

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Harbansus felix, new species

Figures 15-17

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin felix (happy).

HOLOTYPE.—Undissected adult female in alcohol in the Museum of Victoria.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Slope 1, 34°59.52'S, 151°5.84’E , New South Wales, off Nowra, depth 204 m.

PARATYPES.—Slope 1: USNM 193943, adult female with large unextruded eggs on slide and in alcohol; undissected adult female in alcohol. Slope 40: 1 undissected adult female in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—Slope 1, 204 m. Slope 40,400 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.— Carapace elongate with prominant rostrum with lateral process and broad projecting caudal process; central adductor muscle attachments covered by broad spine terminating posteriorly in point.

Ornamentation: Rostrum with long narrow lateral projection; lateral spine covering central adductor muscle attachments. Surface with numerous large fairly deep fossae, and scattered bristles (some with stout triangular base); bristles more abundant along anteroventral and ventral margins.

Infold: Rostral infold with 4 bristles plus a pair of bristles at inner end of incisur; anteroventral infold with 1 bristle near inner end of incisur, about 7 ridges parallel to outer edge of valve, and 1 bristle near posterior end of ridges; infold of caudal process with 6 frond-like bristles on ridge at anterior end of "pocket"; several small bristles present at inner edge of infold anterior to caudal process.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Comprising about 23 oval and elongate attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): Slope 1: holotype, 0.99, 0.59; USNM 193943, 1.04, 0.60; 0.96, 0.61. Slope 40: 1.06,0.61.

First Antenna: 1 st joint bare. 2nd joint with dorsal spines and 1 spinous dorsal bristle. 3rd joint with 3 spinous bristles (2 dorsal, 1 ventral). 4th joint with 3 spinous bristles (1 dorsal, 2 ventral). Ventral bristle of 5th joint with 3 short proximal filaments, 1 long distal filament, and 2 minute spines at tip. 6th joint fused to 5th, with fairly long spinous medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle slightly longer than bristle of 6th joint, with short marginal spines; b-bristle longer than a-bristle, with short distal filament and 2 minute spines at tip; c-bristle slightly longer than bristle of 5th joint, with 3 short proximal filaments, 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles as long as c-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f-bristle about same length as bristle of 5th joint, with 2 short proximal filaments, 1 short and 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip; g-bristle same length as c-bristle, with 2 short proximal filaments, 1 short and 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip.

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2-jointed: 1st joint with 2 short bare proximal bristles; 2nd joint elongate with rounded tip and 1 long spinous bristle at midlength. Exopodite: 1st joint with small terminal medial bristle; bristles of joints 2-8 about same length as combined lengths of joints 1-4 or 5, with few dorsal hairs proximal to ventral spines, and without distal hairs; 9th joint with 3 bristles (ventral about same length as bristle of 8th joint, with ventral spines and distal dorsal spines; middle short with short slender spines; dorsal very short, with few hair-like short spines); joints 2-8 with short spines along distal margins (basal spines, if present, obscured). (Note: absence of long distal hairs on exopodial bristles indicates female to be nonswimmer.)

Mandible: Coxale endite bifurcate, spinous, without small bristle at base. Basale: dorsal margin with 3 bristles (1 at distal 3A, 2 subterminal); ventral margin and medial surface at ventral margin with total of 5 bristles (3 proximal and 1 at midlength short, 1 distal longer); lateral surface with 2 bristles (with long and short spines) near ventral margin; medial surface spinous. Exopodite spinous, about 2/3 length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with 2 bristles (proximal longer and with long spines). 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 3 ventral bristles (2 long, 1 minute). 2nd endopodial joint: dorsal margin with 4 bristles near midlength in 2 groups (proximal group with 1 bristle, distal group with 3); ventral margin with spines and 4 short distal bristles in 2 groups (2 bristles in each group); medial surface with rows of spines. 3rd endopodial joint with 1 short dorsal claw and 2 long claws, all with indistinct spines, and 3 slender ringed bristles.

Maxilla: Coxale with fringe of dorsal hairs and dorsal bristle. Endite I wider than endites II and III, with 7 bristles; endite II with 4 or 5 bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 4 terminal bristles. Basale with 3 bristles along distal margin (1 dorsal, 1 ventral, 1 medial). Exopodite small with 3 bristles (2 long, 1 short). 1st endopodial joint with 1 alpha-bristle with long hairs, and 2 beta-bristles (inner bare, outer longer with short marginal spines). 2nd endopodial joint with 2 long ringed a-bristles plus 2 unringed claw-like d-bristles and 4 ringed bristles (lb, 2c, 1d).

Fifth Limb: Epipodite with 34 bristles. Endite I with 2 bristles; endite II with 3 or 4 bristles; endite III with 7 or 8 bristles. 1st exopodial joint: main tooth with 3 teeth (1 distal pectinate tooth with large smooth triangular cusp on anterior side, 1 middle pectinate tooth, and 1 proximal peg-like tooth with few spines); short spinous bristle proximal to peg-like tooth; anterior side with pair of long bristles along distal edge near midwidth, and few spines on outer corner. 2nd exopodial joint with large flat tooth with 2 short cusps near middle of inner margin and 3 or 4 low nodes on inner edge between cusps and tip of tooth; posterior side with row of 3 bristles (long bristle in middle, 1 short bristle on each side) and long bristle proximal to row. 3rd exopodial joint with 2 bristles on inner lobe and 2 on outer lobe. 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, with total of 5 bristles.

Sixth Limb: 1 short epipodial bristle with long proximal hairs. Endite I small with 4 bristles; endite II with 3 spinous bristles; endite III broad with 5 spinous bristles; endite IV narrower than endite III, with 3 spinous bristles. End joint not prolonged posteriorly, with 6 bristles (4 anterior spinous separated by space from 2 posterior hirsute). Limb hirsute.

Seventh Limb: Proximal group with 2 bristles (on segments 6-8 counting from segment proximal to terminal segment), 1 on each side, each with distal spines and 2 bells. Terminal group with 4 bristles, 2 on each side, each with distal spines and 4 bells. Terminal segment with 2 combs: 1 with 5 long recurved alate teeth, other with 5 or 6 short recurved smooth peg-like teeth.

Furca: Each lamella with 6 claws; claws 1, 2, and 4 stout; claws 3,5, and 6 slender, all claws with teeth along posterior edge (tooth at midlength of claw 1 stouter than others); claw 1 with row of medial teeth (distal medial tooth very large); spines on lamella following claw 6; right lamella anterior to left by width of base of claw 1 and with few spines along anterior edge; claw 1 with row of medial spines near base.

Bellonci Organ: Elongate, with 4-6 very weakly developed sutures indicated mainly by constrictions along edge of organ; tip rounded, with 2 minute processes.

Eyes: Lateral eyes absent. Medial eye unpigmented, bare.

Upper Lip: Comprised of single lobe; glandular openings not observed.

Genitalia: Small sclerotized oval enclosing small granules; spermatophore absent.

Posterior of Body: Evenly rounded, bare.

Y-Sclerite: With ventral branch.

Number of Eggs: USNM 193943 with 5 unextruded eggs; length of 1 egg 0.14 mm.

COMPARISONS.—The carapace of H. felix differs from those of other species in the genus in having a stout, lateral, backward pointing spine over the central adductor muscle attachments.”

(Kornicker, 1995, pp. 27-31)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus felix

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin felix (happy).

HOLOTYPE.—Undissected adult female in alcohol in the Museum of Victoria.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Slope 1, 34°59.52′S, 151°5.94′E, New South Wales, off Nowra, depth 204 m.

PARATYPES.—Slope 1: USNM 193943, adult female with large unextruded eggs on slide and in alcohol; undissected adult female in alcohol. Slope 40: 1 undissected adult female in alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION.—Slope 1, 204 m. Slope 40, 400 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 15–17).—Carapace elongate with prominant rostrum with lateral process and broad projecting caudal process (Figure 15a,b); central adductor muscle attachments covered by broad spine terminating posteriorly in point (Figure 15c,d).

Ornamentation: Rostrum with long narrow lateral projection (Figure 15a,b); lateral spine covering central adductor muscle attachments. Surface with numerous large fairly deep fossae (Figure 15a,b), and scattered bristles (some with stout triangular base); bristles more abundant along anteroventral and ventral margins (Figure 15a,b).

Infold: Rostral infold with 4 bristles plus a pair of bristles at inner end of incisur (Figure 15e); anteroventral infold with 1 bristle near inner end of incisur, about 7 ridges parallel to outer edge of valve, and 1 bristle near posterior end of ridges; infold of caudal process with 6 frond-like bristles on ridge at anterior end of “pocket” (Figure 15f; several small bristles present at inner edge of infold anterior to caudal process (Figure 15f).

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 15d): Comprising about 23 oval and elongate attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): Slope 1: holotype, 0.99, 0.59; USNM 193943, 1.04, 0.60; 0.96; 0.61. Slope 40: 1.06, 0.61.

First Antenna (Figure 16a,b): 1st joint bare, 2nd joint with dorsal spines and 1 spinous dorsal bristle. 3rd joint with 3 spinous bristles (2 dorsal, 1 ventral). 4th joint with 3 spinous bristles (1 dorsal, 2 ventral). Ventral bristle of 5th joint with 3 short proximal filaments, 1 long distal filament, and 2 minute spines at tip. 6th joint fused to 5th, with fairly long spinous medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle slightly longer than bristle of 6th joint, with short marginal spines; b-bristle longer than a-bristle, with short distal filament and 2 minute spines at tip; c-bristle slightly longer than bristle of 5th joint, with 3 short proximal filaments, 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles as long as c-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f-bristle about same length as bristle of 5th joint, with 2 short proximal filaments, 1 short and 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip; g-bristle same length as c-bristle, with 2 short proximal filaments, 1 short and 2 long distal filaments, and 2 minute spines at tip.

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare (Figure 16c,d). Endopodite 2-jointed (Figure 16c): 1st joint with 2 short bare proximal bristles; 2nd joint elongate with rounded tip and 1 long spinous bristle at midlength. Exopodite: 1st joint with small terminal medial bristle; bristles of joints 2–8 about same length as combined lengths of joints 1–4 or 5, with few dorsal hairs proximal to ventral spines, and without distal hairs; 9th joint with 3 bristles (ventral about same length as bristle of 8th joint, with ventral spines and distal dorsal spines; middle short with short slender spines; dorsal very short, with few hair-like short spines); joints 2–8 with short spines along distal margins (basal spines, if present, obscured). (Note: absence of long distal hairs on exopodial bristles indicates female to be nonswimmer.)

Mandible (Figure 17a): Coxale endite bifurcate, spinous, without small bristle at base. Basale: dorsal margin with 3 bristles (1 at distal , 2 subterminal); ventral margin and medial surface at ventral margin with total of 5 bristles (3 proximal and 1 at midlength short, 1 distal longer); lateral surface with 2 bristles (with long and short spines) near ventral margin; medial surface spinous. Exopodite spinous, about length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with 2 bristles (proximal longer and with long spines). 1st endopodial joint with medial spines and 3 ventral bristles (2 long, 1 minute). 2nd endopodial joint: dorsal margin with 4 bristles near midlength in 2 groups (proximal group with 1 bristle, distal group with 3); ventral margin with spines and 4 short distal bristles in 2 groups (2 bristles in each group); medial surface with rows of spines. 3rd endopodial joint with 1 short dorsal claw and 2 long claws, all with indistinct spines, and 3 slender ringed bristles.

Maxilla (Figure 16e–i): Coxale with fringe of dorsal hairs and dorsal bristle (Figure 16g). Endite I wider than endites II and III, with 7 bristles (Figure 16e); endite II with 4 or 5 bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and 4 terminal bristles (Figure 16f.g). Basale with 3 bristles along distal margin (1 dorsal, 1 ventral, 1 medial). Exopodite small with 3 bristles (2 long, 1 short) (Figure 16g). 1st endopodial joint with 1 alpha-bristle with long hairs, and 2 beta-bristles (inner bare, outer longer with short marginal spines) (Figure 16g). 2nd endopodial joint with 2 long ringed a–bristles plus 2 unringed claw-like d-bristles and 4 ringed bristles (1b, 2c, 1d) (Figure 16h,i).

Fifth Limb (Figure 17b–g): Epipodite with 34 bristles. Endite I with 2 bristles; endite II with 3 or 4 bristles; endite III with 7 or 8 bristles (Figure 16d–g). 1st exopodial joint: main tooth with 3 teeth (1 distal pectinate tooth with large smooth triangular cusp on anterior side, 1 middle pectinate tooth, and 1 proximal peg-like tooth with few spines); short spinous bristle proximal to peg-like tooth; anterior side with pair of long bristles along distal edge near midwidth, and few spines on outer corner (Figure 17c). 2nd exopodial joint with large flat tooth with 2 short cusps near middle of inner margin and 3 or 4 low nodes on inner edge between cusps and tip of tooth; posterior side with row of 3 bristles (long bristle in middle, 1 short bristle on each side) and long bristle proximal to row (Figure 17b). 3rd exopodial joint with 2 bristles on inner lobe and 2 on outer lobe. 4th and 5th exopodial joints fused, with total of 5 bristles (Figure 17b).

Sixth Limb (Figure 17h): 1 short epipodial bristle with long proximal hairs. Endite I small with 4 bristles; endite II with 3 spinous bristles; endite III broad with 5 spinous bristles; endite IV narrower than endite III, with 3 spinous bristles. End joint not prolonged posteriorly, with 6 bristles (4 anterior spinous separated by space from 2 posterior hirsute). Limb hirsute.

Seventh Limb (Figure 16j): Proximal group with 2 bristles (on segments 6–8 counting from segment proximal to terminal segment), 1 on each side, each with distal spines and 2 bells. Terminal group with 4 bristles, 2 on each side, each with distal spines and 4 bells. Terminal segment with 2 combs: 1 with 5 long recurved alate teeth, other with 5 or 6 short recurved smooth peg-like teeth.

Furca (Figure 16k): Each lamella with 6 claws; claws 1, 2, and 4 stout; claws 3, 5, and 6 slender; all claws with teeth along posterior edge (tooth at midlength of claw 1stouter than others); claw 1 with row of medial teeth (distal medial tooth very large); spines on lamella following claw 6; right lamella anterior to left by width of base of claw 1 and with few spines along anterior edge; claw 1 with row of medial spines near base (not shown).

Bellonci Organ (Figure 17i,j): Elongate, with 4–6 very weakly developed sutures indicated mainly by constrictions along edge of organ; tip rounded, with 2 minute processes.

Eyes: Lateral eyes absent. Medial eye unpigmented, bare (Figure 17i,j).

Upper Lip (Figure 16l): Comprised of single lobe; glandular openings not observed.

Genitalia (Figure 17k): Small sclerotized oval enclosing small granules; spermatophore absent.

Posterior of Body (Figure 17k): Evenly rounded, bare.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 17k): With ventral branch.

Number of Eggs: USNM 193943 with 5 unextruded eggs; length of 1 egg 0.14 mm. Unextruded egg shown by dashed oval in Figure 17k.

COMPARISONS.—The carapace of H. felix differs from those of other species in the genus in having a stout, lateral, backward pointing spine over the central adductor muscle attachments.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1995. "Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of the SE Australian Continental slope, Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-97. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.562