Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Alebion glaber Wilson, 1905
Alebion glabrum Wilson, 1905: 129.—Rathbun, 1905:93.
Alebion glaber Wilson, 1907:708.—Fowler, 1912:481.—Wilson, 1932:419.—Vaissière, 1959:548.—Yamaguti, 1963:100.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Type specimens (USNM 8123, both sexes, no holotype designated) and twenty additional collections in the Smithsonian Institution (USNM).
FEMALE.—Body form as in Figure 74. Total length 10.80 mm, greatest width 4.80 mm, based on a single specimen. Genital segment about as long as wide (2.63 × 2.55 mm), lateral margins without ornamentation and without long processes originating on outer posterior corners. Abdomen 2-segmented, first segment wider than second. Spermatophores (Figure 75) with anterior two-thirds slightly divergent, anteriormost portion more heavily sclerotized. Caudal ramus (Figure 76) only slightly longer than wide (300µ × 240µ) and armed as in other members of the genus.
First antenna as in A. carchariae. Second antenna similar to other members of the genus, claw (Figure 77) stout and heavily sclerotized. Second maxilla as in other species in the genus, shorter flagellum with serrations as in Figure 78. Maxilliped (Figure 79) a short, stout claw with patches of scales on basal segment as indicated in figure. Adhesion pad lateral to mouth tube (Figure 80) with canaliculations on surface as in figure.
Legs 1–4 as in A. carchariae except for slight differences in exopod last segment (Figure 81). Leg 5 represented by small podomere bearing 3 short setae attached at outer posterior comer of genital segment. Leg 6 absent.
MALE.—Body form as in Figure 82. Total length 5.7 mm and greatest width 2.55 mm, based on a single specimen. Genital segment somewhat longer than wide (1.6 × 1.16 mm), edge of genital segment unarmed except for legs 5 and 6. Abdomen (Figure 83) 2-segmented, segments measuring 0.43 and 0.64 mm in length respectively. Caudal ramus (Figure 84) longer than wide (383µ × 248µ) and armed as in other members of genus.
Cephalic appendages as in female except as noted below. Second antenna (Figure 85) with stout claw, tip of claw slightly bifid, adhesion pads present as indicated in figure. Maxilliped (Figure 86) in form of claw, basal segment with large patch of scalelike spinules on inner margin, tip of claw with fine striations.
Legs 1–4 as in female except for modified spines on exopod of leg 2 (Figure 87); spine on basal segment stout, bearing knoblike spinules and markedly narrowed in distal third; more proximal spine smaller and with spinules on distal tip only. Leg 5 located at midmargin of genital segment, consisting of small podomere bearing 3 short setae and basal seta. Leg 6 represented by 3 short setae at outer posterior corners of genital segment.
- bibliographic citation
- Cressey, Roger F. 1972. "Revision of the genus Alebion (Copepoda: Caligoida)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-29.