

provided by EOL authors
New Caledonia waters from 18°59.93’S, 163°13.55’E to 23°02.53’S, 166°58.18’E (Kitahara & Cairns, 2009), including Loyalty Islands (Cairns 1995), 250-600 m. Previous records: from southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia (Wells 1984) to Norfolk Ridge, New Zealand (Cairns 1995), 73-390 m.

Diagnostic Description

provided by EOL authors
Corallum circular. Calice lancetted, lancets correspond to each C3 fl anked by C4. Corallum usually white but sometimes slightly reddish-brown pigmented. Base fl at to slightly convex, having a small scar of previous attachment (during early stages) in centre. All costae well developed. C1-2 more prominent near calicular edge, becoming a row of granules near centre of base. C3 thickest and tallest costae, extending up to 2 mm and normally upturned slightly beyond calicular edge as granulated costal spines. C4 and C3 form a broad three-step ridge. All costae granulated specially near calicular edge, and a small low granule ridge is present beside each C1-2. Septa hexamerally arranged in 4 complete cycles (S1≥S2>S4>S3). S1 independent, extending half distance to columella and bearing a wide lamellar palus, which is often fused to columella. S2 equal to or slightly less wide than S1, also bearing a pali of same size of P1, forming a crown more recessed from columella than the crown formed by P1. S3 smallest septa, bearing the tallest pali which fuse to inner edge of near P2 by a porous lamella. S4 slightly wider than S3, and have a spinose margin. Each S4 fuses the adjacent P3 through a long porous lamella. All pali equal sized (P1 sometimes dimorphic) and septa and palar faces bear pointed granules. Fossa shallow with an elliptical papillose columella.


provided by World Register of Marine Species


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]

Depth range

provided by World Register of Marine Species
280-390 m
WoRMS Editorial Board
Stephen Cairns [email]