Taxonomic history
Forel, 1910a PDF: 29 (w.).Senior synonym of Meranoplus cordatus: Forel, 1912o PDF: 61.Senior synonym of Meranoplus castaneus hammaceros: Schödl, 1998 PDF: 378.Senior synonym of Meranoplus bellii javanus: Schödl, 1998 PDF: 378.M. castaneo-rufus; capite thoraceque subrugosis; metathorace bispinoso; pedunculi nodo secundo spina postice armato.
Female . Length 3 3/4 lines. Chestnut-red; the flagellum obscurely red; the teeth of the mandibles and the eyes black; the head and thorax above longitudinally strigose, the head more finely so, both sparingly covered with scattered erect fine pale hairs; the scutellum rugose; the metathorax with a stout acute short spine on each side at its base; the central portion of the truncation shining and finely striated longitudinally; the legs with scattered pale hairs, the femora dark red towards their base. The nodes of the peduncle of the abdomen rugose; the first, viewed laterally, wedge-shaped; the second subquadrate, the posterior margin produced into an acute spine; the second node is produced into an angular tooth or process at its base, and both are sprinkled with long erect hairs. Abdomen ovate, finely punctured, and thinly sprinkled with long pale hairs, most thickly covered towards the apex.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).
- [[ worker ]]. - Long. 3 a 3.2 mill. - Mandibules striees. Tete un peu plus large que longue et plus large derriere que devant, echancree derriere. Yeux fort convexes. Antennes de 9 articles; ceux du funicule plus longs qu'epais. Dos du thorax borde; pronotum avec deux larges epines plates, courtes. Mesonotum avec 2 epines laterales, echancre derriere. Epinotum avec 2 epines greles. Premier n oe ud vu de cote cuneiforme, tranchant au sommet ou il est largement et faiblement echancre. Vu de devant il est un peu plus large en bas devant qu'au sommet. Second n oe ud arrondi, aussi long que large, prolonge au milieu de son bord posterieur superieur par une epine pointue, grele, horizontale, dirigee en arriere. En dessous, devant, il porte une dent dirigee en avant que Smith a evidemment attribuee au 1 er n oe ud.
Subopaque. Tete assez finement ridee en long, et reticulee entre les rides. Thorax et pedicule grossierement reticules et finement reticules dans les mailles. Epinotum lisse, avec quelques rides. Abdomen densement et finement reticule, avec une tendance a former de fines rides longitudinales. Pattes et scapes stries. Pilosite dressee abondante partout, jaunatre, pointue, inegale de longueur.
Entierement ferrugineux.
Sumatra. Collection C Seeldrayers
Female. Length 3 1/2 lines. - Chestnut-red: head and thorax longitudinally subrugose; the metathorax with two small teeth or spines; the second node of the peduncle with a minute spine posteriorly; the flagellum obscurely ferruginous; the teeth and eyes black; the metathorax truncate, the centre of the trunca- tion finely striated longitudinally; the legs with scattered pale hairs; the base of the femora obscurely ferruginous. Abdomen ovate, finely punctured, and sprinkled with long pale hairs; the nodes of the peduncle rugose; the first, viewed laterally, wedge- shaped, and produced into an angular tooth or process at its base; the second subquadrate; both are sprinkled with long erect hairs,
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak). (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.)