Globorotalia (globe-owe-rot-al-ee-a) menardii, one of the foraminifera which occupy a multi-chambered test. The cytoplasm has an orange colour. This is a non-spinose planktonic organism. Dark ground image by Dave Caron
The test of this foram shows the scar left by an attack from a predator, possibly a member of the foram genus Floresina. Photo courtesy of Kurt S.S. Nielsen. Image first appeared in J. Foram Res. 31:93-95, and is used with permission.
Closeup of a predation scar. The large holes, left by the predator, are infilled with clayey sediment. The scar is about 150 um across. Photo courtesy of Kurt S.S. Nielsen. Image first appeared in J. Foram Res. 31:93-95, and is used with permission.