The Pleurobranchidae are a taxonomic family of sea slugs, marine gastropod molluscs in the clade Pleurobranchomorpha.
Species in the family Pleurobranchidae have a prominent mantle and an internal shell that becomes reduced or is lost completely in adults.[3] Some adult species have been seen feeding on ascidians. Larval pleurobranchids can be planktotrophic (feeding on plankton), lecithotrophic (deriving nutrition from yolk), or direct developing.
Like all Pleurobranchomorpha, they breathe through an external gill, located on the right side (contrary to nudibranchs who have it on the back), just after the genital organ.
Many species produce secretions from their rich glandular mantle as a chemical defense against predators.[4] Even the production of sulfuric acid has been reported.[5]
Until 2005, this family was placed in the suborder Notaspidea. However, in the taxonomy of Bouchet & Rocroi (2005), the family Pleurobranchidae was placed in the superfamily Pleurobranchoidea, the only family belonging to the subclade Pleurobranchomorpha (sister to the subclade Nudibranchia), part of the clade Nudipleura.
The Pleurobranchidae are a taxonomic family of sea slugs, marine gastropod molluscs in the clade Pleurobranchomorpha.
Pleurobranchidae is una familia de molluscos de la clase Gastropoda.
Pleurobranchidae is una familia de molluscos de la clase Gastropoda.
Les Pleurobranchidae forment une famille de mollusques opisthobranches de l'ordre des Pleurobranchomorpha.
Selon World Register of Marine Species, prenant pour base la taxinomie de Bouchet & Rocroi (2005), on compte sept genres[1] :
Les Pleurobranchidae forment une famille de mollusques opisthobranches de l'ordre des Pleurobranchomorpha.
Pleurobranchidae Gray, 1827 è una famiglia di molluschi gasteropodi della superfamiglia Pleurobranchoidea.[1][2]
La famiglia comprende i seguenti generi:[2]
I generi Euselenops, Pleurobranchaea e Pleurobranchella, in passato inclusi in questa famiglia[3], sono stati segregati in una famiglia a sé stante (Pleurobranchaeidae)[4].
Pleurobranchidae Gray, 1827 è una famiglia di molluschi gasteropodi della superfamiglia Pleurobranchoidea.
Pleurobranchidae is een familie van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken).
Pleurobranchidae is een familie van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken).
侧鳃科(學名:Pleurobranchidae),亦作側鰓海牛科,是分類學上海蛞蝓的一個科、海洋腹足綱軟體動物側鰓類支序的成員。過往是背楯目之下的一個科[3],現時是裸側類支序的成員。 Species in the family Pleurobranchidae have a prominent mantle and an internal shell that becomes reduced or is lost completely in adults.[4] Some adult species have been seen feeding on ascidians. Larval pleurobranchids can be planktotrophic (feeding on plankton), lecithotrophic (deriving nutrition from yolk), or direct developing.
Many species produce secretions from their rich glandular mantle as a chemical defense against predators.[5] Even the production of sulfuric acid has been reported.[6]
Until 2005, this family was placed in the suborder Notaspidea. However, in the taxonomy of Bouchet & Rocroi (2005), the family Pleurobranchidae was placed in the superfamily Pleurobranchoidea, the only family belonging to the subclade Pleurobranchomorpha (sister to the subclade Nudibranchia), part of the clade Nudipleura.
無殼側鰓亞科(Pleurobranchaeinae)現時被提升為無殼側鰓科(Pleurobranchaeidae Pilsbry, 1896)。
侧鳃科(學名:Pleurobranchidae),亦作側鰓海牛科,是分類學上海蛞蝓的一個科、海洋腹足綱軟體動物側鰓類支序的成員。過往是背楯目之下的一個科,現時是裸側類支序的成員。 Species in the family Pleurobranchidae have a prominent mantle and an internal shell that becomes reduced or is lost completely in adults. Some adult species have been seen feeding on ascidians. Larval pleurobranchids can be planktotrophic (feeding on plankton), lecithotrophic (deriving nutrition from yolk), or direct developing.
Many species produce secretions from their rich glandular mantle as a chemical defense against predators. Even the production of sulfuric acid has been reported.
군소붙이과(Pleurobranchidae)는 바다 민달팽이 과의 하나이다. 해양 복족류 연체동물이다.
군소붙이과의 종들은 눈에 띠는 외투막, 그리고 성체가 되면 줄어들거나 사라지는 내부의 껍질을 지니고 있다.[4] 일부 다 자란 종들은 해초류를 먹이로 취한다. 유생 단계의 군소붙이류는 플랑크톤을 먹이로 하지만, 난황영향형(lecithotrophic, 난황(yolk)으로부터 영양을 공급받는) 유생 과정 또는 간접 발달 과정을 거치며, 많은 종들이 외부의 약탈자로부터 자신을 지키기 위한 화학 물질로써, 살진 분비선 외투막을 통해 분비액을 분비한다.[5] 심지어 일부 종은 황산을 분비한다고 보고되고 있다.[6]
최근까지 군소붙이과를 배순아목(Notaspidea)으로 분류했다. 그러나 2005년 부쉐와 로크루아의 복족류 분류는 군소붙이과를 나측류의 일부이며, 나새류의 자매군인 군소붙이류(Pleurobranchomorpha)에 속하는 유일한 상과인 군소붙이상과(Pleurobranchoidea)로 분류했다.
군소붙이과(Pleurobranchidae)는 바다 민달팽이 과의 하나이다. 해양 복족류 연체동물이다.
군소붙이과의 종들은 눈에 띠는 외투막, 그리고 성체가 되면 줄어들거나 사라지는 내부의 껍질을 지니고 있다. 일부 다 자란 종들은 해초류를 먹이로 취한다. 유생 단계의 군소붙이류는 플랑크톤을 먹이로 하지만, 난황영향형(lecithotrophic, 난황(yolk)으로부터 영양을 공급받는) 유생 과정 또는 간접 발달 과정을 거치며, 많은 종들이 외부의 약탈자로부터 자신을 지키기 위한 화학 물질로써, 살진 분비선 외투막을 통해 분비액을 분비한다. 심지어 일부 종은 황산을 분비한다고 보고되고 있다.