Bare Island
These normally have their tentacles retracted during the day; this one was doing a little food catching in the current this morning
Thisi is a large polyp stony coral found in Australian waters. Even though it is a stony coral, it is solitary so it's skeletons do not form reefs. It differs from many other stony corals in that it does not contain symbiotic algae - zooxanthellae - so does not derive food from sunlight. This means it can live in deeper waters. You can see in this photo that the polyp tentacles are clear - that is due to the absence of algae cells.
Bunaken, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Kadena, Okinawa, Japan
You don't have to put on a silly suit, breath through a tube, and fall through 100 ft of water to see scenes like this, and yet I did!
Kasawari, North Sulawesi, Indonesia