巴比倫捲管螺(学名:Turris babylonia)是一個海螺的物種,一種屬於新腹足類支序的捲管螺科捲管螺屬的海洋腹足綱軟體動物[1][2][3][4]。
The size of an adult shell varies between 63 mm and 100 mm. [7] The shell shows somewhat angular whorls, caused by the greater prominence of one of the revolving ribs. Its sculpture shows large revolving ribs, with intermediate raised lines. The color of the shell is whitish, with large dark brown or nearly black spots upon the ribs. [11]
Embryos of Turris babylonia develop into free-swimming planktonic marine larvae (trocophore) and later into juvenile veligers. Adults feed on marine worms chased by means of their venom, similarly to the cone snails. [9][10]