Description: English: Kokako feeding in a coprosma tree on Hauturu, Little Barrier Island, New Zealand. Date: 18 October 2009. Source: Own work. Author: Mosborne01.
Description: English: One of 14 Kokako (an endangered bird) that have been released in the Auckland Hunua Ranges. It is hoped that these birds will breed and increase the genetic diversity of the Hunua Kokako, which only number about 10 pairs. There are major recovery programmes in place in many parts of New Zealand, when you hear these birds calling in the bush it makes the effort worthwhile. Date: 31 August 2006, 14:42. Source: Kokako in a new home. Author: Mike Locke from Auckland, New Zealand.
Description: North Island Kōkako with an orange astelia berry in its beak. Date: 21 May 2020. Source: Own work. Author: Pseudopanax at English Wikipedia.
Description: Callaeas cinerea Original caption: "Glaucopis cinerea." English: Southth Island Kōkako Māori: Kōkako. Date: 1873. Source: Walter Lawry Buller (1838-1906): A History of the Birds of New Zealand 1st edition. 1873, between pages 152, 153. [1]. Author: Lithographic plate by Creator:John Gerrard Keulemans, Changes by User:Kersti Nebelsiek. Permission(Reusing this file): Out of copyright worldwide. Other versions: : This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: I singled one species out and replaced distracting elements and parts of other species with plants or other background elements. In many cases additional color correction. I release my work under the same license as the original work, therefore I want to be mentioned if the original artist is mentioned. The original can be viewed here: History of the birds of NZ 1st ed p152-2.jpg: . Modifications made by Kersti Nebelsiek..