Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Diagnosed from all congeners by the following characters: ocular-side lower lip with short fimbriae with one or two branches; 57-63 dorsal-fin rays; 43-46 anal-fin rays; 5 pelvic-fin rays; body depth in SL 51.1-55.0%; brownish ocular side with irregular paler or darker patches; 8 or fewer, faintly pigmented, transverse chromatophore lines on the ocular-side of the body; absence of cirri on the scaleless area surrounding the ocular-side anterior naris; not numerous long fleshy tentacles on the blind side of the head (vs. numerous in Trinectes paulistanus); and absence of rays in the ocular-side pectoral fin (Ref. 91752).
provided by Fishbase
Dorsal soft rays (total): 57 - 63; Analsoft rays: 43 - 46; Vertebrae: 29 - 30