The Sora (Porzana carolina) is a small (Robin-Sized) rail that has a wonderful, descending "whinny" which can be heard mornings and evenings around marshes. Good luck catching a glimpse of this one, though, as they're normally secretive and inhabit the thick cattails and reeds. This one was recorded in Tavasci Marsh [Arizona]. Though they normally walk on the reeds and weeds or in shallow water, I have seen Soras swim briefly, too.
This is what I call the Sora's "piping call" they'll often do this for several minutes, piping every 10 seconds or so. I've "compressed" this sample, taking some of the silence between pipes out.
Two of the typical calls of the Sora are the "Ker-wee" and "Wee-eer" heard here. These sounds are usually single calls, and are not heard together the way I've put them together in this sample.