Image of Cycloseris boschmai Hoeksema 2014
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Cycloseris boschmai Hoeksema 2014


provided by World Register of Marine Species
WoRMS Editorial Board
Bert Hoeksema [email]


provided by Zookeys
(Figures 3–13) The diameter of the examined specimens ranges between 12 and 50 mm. Corals mostly flat, moderately thick and robust. Adult animals unattached and monostomatous with septa-costae extending outside the circular to slightly oval corallum outline. Juvenile specimens vary from round to slightly hexagonal. Wedge-shaped, regenerating fragments not known. The length of the fossa, measured at its bottom, is 1/9 to 1/6 of the corallum length. The columella is formed by a mingled mass of tightly to loosely packed trabeculae. Septa densely packed and straight, unequal in thickness and height. The relatively thick and high septa of lower orders are solid; they are flanked by perforated septa of higher orders. Tentacular lobes absent. Septal margins are finely ornamented with sharp and granular dentations. Their number varies from 20 to 70 per cm. Septal sides are densely covered by fine granulations, which are irregularly dispersed or arranged in rows perpendicular to the septal margin. Compound synapticulae (fulturae) connecting the septa laterally cannot easily be distinguished because of tight septal arrangement. The solid corallum wall is granulated and may show a detachment scar. The lower side varies from flat to slightly convex. Costae unequal in size, straight and prominent near the corallum margin but less distinct at the centre. Corallum margin may be slightly undulating because of enlarged lower order costae. Costae ornamented with fine granular or acute spines. Their number varies from 15 to 80 per cm. Some individuals have small buds over their surface, especially in the proximity of the corallum margin (Figure 10). Attached juveniles (anthocaulus stage) are rare (Figure 11). The color of the living animal is variable with hues of red or green (Figures 11–13). Tentacles small and transparent with white acrospheres at their tips (Figure 13).
Bert W. Hoeksema
bibliographic citation
Hoeksema B (2014) The “ Fungia patella group” (Scleractinia, Fungiidae) revisited with a description of the mini mushroom coral Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. ZooKeys 371: 57–84
Bert W. Hoeksema
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
(Figure 14). The distribution range is limited to the Coral Triangle (Hoeksema 2007): eastern Malaysia (Sabah and Layang Layang), eastern Indonesia (from Bali to West Papua), central Philippines (Cebu Strait), Papua New Guinea (Madang Lagoon), and Palau.
Bert W. Hoeksema
bibliographic citation
Hoeksema B (2014) The “ Fungia patella group” (Scleractinia, Fungiidae) revisited with a description of the mini mushroom coral Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. ZooKeys 371: 57–84
Bert W. Hoeksema
visit source
partner site