This one was at the top of a hill above the tree tops way on the other side of the road and was quite a ways up in the air. I used shutter priority and held down the AE and locked in the bird and hoped for the best. I normally do not use SP, but this seemed like a good time to give it a try. I was a little concerned the 51 focus points would lock on to the trees, but was pretty excited to just keep firing away and hope for the best.
These are a highly endangered species, and this one is part of the Vermilion cliffs re-introduction population. Unfortunately these birds will not likely be able to survive free and wild without the heavy hand of man to assist them any time in the near future, for they get lead poisoning from eating bullets in dead animals, and they have to be trapped and detoxed at least once a year or they die. Many die anyway,athough they have started breeding here in the past few years.UPDATE: as of 7-13-11, this bird is still alive. See
A pair of California condors perch outside of their nest cave on the side of a cliff near Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge in California in 2009. (Michael Woodbridge/USFWS).