Virginia Rails (Rallus limicola) are found nearly everywhere Soras live, and Tavasci Marsh [Arizona] is no exception. These sounds are ones you don't often hear in commercial bird call CDs, but they are the Virginia's common "grunting" calls - they're kind of spooky when you hear them at night for the first time! Listen for the bullfrog during the call.
A solo adult, recorded from 6 feet away. He did this, as I've often heard them do, for a solid 15 minutes, while staying in one spot. If you hear them doing this, they'll usually continue for some time.
This is a very sexy sound if you're a Virginia Rail in the Springtime. It means "I'm ready, and I'm lookin' for love!" It's generally called the "ti-dick" sound. The double clicks ("ti-dick") are diagnostic of the Virginia Rail. King and Clapper Rails also click, but generally not in "doublets".