metatarsomere I as long as combined length of metatarsomeres II and III. Abdomen distinctly broader than elytra; punctation sparse; interstices with shallow microsculpture; posterior margin of tergite VII without palisade fringe; posterior margin of tergite VIII (Fig. 8E, H) strongly convex. Male. Labrum (Fig. 8C) distinctly sinuate, anterior margin with two pairs of obtuse teeth; mandibles (Fig. 8A–B) long and robust, inner margin with one bicuspidate tooth. Sternite VII unmodified; sternite VIII (Fig. 8I) weakly transverse and with deep and narrow posterior incision, this incision approximately 0.4 times as long as sternite VIII; sternite IX (Fig. 8J) asymmetric; aedeagus as in Fig. 8K–M; dorsal plate of median lobe asymmetric, curved in lateral view and not reaching apices of parameres, its base broad and narrowed posteriad; parameres symmetric and slender; internal sac with three distinctive sclerotized spines. Female. Labrum as in Fig. 8D. Posterior margin of sternite VIII symmetric and trifurcate as in Fig. 8F; sternite IX (Fig. 8G) symmetrical and stout.
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
bibliographic citation
Peng Z, Li L, Zhao M (2014) New data on the Paederus biacutus species group from mainland China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) ZooKeys 419: 117–128
Zhong Peng
Li-Zhen Li
Mei-Jun Zhao
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
(14 ♂♂, 28 ♀♀). Holotype: ♂, labelled ‘China: Zhejiang Prov., Lin’an, Qingliangfeng, 30°05'48"N, 118°51'36"E, alt. 1500–1700 m 22.v.2012, Yi & Zhang leg.’ (SNUC). Paratypes: 12 ♂♂, 28 ♀♀, same label data as holotype (SNUC); 1 ♂, same data, but ‘Anhui Prov. Huang Shan, 30°07'51"N, 118°09'51"E, 18.v.2005 alt. 1700 m, Wen-Xuan Bi leg.’ (SNUC).
Zhong Peng, Li-Zhen Li, Mei-Jun Zhao
bibliographic citation
Peng Z, Li L, Zhao M (2014) New data on the Paederus biacutus species group from mainland China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) ZooKeys 419: 117–128
Zhong Peng
Li-Zhen Li
Mei-Jun Zhao
visit source
partner site