In Panama this species has been collected from Taboga Island (USNM 39466), Taboguilla Island (USNM E 14582), Farfan Point (USNM E 18818), Whorehous Reef (USNM 1014721), Fort Kobbe Beach (USNM E 14574),Venado Island (USNM E 25751, USNM E 25742), Paitilla Point (USNM E 26612), and between Changame Island & Bruga Point (USNM E 27045), Panama Bay, eastern Pacific. This species is also recorded from Miraflores Locks, Lower Chamber, in the Panama Canal (USNM E 26259) on the Pacific side.
Mortensen, T. (1935). A monograph of the Echinoidea 2. Bothriocidaroida, Meonechinoida, Lepidocentroida and Stiridonta. Copenhagen. 647 pp. 377 figures, 89 pls; pages: 575-577.
Lessios, H. A. (2005). Echinoids of the Pacific Waters of Panama: Status of knowledge and new records. Rev. Biol. Tropical 53 (sup. 3):147-170.
LSID incisa (A. Agassiz, 1863) (subjective junior synonym)
Echinocidaris (Agarites) stellatus (Blainville, 1825; ?Gmelin, 1788) (transferred to Arbacia)
Echinocidaris incisa A. Agassiz, 1863 (subjective junior synonym)
Echinocidaris longispina Lütken, 1864 (subjective junior synonym)
Echinocidaris stellatus (Blainville, 1825; ?Gmelin, 1788) (transferred to Arbacia)
Echinus stellatus Gmelin, 1788 (transferred to Arbacia)
Arbacia stellata is a species of sea urchin of the family Arbaciidae. Their armour is covered with spines. It is placed in the genus Arbacia and lives in the sea. Arbacia stellata was first scientifically described in 1825 by Blainville.[1]
Arbacia stellata is a species of sea urchin of the family Arbaciidae. Their armour is covered with spines. It is placed in the genus Arbacia and lives in the sea. Arbacia stellata was first scientifically described in 1825 by Blainville.