Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Streptoleberis crenulata Brady, 1890
Streptoleberis crenulata Brady, 1890:515, pl. 4: figs. 3, 4; 1898:435.—Mü, 1912:51.— Skogsberg, 1920:380.—Sylvester-Bradley, 1961:Q400.—Poulsen, 1962:339; 1965:44.—Kornicker, 1967b:4.
HOLOTYPE.—Dry specimen (unique), length 1.05 mm (Brady, 1890:515).
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Noumea, 2–4 fathoms (Brady, 1890:515).
MATERIAL.—The Brady Collection, The Hancock Museum, New-Castle-upon-Tyne, Scotland, contains 2 slides with many dry ostracods belonging to many species. According to Dr. A. G. Long of that museum (in litt., 1976), Brady's book of species lists a specimen on each slide as “Streptoleberis crenulata type.” One of the slides is labeled “Slide 8, off Cape Bon Louis, New Caledonia, 4 fathoms, weedy.” The other slide is labeled “Slide 7, New Caledonia; Banc de L'aigulle, weedy bottom, 2–3 fathoms (H.B.B.).” 1 specimen on each slide resembles the specimen of Streptoleberis crenulata illustrated by Brady (1890: pl. 4: figs. 3, 4). Dr. Anthony Tynan of The Hancock Museum kindly permitted softening and dissection of 1 of the specimens.
MATERIAL.—Through the courtesy of Dr. Albert G. Long I received from the Brady Collection at The Hancock Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Scotland, 2 slides.
Slide 1: A cardboard slide witn 4 whole dry specimens labeled “Streptoleberis favosa B&N, Talisman, Cote occ. du Maroc [Morocco] au large du Cap Canton, 836 meters, 17/6/83.“
Slide 2: A glass slide containing a left and right valve and some appendages labeled “Streptoleberis favosa Brad. & Norm., off Maroceo [Morocco], Talisman, Marquis de Folin, Hancock Museum, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” The slide is not in good condition and little information can be derived from it.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. 1978. "Harbansus, a New Genus of Marine Ostracoda, and a Revision of the Philomedidae (Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75.