This species can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the 3rd segment of A1 carrying a row of short, stout spinules and slender setules
Body slender. Prosome composed of cephalothorax and 3 pedigerous somites. Urosome 4-segmented. 1st segment of urosome with rows of setules on the ventral and lateral sides, genital segment with lateral setules.
Rostrum consists of a broad short frontal plate, which is fused to the cephalothorax and ends in 2 acute points on each lateral side. Labrum massive, distal part subdivided into 3 lobes covered with long setules. Caudal rami as long as the urosome, each ramus carries 6 setae.
A1 3-segmented and extends to the genital somite, the 1st segment is as long as the next 2 combined. 3rd segment ornamented with rows of setules and a row of short spinules.
Masticatory blade of the gnathobase on Ms armed with 8 serrated teeth, with 1 lateral tooth large and separate from the others. Basis armed with 3 inner setae.
Mxp 4-segmented, outer margin of the 1st segment with a few setules.
Inner margin of coxa, basis and proximal endopodal segments of P1 ornamented with stout spinutles or slender setales, distal segment of endopodite with 3 setae.
Distal endopodal segment of P2 with distomedial spinules, inner margin of 1st exopodal segment with a row of stout spinules.