Not native : Tamarisks are very invasive in riparian communities. They are extremely competitive against native vegetation because they are aggressive usurpers of water.
Slo.: nemki strojevec - Enlisted in the Slovene Red List of rare and endangered species, marked by 'E' representing a critically endangered species (as well as in Austria and Germany), already extinct in parts of Austria, 'Alpine River with Myricaria germanica' habitat (No. 3230) protected by Bern Convention.
Category hierarchy: Biomes | Water & Wetlands | Inland WatersDescription: Senescing, orange colored salt cedar invading the braided stream bed of the Rio Puerco (pig river) on the western side of Albuquerque.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmOriginal date: 20051027Locality: Latitude: 3.497270000000000e+001; Longitude: -1.050320000000000e+002
We found this beautiful shy flower in the desert, where everything else was already long dry. Reaumuria alternifolia is a small shrublet with slender stems and the most beautiful flowers, especially when you enlarge them in macro photography.
naturalized trees in deep sandy soils along the river. Easily identified by the multitude of long, fine, drooping, jointed branchlets that resemble pine needles. Actual leaves are reduced to tiny (1-2mm) scales sheathing these green stems. Least invasive of the noxious 'Saltcedars' that plague riparian habitats across the west.