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Alebion maculatus Wilson C. B. 1932

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Alebion maculatus Wilson, 1932

Alebion carchariae.—Bassett-Smith, 1898:366.

Alebion maculatus Wilson, 1932:423

Alebion alatus Gnanamuthu, 1951:1237.—Vaissière, 1959:548.—Yamaguti, 1963:99.—Cressey, 1967:5.—Pillai, 1967:1618.

Alebion spinosus Rangnekar, 1959:53.—Pillai, 1967:1617.

Alebion megacephalus Kirtesinghe, 1956:15; 1964: 82.—Yamaguti, 1963:100.—Pillai, 1967:1618.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Four females and 2 males collected by the author from the body surface of Carcharinus limbatus from Nosy Bé, Malagasy Republic.

FEMALE.—Body form as in Figure 29. Total length 4.88 mm and greatest width 2.63 mm based on a single specimen. Genital segment wider than long (2.06 × 1.67 mm), each lateral margin with prominent spinose bulge; posterior outer corners produced, extending well beyond caudal rami. Abdomen 2-segmented, first segment with short alate processes laterally. Spermatophores (Figure 30) slender, not divergent. Caudal ramus (Figure 31) armed as in A. carchariae; each ramus longer than wide, 170µ × 92µ.

Cephalic appendages as in A. carchariae except as noted. Second antenna (Figure 32) similar to that of other species in genus but with adhesion pads as shown in figure. Second maxilla similar to A. carchariae; short flagellum (Figure 33) with serrate edges as shown in figure. Adhesion pads lateral to mouth tube as in Figure 34. Maxilliped (Figure 35) in form of short, stout claw; basal segment with 2 scaly areas on inner surface and small raised adhesion pad near outer distal corner, short seta near inner edge of terminal segment.

Legs 1–3 biramous and as in A. carchariae. Terminal segment of leg 1 exopod armed as in Figure 36. Leg 4 as in A. carchariae. Leg 5 (Figure 37) with 2 plumose setae near tip.

MALE.—Body form as in Figure 38. Total length 1.69 mm and greatest width .90 mm, based on a single specimen. Genital segment (Figure 39) nearly twice as long as wide (.97 × .58 mm). Abdomen 2-segmented; segments measure .29 and .27 mm respectively. Caudal rami (Figure 40) about twice as long as wide (230µ × 110µ).

Cephalic appendages as in female except as noted. Second antenna (Figure 41) with adhesion pads on basal segment as shown in figure; accessory process on claw in addition to median seta. Maxilliped (Figure 42) basal segment with conical inner process bearing few serrations as shown in figure, terminal claw well-developed and bearing median seta.

Legs 1–4 as in female except for modified spines on exopod of leg 2 (Figure 43). Leg 5 represented by group of 3 setae near lateral midarea of genital segment. Leg 6 represented by 3 plumose setae near posterior outer corner of genital segment.
bibliographic citation
Cressey, Roger F. 1972. "Revision of the genus Alebion (Copepoda: Caligoida)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-29. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.123