Terpsiphone rufiventer - (partial) distribution map (only focused on the Albertine Rift)Distribution of some subspecies in the Albertine Rift is presented, including the race ignea which interbreed at low rate with T. bedfordi, but hybridization seems restricted to a very narrow zone of overlap.
Terpsiphone igneaIllustration on plate VI in the book: Dubois, A. 1905. Remarques sur l’ornithologie de l’Etat indépendant du Congo. Ann. Mus. Congo Zool. Sér. IV. Tome I (Fasc I): 1-36, 12 plates.URL: http://bhl.ait.co.at/index.php?form=display&oaiid=RMCA/6C41697C1B344B71BE5066AF14285727Due diligence has been applied and recorded, and the rights owner of the illustration could not be traced.
Terpsiphone speciosa1. Terpsiphone speciosa 2. Terpsiphone melanuraIllustration on plate VII in the book: Dubois, A. 1905. Remarques sur l’ornithologie de l’Etat indépendant du Congo. Ann. Mus. Congo Zool. Sér. IV. Tome I (Fasc I): 1-36, 12 plates.URL: http://bhl.ait.co.at/index.php?form=display&oaiid=RMCA/6C41697C1B344B71BE5066AF14285727Due diligence has been applied and recorded, and the rights owner of the illustration could not be traced.