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Captive-breeding of this and related Crossoptilon species have added to aviaries around the world (Harper, 1986).

Positive Impacts: pet trade

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Brown eared-pheasants were the first Crossoptilon species to be bred in captivity. The first pheasants were bred in 1864 in Paris (Harper, 1986). These pheasants were imported to London from the French stock in 1866 (Delacour, 1958).

Brown eared-pheasants are closely related to Crossoptilon crossoptilon (white eared-pheasant) and Crossoptilon auritum (blue eared-pheasant). White eared-pheasants were imported to the United States in 1935, and a small stock has been developed and maintained (Delacour, 1958; Harper, 1986). White eared-pheasants lack the tufts extending toward the back of the head (Harper, 1986). Blue eared-pheasants are the most common in captivity (Delacour, 1958; Harper, 1986) and are considered the most beautiful by some aviculturalists (Delacour, 1958).

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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During the breeding season, male brown eared-pheasants will utter a "trip crrrr ah" call that starts out softly, but increases in volume. The call may last for as long as one minute (Madge and McGowan, 2002). The male will utter the call very intensively in the spring, although both male and female will call throughout the rest of year.

Communication Channels: acoustic

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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These pheasants are at a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. The result of habitat loss and hunting has been a rapid decline in populations in unprotected areas. In protected areas, populations of brown eared-pheasants have remained stable. These pheasants occur in small areas as fragmented populations and are found in no more than ten locations.

These pheasants were wide-spread until the 1930's. Loss of forest habitat and hunting contributed to their decline. In protected areas, brown eared-pheasant are still under pressure because of human activities. Mushroom collectors and egg collection has contributed to nesting failures as high as 78% is some areas (Madge and McGowan, 2002).

The Pheasant Trust has been involved in breeding brown eared-pheasants and white eared-pheasants (Wayre, 1979). This organization's mission is to breed endangered pheasant species in captivity, and when possible, reintroduce young birds into the wild in their native land, provided that suitable habitat still exists (Wayre, 1979).

Brown eared-pheasants are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN, and as Appendix I by CITES.

CITES: appendix i

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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There are no known adverse affects of brown eared-pheasants on humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Brown eared-pheasants have an impact on the vegetation they eat.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

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These birds forage on the ground looking for insects, seeds, and vegetation; they also dig for roots (Harper, 1986). Brown eared-pheasants will also dig in and around clumps of grass to find bulbs, tubers, and other underground vegetative materials to eat (Madge and McGowan, 2002).

Animal Foods: insects

Plant Foods: leaves; roots and tubers; seeds, grains, and nuts

Primary Diet: omnivore

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Brown eared-pheasants are indigenous to western China, Mongolia, and Tibet (Delacour, 1958; Harper, 1986).

Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy

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We do not have information on lifespan/longevity for this species at this time.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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These pheasants are found on the slopes of mountains and occur throughout the high plateaus of their geographic range (Delacour, 1958) at 1100 to 2600 m (Madge and McGowan, 2002). They are terrestrial, temperate birds and are found in mixed coniferous and deciduous forests with an understory of shrubs (Madge and McGowan, 2002).

Range elevation: 1100 to 2600 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; mountains

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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When threatened by raptors (order Falconiformes), brown eared-pheasants will freeze in place. When threatened by mammals (class Mammalia), they will run uphill or to nearby cover (Johnsgard, 1986).

Known Predators:

  • raptors (Falconiformes)
  • mammals (Mammalia)
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


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Brown eared-pheasants may reach 100 cm in length (Harper, 1986). Male wing length ranges from 270 to 312 mm, and female wing length ranges from 265 to 290 mm. Tail length for males and females measures 518 to 582 mm and 447 to 576 mm, respectively. Tarsal length for males and females is around 100 mm. Males weigh 1650 to 2475 g, while females weigh 1450 to 2025 g (Madge and McGowan, 2002).

Overall, females are usually smaller and lack leg spurs. Males are mostly dark brown on the head, neck, and upper chest. They have long cream-colored or whitish tail beathers (Harper, 1986) that terminate in a brownish-black, glossy purplish-blue (Johnsgard, 1986). The tail has two central feathers that have soft, drooping veins much like Ostrich feathers (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Males have a characteristic large red eye patch with buff to brown-colored tufts beneath the eyes extending toward the back of the head in a most distinguished fashion (Harper, 1986). In fact, these tufts are reminiscent of a handle-bar moustache (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Wing coverts are glossy purplish, and the lower back, rump and upper tail is silvery white. The underparts are brown in color. The beak is a light reddish color, and the legs are crimson. The male develops wattles and leg spurs (Johnsgard, 1986).

Range mass: 1450 to 2475 g.

Range length: 100 (high) cm.

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger; sexes colored or patterned differently

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

Sometimes, brown eared-pheasants form permanent pair-bonds (Madge and McGowan, 2002). These pheasants are not aggressive, even during the breeding season (Harper, 1986).

During the breeding season, male brown eared-pheasants will utter a "trip crrrr ah" call that starts out softly, but increases in volume. The call may last for as long as one minute (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Males will utter the call very intensively in the spring, although both male and female will call throughout the rest of year. Male pheasants may perch on a boulder or the lower branch of an oak tree or stand on the ground to utter their challenging calls to establish breeding territories (Johnsgard, 1986).

Male brown eared-pheasants will tidbit during courtship (present the female with food). They will then adopt a lateral posture, enlarge their wattles, droop their primary wing feathers, and fan their tail. The female will crouch and engage in a head-weaving motion where her beak is tucked in toward her chest. Copulation occurs shortly thereafter (Johnsgard, 1986).

Mating System: monogamous

The breeding season for brown eared-pheasants is from April to June. Breeding occurs in the second year despite development of adult plumage earlier (Harper, 1986; Johnsgard, 1986).

A clutch consists of five to eight eggs (Harper, 1986; Madge and McGowan, 2002), although there have been reports of clutch sizes ranging from 4 to 22 eggs. The female usually lays smaller clutches during her first year and for second broods if the first clutch is lost (Madge and McGowan, 2002). In captivity, eggs are laid every other day (Johnsgard, 1986). The eggs are a pale stone green in color (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Egg size averages 53 by 39 mm and the weight ranges from 44.5 to 60 g (Johnsgard, 1986). Incubation lasts 26 to 27 days; the female is the sole incubator (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Hatchlings weigh on average 40 g. After four weeks, young birds weigh on average 309 g.

Breeding interval: A second brood will be attempted within one season if the first brood is lost.

Breeding season: April to June

Range eggs per season: 4 to 22.

Range time to hatching: 26 to 27 days.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous

Incubation lasts 26 to 27 days; the female is the sole incubator (Madge and McGowan, 2002). Young are precocial.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement; precocial ; pre-fertilization; pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Female)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Pappas, J. 2002. "Crossoptilon mantchuricum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Crossoptilon_mantchuricum.html
Janice Pappas, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Arkive
Eared-pheasants are gregarious birds, typically living in flocks of ten to thirty or more for much of the year, and separating into monogamous pairs in spring (4) (7). The breeding season starts in mid-March, when pairs move to higher altitudes and establish and defend well-sheltered territories with good food supplies (7). The courtship display of the cock consists of much running around and calling, with wings lowered, tail raised up, scarlet face wattles extended and the neck rounded (4). Nests are made on the ground in a protected spot, into which clutches of four to twenty eggs are laid from early April, and incubated by the female for 26 to 27 days (7). The brown eared-pheasant is mainly herbivorous, using its powerful beak to dig up roots and tubers, but also feeds on stems, leaves, buds, fruits, seeds, insects and worms (4) (7).
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The brown eared-pheasant is nationally protected in China, and the several nature reserves it occurs in (Luya Shan, Pangquanguo, Tianlong Shan, Wulushan and Xiaowutai Shan) are considered crucial for the protection of the species and its habitat (5) (7). There is even evidence that numbers have increased in Luyashan, Xiaowutai Shan and Pangquangou since the reserves were established. In 1996, the provincial wildlife department in Taiyuan and the headquarters of Pangquanguo National Nature Reserve were requested to stop the mushroom exploitation that was disturbing this species, which they have done (7). Tree-planting and forest management programmes since the 1980s are also likely to have benefited this species in some areas. Additionally, the bird's biology and conservation are currently being intensively studied in a four-year project (5). There are estimated to be approximately 1,000 brown eared-pheasants in captivity world-wide, including captive populations in Pangquanguo National Nature Reserve, Xiaowutai Shan Nature Reserve, Beijing Zoo, and the Endangered Species Breeding Center and the Institute of Zoology, both also in Beijing (7).
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A unique feature of eared-pheasants (Crossoptilon spp.) is that males and females are virtually identical, even more remarkable as the plumage is highly specialised and ornamental (4). This large pheasant has a velvety black head and neck, gradually shading to a deep brown on the body and whitish on the lower back and rump, which extends into a long soft white tail, broadly tipped in black (4) (5). The bare facial skin and legs are a crimson-red, but the bird is most notable for its prominent white cheek tufts that extend from the base of the bill, somewhat resembling an up-turned moustache (4) (5). The male is slightly larger than the female, but can only really be distinguished by its spurs, which are larger and rounder at the base than the hen's (4) (5) (6).
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The brown eared-pheasant breeds in montane broad-leaved and mixed coniferous forests up to 2,600 metres above sea level, but in winter, moves to lower altitudes, down to 1,100 metres above sea level, where it occupies scrub at the forest edge on south-facing slopes (2) (5).
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Endemic to northeast China (5).
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Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1) and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3).
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Populations appear to be stable or even increasing within protected areas, but declining elsewhere in the face of ongoing habitat loss and hunting (5) (7). The species' range has been reduced and widely fragmented due to large-scale cutting of trees for agriculture and urban development, and degraded by logging and livestock-grazing (5) (8). As a result, remaining scattered, isolated populations have become more accessible to hunters and highly vulnerable to disturbance caused by grazing (7) (8). Even within protected areas, certain pressures remain. When Wulushan Nature Reserve was established in 1990, a lack of management or staff meant that local communities continued to collected firewood and cut trees illegally, and farmers still use poison bates to hunt common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), which presumably also affects the brown eared-pheasant (7). Egg collection and disturbance by local people collecting fungi are thought to be the cause of high nest failure rates at Pangquangou National Nature Reserve (5) (7).
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Fazan skouarnek gell ( Breton )

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Vi fazan skouarnek gell.

Ar fazan skouarnek gell a zo un evn eus kerentiad ar Phasianidae, Crossoptilon mantchuricum an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Doareoù pennañ



Bevañ a ra al labous e koadegi biz Sina[1].



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Fazan skouarnek gell: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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 src= Vi fazan skouarnek gell.

Ar fazan skouarnek gell a zo un evn eus kerentiad ar Phasianidae, Crossoptilon mantchuricum an anv skiantel anezhañ.

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Faisà mostatxut fosc ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA
Crossoptilon mantchuricum

El faisà mostatxut fosc (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) és un ocell de la família dels fasiànids (Phasianidae) que habita zones rocalloses i arbustives de muntanya del nord-est de la Xina.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Faisà mostatxut fosc Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata

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Faisà mostatxut fosc: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA
 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum

El faisà mostatxut fosc (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) és un ocell de la família dels fasiànids (Phasianidae) que habita zones rocalloses i arbustives de muntanya del nord-est de la Xina.

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Ffesant glustiog frown ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ffesant glustiog frown (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: ffesantod clustiog brown) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Crossoptilon mantchuricum; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Brown eared-pheasant. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Ffesantod (Lladin: Phasianidae) sydd yn urdd y Galliformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. mantchuricum, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r ffesant glustiog frown yn perthyn i deulu'r Ffesantod (Lladin: Phasianidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Ceiliog coedwig coch Gallus gallus Ceiliog coedwig gwyrdd Gallus varius
Stavenn Gallus varius 0.jpg
Ceiliog coedwig llwyd Gallus sonneratii
Gallus sonneratii (Bandipur).jpg
Ffesant Amherst Chrysolophus amherstiae
Chrysolophus amherstiae 18092009.jpg
Ffesant euraid Chrysolophus pictus
Golden Pheasant, Tangjiahe Nature Reserve, Sichuan.jpg
Ffesant Sclater Lophophorus sclateri
Lophophorus sclateri.jpg
Ffesant Tsiena Lophophorus lhuysii
Gallus lafayetii Gallus lafayetii
Flickr - Rainbirder - Ceylon Junglefowl (Gallus lafayetii) Male.jpg
Petrisen Barbari Alectoris barbara
Alectoris barbara Tenerife.jpg
Petrisen goesgoch Arabia Alectoris melanocephala
Alectoris melanocephala 2.jpg
Petrisen graig Alectoris graeca
Steinhuhn Alectoris graeca.jpg
Petrisen graig Philby Alectoris philbyi
Petrisen siwcar Alectoris chukar
A Chukar - near South Pullu, Ladakh, Jammu Kashmir India.jpg
Petrisen Udzungwa Xenoperdix udzungwensis
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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Ffesant glustiog frown: Brief Summary ( Welsh )

provided by wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Ffesant glustiog frown (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: ffesantod clustiog brown) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Crossoptilon mantchuricum; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Brown eared-pheasant. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Ffesantod (Lladin: Phasianidae) sydd yn urdd y Galliformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn C. mantchuricum, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Bažant mandžuský ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ
Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Bažant mandžuský (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) je statný druh bažanta, který žije v severní Číně a v Pákistánu. Dříve byl nazýván bažant ušatý hnědý, později byl přejmenován na bažanta mandžuského. Samci tohoto druhu dorůstají délky až 100 cm, jsou téměř celí hnědí, bílá ocasní pera mají u bažantů neobvyklý tvar, a u hlavy má bílé "uši". Je to velmi vzácný druh bažanta. Slípky jsou většinou hnědě zbarvené.

Samec a vzácně i slípka tohoto druhu může být vůči cizím osobám velmi agresivní.

V českých zoologických zahradách nebývá moc často chován, v současnosti ho nechová žádná česká zoo.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Bažant mandžuský: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Bažant mandžuský (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) je statný druh bažanta, který žije v severní Číně a v Pákistánu. Dříve byl nazýván bažant ušatý hnědý, později byl přejmenován na bažanta mandžuského. Samci tohoto druhu dorůstají délky až 100 cm, jsou téměř celí hnědí, bílá ocasní pera mají u bažantů neobvyklý tvar, a u hlavy má bílé "uši". Je to velmi vzácný druh bažanta. Slípky jsou většinou hnědě zbarvené.

Samec a vzácně i slípka tohoto druhu může být vůči cizím osobám velmi agresivní.

V českých zoologických zahradách nebývá moc často chován, v současnosti ho nechová žádná česká zoo.

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Brauner Ohrfasan ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Braune Ohrfasan (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Fasanenartigen. Er ist im Norden Chinas endemisch, wo er in den Gebirgen im Norden und Nordwesten der chinesischen Provinzen Hebei, Shanxi und Shaanxi sowie in einem Gebiet bei Peking vorkommt. Der Braune Ohrfasan kommt entgegen seinem Artepitheton nicht in der Mandschurei vor. Er wird von der IUCN als „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) eingestuft. Unterarten sind nicht beschrieben.


Die Geschlechter des mit 96 cm Körperlänge recht großen Fasans unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich der Färbung nicht. Der Scheitel ist samtschwarz, die unbefiederte Partie um das Auge intensiv rot. Die Iris ist hell rötlichbraun, der Schnabel rötlich hornfarben. Kinn und Kehle sowie die Wangenfedern und die Ohrdecken sind weiß, letztere wie auch beim Blauen Ohrfasan zu zwei über den Kopf nach hinten hinweg ragenden Federbüscheln verlängert. Das Schwarz des Halses geht auf dem vorderen Rücken und den Schultern in Braun über, das sich auch über die Unterseite erstreckt. Hinterer Rücken, Bürzel und Oberschwanzdecken sind silberweiß. Die Oberflügeldecken und Armschwingen zeigen einen purpurnen Glanz. Der etwa 55 cm lange Schwanz besteht aus 22 Steuerfedern, deren basaler Abschnitt grau weißlich ist und deren schwarzbrauner, distaler Teil purpurblau glänzt. Während die Fahnen der äußeren Steuerfedern noch recht geschlossen sind, werden sie bei den zur Mitte hin gelegenen immer zerschlissener und haarartiger. Das mittlere Paar überragt den übrigen Schwanz in einem Bogen. Die Beine sind dunkel rot.

Die Flügellänge liegt bei dieser Art bei 306 mm, das Gewicht der Hähne zwischen 1,7 und 2 kg, das der Hennen zwischen 1,5 und 1,75 kg.


Die Rufe dieser Art sind hoch, laut und heiser. Zur Balzzeit vernimmt man von den Hähnen ein wiijah wiijah wiijah. Zudem wird ein trip-c-r-r-r-r-r-ah variabler Länge beschrieben.

Verbreitung und Bestand

Der Braune Ohrfasan kommt nur noch in wenigen disjunkten Arealen vor, von denen drei in der Provinz Shanxi (u. a. Lüliang Shan), eines in der Provinz Hebei, eines im mittleren Shaanxi und eines bei Peking liegt. Bei vier der Gebiete handelt es sich um Naturreservate.[1] Die Art galt wegen Nachstellungen und Vernichtung ihrer Lebensräume bereits als ausgestorben, bis im Xiao Wutai Shan in Shanxi Restvorkommen entdeckt und unter Schutz gestellt wurden. Der Bestand in Reservaten wurde kürzlich auf 5.000 Individuen geschätzt, da aber wohl noch weitere Vorkommen außerhalb der Reservate existieren, könnten es nach weiteren Schätzungen 17.000 sein. Da in letzter Zeit noch unbekannte Vorkommen gemeldet wurden, könnte die Zahl noch höher liegen.[2]


Ei des Braunen Ohrfasans

Der Braune Ohrfasan kommt in Nadel- und Mischwäldern in Höhen zwischen 1700 und 2,600 m vor, im Winter wandert er in niedrigere Lagen bis 1100 m ab. Die Wintertrupps dieser Art bestehen aus 20 bis 50 Tieren. Die Fortpflanzungszeit liegt zwischen April und Juni und die Trupps gliedern sich dann in Paare auf. Das Gelege besteht aus 5–8 steingrauen, manchmal leicht ins grünliche oder bräunliche spielenden Eiern von 53 × 39 mm Größe. Sie zeigen einen matten Glanz und werden 26 bis 27 Tage lang bebrütet.



  1. The Internet Bird Collection, s. Weblinks
  2. BirdLife species factsheet, s. Weblinks
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Brauner Ohrfasan: Brief Summary ( German )

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Der Braune Ohrfasan (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Fasanenartigen. Er ist im Norden Chinas endemisch, wo er in den Gebirgen im Norden und Nordwesten der chinesischen Provinzen Hebei, Shanxi und Shaanxi sowie in einem Gebiet bei Peking vorkommt. Der Braune Ohrfasan kommt entgegen seinem Artepitheton nicht in der Mandschurei vor. Er wird von der IUCN als „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) eingestuft. Unterarten sind nicht beschrieben.

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Brown eared pheasant

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum

The brown eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) is a large, 96– to 100-cm-long, dark brown pheasant endemic to the mountain forests of northeastern China (Shanxi and nearby provinces). The species was first described by Robert Swinhoe in 1863. It has stiff white ear coverts behind the eyes, which look like a moustache. The crown is black with red bare facial skin and its tail of 22 elongated, white feathers is curved, loose and dark-tipped. Both sexes are similar in plumage.

The rarest member in the genus Crossoptilon, its diet consists mainly of roots, bulbs, and plant matter. The female lays five to eight large, pale stone green eggs, which take 28 days to hatch.

Due to isolated populations, deforestation, and poaching (despite being a protected species), the brown eared pheasant is evaluated as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES.

See also


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2016). "Crossoptilon mantchuricum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22679299A92809690. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22679299A92809690.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.

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Brown eared pheasant: Brief Summary

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum

The brown eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) is a large, 96– to 100-cm-long, dark brown pheasant endemic to the mountain forests of northeastern China (Shanxi and nearby provinces). The species was first described by Robert Swinhoe in 1863. It has stiff white ear coverts behind the eyes, which look like a moustache. The crown is black with red bare facial skin and its tail of 22 elongated, white feathers is curved, loose and dark-tipped. Both sexes are similar in plumage.

The rarest member in the genus Crossoptilon, its diet consists mainly of roots, bulbs, and plant matter. The female lays five to eight large, pale stone green eggs, which take 28 days to hatch.

Due to isolated populations, deforestation, and poaching (despite being a protected species), the brown eared pheasant is evaluated as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It is listed on Appendix I of CITES.

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Bruna fazano ( Esperanto )

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La Bruna fazanoBruna orelfazano (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) el la ordo de galinoformaj birdoj kaj familio de fazanedoj troveblas nur en nordorienta Ĉinio sude de orienta Mongolio. Ili vivas en disaj lokoj de Luliang Ŝan, Ning'u kaj Kelan de norda Ŝenŝjio kaj la montoregiono de nordokcidenta Hebejo, okcidenta Pekino kaj centra Ŝenŝjio. Spite la latina scienca nomo, Manĉurio estas pli nordoriente de la teritorio de tiu palearktisa specio.


La birdo estas tutkorpe malhelbruna kun nigre brilantaj kolo kaj kapo, ĝiaj mentono kaj kornoformaj rektaj kvazaŭ mustaĉo orelplumoj estas blankaj kaj etendas el la bekobazo ĝis elstari super la nukoflankoj; ankaŭ la talio, suba dorso, pugo kaj la radikoj kaj centra parto de vostoplumoj estas blankaj, dum vangoj estas nudaj haŭtaĵoj malhelruĝaj same kiel la kruroj; la vostoplumoj supren levitaj kun plumpintoj kliniĝantaj teren. La irisoj estas helbrunaj. La beko estas helgriza al helflaveca. La birdo longas 83-107 cm kaj pezas 1,450-2,475 gr, kun vosto 45-60 cm longa de 22 kurbaj plumoj blankaj kun malhelaj pintoj. La enverguro estas de 28 cm kaj ĉe ino de 26 cm. Ambaŭ seksoj estas similaj laŭ plumaro, sed inoj kutime estas iomete pli malgrandaj kaj ne havas spronojn.

La voĉo estas altatona, raŭka alvoko foje transkribita kiel "Trip-k-r-r-r-r-r-ah!" de varia longo (foje akra, eventuale elsendita dum ĝis ĉ. 60 sekundoj), ascenda en tono kaj laŭteco.


La Brunaj fazanoj vivas en montetoregionoj 20-30ope. Folioj, ŝosoj, semoj, tigaj tuberoj, maldikaj radikoj, kaj eĉ insektoj estas iliaj manĝaĵoj. Kiam ili prenas manĝaĵon, iu birdo deĵoras sur altaĵo por alarmi la aliajn birdojn, kiam venas rabobirdoj aŭ rabobestoj. Vespere ili kolektiĝas kaj tranoktas sur pinoj dekkelkajn metrojn altaj sur montodeklivo.

En la reprodukta sezono ili en paro konstruas neston en terkavoj inter pinoj, betulojarbedoj kaj sternas iom da herboj kaj arbofolioj en ĝi. La nesto estas ĉirkaŭita de velkintaj folioj. La 5 al 8 ovoj de la birdo estas verdecaj al brunetaj, sen makuloj, kaj pezas po 60 g. La femala birdo plenumas kovadon, kiu daŭras ĉ. 26-28 tagojn antaŭ eloviĝo. La flegado kaj nutrado estas komuna tasko de la gepatraj birdoj.

En la pariĝa tempo en printempo ofte okazas drasta lukto inter virbirdoj.

Ili reproduktiĝas en arbaroj ĉu koniferaj ĉu miksitaj kun larĝafoliaj ĝis 2,600 m. Vintre ili moviĝas al pli malaltaj altitudoj (minimume 1,100 m), al arbustaroj de arbarbordoj en sudenaj deklivoj.


La birdoj estis malmultaj en la pasinteco. Danke al la protektado de la ĉina registaro nun ilia nombro pligrandiĝas kaj ilia vivloko plivastiĝas. Pro izolata populacio, senarbarigo kaj esti ankoraŭ ĉasata, kvankam laŭleĝe protektita de Ĉinio, la Bruna orelfazano estas konsiderata kiel Vundebla en la Ruĝa Listo de IUCN de Minacataj Specioj. Ĝi estas listita en la Apendico I de CITES.

La totala populacio estas ĉirkaŭkalkulita en 5,000 birdoj sed konsiderinte ke denseco estas pli alta en protektitaj areoj oni povas supozi ke la populacio estas de ĉ. 17,000 birdoj. Pli ĵuse oni konstatis, ke estas populacioj ankaŭ en la kantonoj Laijuano kaj Laiŝui kaj pro tio la totala populacio povus esti pli alta.

Vidu ankaŭ


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Bruna fazano: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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La Bruna fazano aŭ Bruna orelfazano (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) el la ordo de galinoformaj birdoj kaj familio de fazanedoj troveblas nur en nordorienta Ĉinio sude de orienta Mongolio. Ili vivas en disaj lokoj de Luliang Ŝan, Ning'u kaj Kelan de norda Ŝenŝjio kaj la montoregiono de nordokcidenta Hebejo, okcidenta Pekino kaj centra Ŝenŝjio. Spite la latina scienca nomo, Manĉurio estas pli nordoriente de la teritorio de tiu palearktisa specio.

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Huevo de Crossoptilon mantchuricum

El faisán orejudo pardo[1]​ o faisán hoki (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) es una especie de ave galliforme de la familia Phasianidae endémica de los bosques montanos del noreste de China (Liaoning y Shanxi). No se conocen subespecies.[2]


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Crossoptilon mantchuricum: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Huevo de Crossoptilon mantchuricum

El faisán orejudo pardo​ o faisán hoki (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) es una especie de ave galliforme de la familia Phasianidae endémica de los bosques montanos del noreste de China (Liaoning y Shanxi). No se conocen subespecies.​

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum ( Basque )

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum Crossoptilon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Phasianidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum Crossoptilon generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Phasianidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Ruskokorvafasaani ( Finnish )

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Ruskokorvafasaani (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) on aitokanoihin kuuluva lintulaji. Se elää endeemisenä ja uhanalaisena Kiinassa.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Ruskokorvafasaani on suurikokoinen lintu ja voi kasvaa 96–100 cm pitkäksi. Koiraat ovat tyypillisesti naaraita kookkaampia. Koiras on väriltään tummanruskea päälaeltaan, rinnastaan, selästään ja siivistään. Alaselkä on valkoinen. Pyrstö on viuhkamainen ja pyrstön pitkät sulat ovat valkoiset ja mustakärkiset. Naaman iho on höyhenistä paljas ja punainen. Silmien alla kulkee valkoinen juova. Nokka ja jalat ovat punertavat. Ruskokorvafasaaninaaras muistuttaa koirasta, mutta on pienikokoisempi.[2][3]

Levinneisyys ja elintavat

Ruskokorvafasaania tavataan keskisen kiinan pohjoisosista. Lajin elinympäristöä ovat vuoristojen havu- ja lehtipuita kasvavat sekametsät tyypillisesti noin 1 000–2 600 metrin korkeudesta. Tyypillisesti ruskokorvafasaanit liikkuvat 10–30 yksilön ryhminä. Linnun ravintoa ovat siemenet, kasvien sipulit ja juurakot sekä hyönteiset. Ruskokorvafasaanin lisääntymisaika kestää huhtikuulta kesäkuulle. Naaras munii tyypillisesti 5–8 vihreää munaa ja hautoo munia noin neljän viikon ajan.[1][2][3]

Ruskokorvafasaanikannan kooksi arvioidaan 5 000–17 000 yksilöä. Lajin kanta arvioidaan vaarantuneeksi. Sitä uhkaa elinympäristön väheneminen ja pirstaloituminen hakkuiden vuoksi ja metsästys.[1][2]


  1. a b c BirdLife International: Crossoptilon mantchuricum IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 27.3.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c Edwards's Pheasant - BirdLife Species Factsheet BirdLife International. Viitattu 19.10.2013.
  3. a b Janice Pappas: Crossoptilon mantchuricum Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigen Museum of Zoology. Viitattu 19.10.2013. (englanniksi)
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Ruskokorvafasaani: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Ruskokorvafasaani (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) on aitokanoihin kuuluva lintulaji. Se elää endeemisenä ja uhanalaisena Kiinassa.

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Hokki brun ( French )

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Crossoptilon mantchuricum - Muséum de Toulouse

Le Hokki brun (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Phasianidae. Il est aussi appelé faisan de Mandchourie.


Nord-est de la Chine en distribution très fragmentée. Présent seulement autour du mont Luliang, dans le Houpei, à l’ouest de Pékin et dans le Chansi.


Le hokki brun affectionne les forêts subalpines de bouleaux, de chênes et de pins entre 1800 et 3500 m d’altitude, ces arbres rabougris atteignant rarement 5 m de hauteur. En été, il peut atteindre la limite supérieure des arbres mais descend à plus basse altitude en hiver.


Les variations saisonnières jouent un rôle important dans son alimentation. Au printemps, il consomme de jeunes feuilles, des tiges et des racines ; en été, il prélève des fleurs, des feuilles succulentes, des pousses et quelques invertébrés. En automne, il mange des feuilles, des baies et des fruits puis, en hiver, il se rabat sur les graines, les racines et les larves d’insectes (Hennache & Ottaviani 2006).

Comportement non social

Les hokis bruns sont sédentaires, n’effectuant que de faibles déplacements d’altitudes saisonniers. Ainsi, en hiver ils visitent les versants ensoleillés de basse altitude dotés d’un couvert végétal leur fournissant une nourriture suffisante. En période de reproduction, ils gagnent les forêts d’altitude à sous-bois clair où ils pourront également se nourrir et nicher. Puis les parents conduisent les jeunes encore plus haut sur les pentes rocheuses et dans les épaisses broussailles où les insectes sont abondants (Zhang 1998).

Comportement social

D’après Li et Liu (1993), de fin-juillet à fin-octobre, quand la saison de reproduction est terminée et les jeunes émancipés, et de fin-octobre à fin-février, en automne et en hiver, ils forment des groupes de 10 à 30 individus qui fréquentent les buissons et les plantes herbacées des versants ouverts des montagnes. Les rassemblements diurnes varient en nombre et en durée mais l’observation de plus d’une centaine de sujets le 26 décembre 1982 dans la région de Xiaowutai constitue l’une des troupes les plus importantes relevées chez cette espèce. De début-mars à mi-avril, ils se scindent en couples. Il semble bien que la cohésion du couple existe déjà au sein de la troupe hivernale et qu’elle se manifeste différemment en période nuptiale. Il est aussi probable que lorsque le groupe hivernal se dissout, les jeunes non appariés se séparent et se mettent à la recherche d’une partenaire, ce qui occasionnerait les combats. Les hokis bruns sont très territoriaux, la surface d’un territoire variant au printemps entre deux et sept hectares, mais diminuant au fur et à mesure que la saison d’élevage avance.

Parade nuptiale

Le picotage est la première phase de la parade nuptiale ; le mâle se fige alors devant la nourriture tout en appelant la femelle, ou bien la saisit et la dépose devant elle. En parade latérale, le mâle déploie ses caroncules rouges, abaisse l’aile du côté de la femelle, gonfle les sus-caudales et déploie la queue. Ainsi paré, il baisse la tête contre sa poitrine, penche le corps en avant et oriente la queue vers sa partenaire. L’accouplement peut alors survenir après une brève course-poursuite ou directement après une posture d’invitation de la part de la femelle qui s’aplatit au sol tout en agitant la tête d’avant en arrière.


Le site de nidification se trouve généralement au sol dans le sous-bois d’une forêt de feuillus de montagne. Zhang Zheng-wang a observé une femelle nichant sous un rocher qui procure ombre et abri. Ce rocher, abondamment recouvert de lichen, était entouré de petites touffes d’herbes, de jeunes arbrisseaux et de rameaux secs épars. Parfois, le nid est une simple dépression dans le sol, sous un arbuste ou un buisson, tapissée de quelques feuilles mortes et autres fibres végétales (Hennache & Ottaviani 2006).

Statut, conservation

Les populations actuelles sont stables et même en légère augmentation dans les zones protégées. Il ne faut toutefois pas oublier qu’elles décroissent hors des réserves en raison de la déforestation, du braconnage et de la collecte des œufs, cette dernière réalisée par les fermiers recherchant plantes médicinales et champignons pendant la saison de reproduction des hokis bruns. Dans la réserve naturelle de Pangquangou, Zhang a estimé que la collecte des œufs représentait 60 % de la destruction des nids. La protection du hoki brun nécessite aujourd’hui la création de nouvelles réserves, les trois existantes ne représentant que 5 % de la distribution totale (Hennache & Ottaviani 2006). Zhang et al. (2003) proposent Wulushan dans le sud de Chansi, Huanglongshan dans la province de Chansi et la montagne Dongling à Beijing. Ils proposent aussi d’impliquer les populations locales dans la conservation de l’espèce. Ceci a déjà été amorcé par le passé puisque depuis 1980 une sensibilisation à la protection du hoki brun et de son habitat entre dans le cadre du programme scolaire. Des clubs « nature » et des sorties sur le terrain sont organisés pour les étudiants, les chercheurs ou les simples amateurs d’oiseaux. Pour parachever cette action pédagogique, des posters, calendriers, brochures, films, photos, revues, illustrations et autres démonstrations sont proposés au public. Des émissions à la radio et à la télévision, des rencontres dans des muséums d’histoire naturelle ou dans des parcs zoologiques complètent ce volet pédagogique (Zhang et al. 2003).


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Hokki brun: Brief Summary ( French )

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum

 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum - Muséum de Toulouse

Le Hokki brun (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Phasianidae. Il est aussi appelé faisan de Mandchourie.

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum ( Italian )

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Il fagiano orecchiuto bruno (Crossoptilon mantchuricum Swinhoe, 1863) è una specie di uccello della famiglia dei Fasianidi originaria della Cina nord-orientale; contrariamente a quanto si potrebbe pensare, non vive nell'omonima regione dalla quale prende il nome scientifico[2].



Il maschio misura 90-100 cm di lunghezza, dei quali 50-60 spettanti alla coda, per un peso di 1700-2200 g. La femmina è leggermente più piccola: 90-95 cm di lunghezza, dei quali 45-55 spettanti alla coda, per un peso di 1500-1900 g[3].


In questo fagiano di grandi dimensioni, la sommità della testa è ricoperta da un cappuccio di piume vellutate nere. Da sotto il mento si diparte una larga fascia bianca che continua fino alle orecchie e ricopre una piccola parte della nuca dietro di esse. Le caruncole facciali e la pelle orbitale sono di colore rosso scarlatto. Il collo è nero con un riflesso purpureo che si fonde con il marrone del dorso e delle ali. La parte bassa del dorso, di colore binaco, delinea una transizione netta con il colore scuro di mantellina, ali e coda. La base della coda è di colore grigio argenteo, le altre piume sono marrone scuro. I giovani sono chiazzati di marrone e indossano la livrea degli adulti solo a partire dai cinque mesi. Il dimorfismo sessuale è pressoché inesistente: i due sessi sono quasi identici e si possono distinguere solo guardando gli speroni del maschio, che sono più grandi e a base rotonda. Quelli della femmina, al contrario, sono di dimensioni più modeste e di forma più oblunga alla base. Gli speroni iniziano a svilupparsi nei giovani intorno ai quattro mesi[4].


La specie effettua migrazioni altitudinali stagionali, scendendo verso altitudini più basse in inverno, quando le condizioni a quote più elevate diventano meno favorevoli o più dure[4].


La specie è principalmente vegetariana. Razzola sul terreno alla ricerca di tuberi e di radichette, ma mangia anche steli, foglie, gemme, frutti e semi, compresi i chicchi caduti dei cereali. Durante la stagione riproduttiva, consuma anche qualche insetto. La dieta è estremamente varia: nella riserva di Pangquanguo essa è costituita da almeno 54 specie di piante e 18 di animali. I fagiani orecchiuti bruni hanno bisogno di bere quotidianamente. È proprio per questo motivo che battono ogni giorno le stesse piste per raggiungere le rive dei corsi d'acqua[4].


Uovo di fagiano orecchiuto bruno.

La stagione riproduttiva inizia a metà marzo, quando le coppie si formano e salgono a quote più elevate per trovare un territorio adatto, dotato di risorse alimentari sufficienti e ben riparato che difendono da possibili intrusi. Il maschio è monogamo. La coppia costruisce il nido sul terreno, sotto un mucchio di rami di pino caduti, al riparo di una roccia o all'interno di un folto cespuglio. Il numero di uova per covata va da 4 a 20 (in media 8,82), deposte ai primi di aprile e covate dalla sola femmina per 26-27 giorni. Localmente, in alcune regioni, la deposizione ha luogo a metà maggio e il numero di uova è limitato a 7-9 (in media 7,75). In entrambi i casi, tuttavia, il tasso di successo riproduttivo è molto elevato e supera di gran lunga il 95%[4].

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale di questa specie sembra corrispondere a una fascia di foresta temperata composta da querce decidue e da conifere che si estende dalle montagne dello Shanxi alle montagne di Pechino e dell'Hebei settentrionale ad est e allo Shanxi centrale ad ovest. La maggior parte delle testimonianze conferma che frequenti altitudini comprese tra 1000 e 2600 metri, ma localmente, in certe regioni, si può trovare tra gli 800 e i 1700 m. La scelta dell'habitat varia a seconda delle stagioni. In primavera, vive (e nidifica) principalmente nelle foreste miste di conifere e latifoglie. In estate, occupa una grande varietà di habitat, sebbene la sua preferenza vada spesso alle foreste di sole conifere o alle boscaglie ai margini delle foreste. In autunno, fa ritorno in gran numero al suo habitat primaverile originario. Le foreste miste sembrano costituire l'habitat di riferimento per le stagioni intermedie. In inverno, forma grandi bande di varie decine di individui, talvolta più di cento, che scendono ad altitudini più moderate, dove rimangono localizzate nelle foreste di conifere e nelle boscaglie situate sui pendii meridionali esposti al sole.

Studi recenti hanno dimostrato variazioni locali nella densità di popolazione, apparentemente correlate all'altitudine e alla qualità dell'habitat. Pertanto, nella riserva di Pangquanguo, le densità più elevate si riscontrano a quote medio-basse, mentre sul Dongling Shan esse si incontrano invece a circa 2000 metri. La specie si adatta perfettamente alle foreste sfruttate, alle foreste secondarie o alle piantagioni artificiali, ma sembra che le densità di popolazione e le percentuali di successo della nidificazione siano significativamente più basse in questi habitat modificati dall'uomo rispetto alle foreste indisturbate[4].


Popolazioni frammentate composte da un esiguo numero di soggetti, deforestazione incontrollata, espansione demografica, caccia illegale e raccolta delle uova nonostante il governo cinese abbia proibito tale pratica, oltre ai numerosissimi predatori, contribuiscono al declino della specie ormai considerata come «vulnerabile» (Vulnerable) e ad alto rischio di estinzione nei luoghi di origine nell'immediato futuro. Tuttavia, almeno per il momento, nelle aree protette il loro numero sembra essersi stabilizzato nonostante i controlli siano resi estremamente difficoltosi dalla natura geologica dei luoghi dove abitualmente vivono, con popolazioni composte da pochi individui che risultano isolate tra loro e sparse su vastissime aree. Piccoli gruppi di fagiani orecchiuti bruni sono stati osservati anche nei pressi di Pechino, dove, fino a qualche anno fa, non erano mai stati presenti[1].


  1. ^ a b (EN) BirdLife International. 2016, Crossoptilon mantchuricum, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Phasianidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 13 maggio 2020.
  3. ^ Crossoptilon mantchuricum, su GBP - Global Birds Project. URL consultato il 13 maggio 2020.
  4. ^ a b c d e A. Hennache e M. Ottaviani, Monographie des faisans, vol. 2, Clères, Editions WPA France, p. 492.

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Crossoptilon mantchuricum: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il fagiano orecchiuto bruno (Crossoptilon mantchuricum Swinhoe, 1863) è una specie di uccello della famiglia dei Fasianidi originaria della Cina nord-orientale; contrariamente a quanto si potrebbe pensare, non vive nell'omonima regione dalla quale prende il nome scientifico.

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Bruine oorfazant ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De bruine oorfazant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) is een vogel uit de familie fazantachtigen (Phasianidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1863 door Swinhoe.


Deze vogel heeft een lichtbruin verenkleed en heeft een lengte van 105 cm. Hij heeft 22 pennen in de beige-witte staart met een bruinzwarte eindrand en een paarse glans.


De soort is endemisch in het noordoosten van China.[2] Hij leeft bij voorkeur tamelijk hoog in het gebergte.


Op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN heeft de soort de status kwetsbaar.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Het ABC voor de vogelliefhebber, (1977) Hollandia B.V. Baarn, ISBN 9060459814.
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Bruine oorfazant: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De bruine oorfazant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) is een vogel uit de familie fazantachtigen (Phasianidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1863 door Swinhoe.

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Uszak brunatny ( Polish )

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Uszak brunatny (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny kurowatych (Phasianidae). Występuje w północno-wschodnich Chinach. Narażony na wyginięcie.


Długość ciała 96–100 cm. Masa ciał 1650–2475 g u samców, 1450–2025 g u samic[3]. Upierzenie brunatne, biało-czarny ogon, czerwone obwódki wokół oczu. Cechą charakterystyczną są długie kępki białych piór po obu stronach głowy ptaka.

Tryb życia

Zasiedla górskie lasy mieszane, stwierdzany na wysokościach od 1100 do 2600 m n.p.m. Uszaki brunatne przebywają w grupach liczących od 10 do 30 osobników (poza sezonem lęgowym). Żerują głównie na pokarmie roślinnym, szukając korzeni, kłączy czy bulw[3].

Okres lęgowy trwa od kwietnia do czerwca. Prawdopodobnie są to ptaki monogamiczne. Gniazdują w lasach modrzewiowych i świerkowych. Gniazdo to wydrapany w ziemi dołek. Samica składa prawdopodobnie od 5 do 8 jaj, ale stwierdzano również zniesienia liczące od 4 do 20 jaj, a raz – 22. W niewoli po 26–27 dniach inkubacji wylęgają się pisklęta; dane dla dzikich ptaków nieznane[3].


  1. Crossoptilon mantchuricum, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Crossoptilon mantchuricum. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. a b c Steve Madge & Phil McGowan: Pheasants, Partridges, and Grouse. Princeton University Press, 2002, s. 314–315. ISBN 978-0-691-08908-9.
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Uszak brunatny: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Uszak brunatny (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny kurowatych (Phasianidae). Występuje w północno-wschodnich Chinach. Narażony na wyginięcie.

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Brun öronfasan ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Brun öronfasan[2] (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) är en hotad asiatisk hönsfågel i familjen fasanfåglar, endemisk för Kina.[3]

Utseende och läten

Brun öronfasan är en omisskännlig, stor brunvitfasan med en kroppslängd på 96-100 cm. Karakteristiskt är den tydliga vita kindtofsen som sträcker sig bakåt från näbbasen. Fjäderdräkten är huvudsakligen mörkbrun, med vitt på nedre delen av ryggen, övergump och övre stjärttäckare. Den långa vita stjärten har breda, mörka spetsar. Benen är röda, liksom en bar hudfläck i ansiktet. Honan är ofta något mindre och saknar sporrar på tarserna. Det hesa, högfrekventa lätet återges i engelsk litteratur som "trip-c-r-r-r-r-r-ah!", ökande i tonhöjd och volym.[1]

Utbredning och systematik

Brun öronfasan förekommer i nordöstra Kina, numera begränsad till spridda lokaler i Shaanxi (Yichuan, Huanglong och Hancheng), i västra Shanxi (Luya Shan and Luliang Shan) och bergstrakter i nordvästra Hebei. En population finns nära Beijing (Dongling Shan). Den behandlas som monotypisk, det vill säga att den inte delas in i några underarter.


Brun öronfasan häckar i barr- eller blandskogar i bergstrakter upp till 2600 meters höjd. Vintertid rör den sig till lägre regioner (som lägst 1100 meter över havet) till buskmarker vid skogsbryn på sydlänta sluttningar. Fågeln är huvudsakligen växtätare. Den tros ha ett monogamt häckningsbeteende och försvarar sitt revir mellan april och juni.[1][4]

Ägg av brun öronfasan.

Status och hot

Brun öronfasan tros ha en liten världspopulation på endast mellan 3300 och 11000 vuxna individer. I skyddade områden verkar populationen vara stabil, men i andra områden minskar beståndet möjligen kraftigt på grund av störningar och habitatförstörelse.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Birdlife International 2012 Crossoptilon mantchuricum Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2018) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2018-09-30
  3. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2016) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2016 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-08-11
  4. ^ McGowan, P.J.K. & Kirwan, G.M. (2018). Brown Eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum). I: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (red.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. (hämtad från https://www.hbw.com/node/53500 9 december 2018).

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Brun öronfasan: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Brun öronfasan (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) är en hotad asiatisk hönsfågel i familjen fasanfåglar, endemisk för Kina.

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Gà lôi tai nâu ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Crossoptilon mantchuricum là một loài chim trong họ Phasianidae.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2013). Crossoptilon mantchuricum. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Gà lôi tai nâu: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum

Crossoptilon mantchuricum là một loài chim trong họ Phasianidae.

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褐马鸡 ( Chinese )

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二名法 Crossoptilon mantchuricum
Swinhoe, 1863
Crossoptilon mantchuricum

褐马鸡學名Crossoptilon mantchuricum)是马鸡属中的一个种,它只分布在中国华北地区,在中国境内是除环颈雉外分布最北的一个种,是中国的特有种





褐马鸡: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum

褐马鸡(學名:Crossoptilon mantchuricum)是马鸡属中的一个种,它只分布在中国华北地区,在中国境内是除环颈雉外分布最北的一个种,是中国的特有种


ミミキジ ( Japanese )

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ミミキジ ミミキジ
ミミキジ Crossoptilon mantchuricum
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 VU.svgワシントン条約附属書I 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : キジ目 Galliformes : キジ科 Phasianidae : ミミキジ属 Crossoptilon : ミミキジ C. manchuricum 学名 Crossoptilon mantchuricum
Swinhoe, 1863 和名 ミミキジ 英名 Brown eared-pheasant
Crossoptilon mantchuricum

ミミキジ(耳雉、Crossoptilon mantchuricum)は、キジ目キジ科ミミキジ属に分類される鳥類。別名カケイカッショクカケイ















 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ミミキジに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにミミキジに関する情報があります。


  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』、講談社2000年、189頁。
  • 黒田長久、森岡弘之監修 『世界の動物 分類と飼育10-I (キジ目)』、東京動物園協会、1987年、110、176頁。


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ミミキジ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

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 src= Crossoptilon mantchuricum

ミミキジ(耳雉、Crossoptilon mantchuricum)は、キジ目キジ科ミミキジ属に分類される鳥類。別名カケイ、カッショクカケイ。

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