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Continent: North-America Europe
Distribution: Austria (Kärnten, Steiermark, Burgenland, Nieder-Ãsterreich, Ober-Ãsterreich), Poland, S Switzerland, SE Germany (Danube river), NE Germany (Brandenburg), Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Balkan Peninsula incl. Slovenia, Croatia, islands Cres and Trstenik,
Turkey (eastern coast of the Black Sea and central coast of Black Sea), European Turkey (including region of Marmara Sea), E Romania, E Bulgaria, NE Greece (incl. Samothraki), Moldova, SW Ukraine
England (Channel islands Guernsey, Jersey)
guentherpetersi: Greece (Dirfis Mountains, Euboea Island)
infrapunctata: NE Turkey
meridionalis: NW Turkey, Romania, Greece (incl. Corfu)
paphlagonica: CN Turkey
Type locality: Vienna, Austria